It's a ghost story-he never dies.
2007-05-22 07:51:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
He grew up at the bottom of Crystal Lake with Nemo and a bunch of mermaids. They drove him NUTS! The only way he could leave and come back up to 'land' was to agree to kill teenagers who were having sex (or just thinking about having it!)! He gave his word to The Crypt Keeper, when the Keeper was on a scuba expedition, taking a break from filming 'Tales From The Crypt'. Jason promises the Krypt Keeper to kill as many teens per sequel as possible and he would be able to live 'outside' of Crystal Lake and never have to listen to Nemo's whining or the mermaids babbling again! That's also the reason when we first see Jason as an adult in Part 2, he has a pillowcase over his head. They had to cover him up so he wouldn't know the way in or out of the Crystal Lake Black Hole. But, this one mermaid (a 'little' one) cut a hole in the pillowcase so Jason could breathe, as well as see just a little. ;-) Now, explain how at the begining of Part 2, how does Jason get to that other town to kill the counselor left over from Part One? Did he drive there? And if so, who taught him how to drive? Was it the same person that taught Michael Myers how to drive at Smithsgrove Sanitarium? Hmmmmmmmmmm.... Who IS this person who teaches slashers how to drive?
2007-05-22 15:18:12
answer #2
answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7
Perhaps Jason did survive the drowning and managed to become a full grown man ...
2007-05-22 14:56:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Man, that is a good point. I guess either the writer forgot to add that in or his ghost grew up or something.
2007-05-22 15:02:33
answer #4
answered by Lex_Master14 2
Because they never meant to make a sequel to part one! When they saw how much people liked it, they decided on a sequel! Since his mom was dead, they decided to bring him back! They probably didn't think anyone would care to ask how did he grow up, so they never explained it!
2007-05-23 04:35:14
answer #5
answered by reggie!! 3
Like Japanese horror movies...when a person dies in a bad way...their spirit lingers...unable to rest..since he drowned as a kid...his spirit kept his body from rotting.Also...he was treated badly by punk kids who didn't he came back from the get revenge.
2007-05-22 15:26:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
That is a good question, never thought about it but I too would like to know......
2007-05-22 15:09:10
answer #7
answered by footballady06 3
good question..i'd guess it's all that evil magic/force thing going on.
2007-05-22 14:49:03
answer #8
answered by liz 4