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Im not debating the fact one way or the other just want to know what makes a successful housewife.

2007-05-22 07:25:34 · 42 answers · asked by Jujeaux 6 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

42 answers

providing a sound family home life.

2007-05-22 07:29:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There is no job on this earth that is as important as raising children to be good people. A good housewife has to be a great juggler, have the patience of Job, nurture and teach her children and be a supportive wife all while keeping a clean house, taking care of all the errands, making family plans, etc., etc., etc.Then she's supposed to be a vixen in the bedroom at night. Who would have the energy after a day like that. Housewives are very hard workers and don't get enough credit or praise for what they do.

2007-05-22 07:31:26 · answer #2 · answered by vanhammer 7 · 4 0

Well right now, I am a housewife. I am in the process of getting my G.E.D - so I do not work right now. My husband is a roofer, and he has pretty long, hard days. He says I do a wonderful job because:
-When I wake him up to get ready for work in the morning, coffee and breakfast is ready for him at the table.
-His clothes, a face cloth and a towel are laid out in the bathroom, before he takes a shower at night, and in the morning.
-While he is at work, I am at home, cleaning, getting the laundry done, making sure everything is the way it should be.
-Dinner is ready by 5:30, and if it's done before he gets home, I keep it in the oven so it stays hot for him for when he arrives. I do not eat dinner without him.
-I keep everything organized, and we have a white board on the fridge, that says what bills need to be paid when, and how much.
-We have been trying to concieve since last November, so things in the bedroom are also important when the day is starting to wind down!
-Also, he is proud of me because I keep up with everything at the house, while trying to do school work.
-The only thing he doesn't know I do is, after I'm done doing what I have to do, I sit around on Yahoo!Answers answering questions like this until he gets home!! Shhh... don't tell!! Haha..

Hope this helps you!

2007-05-22 07:42:43 · answer #3 · answered by jesa ? 3 · 1 0

What do you mean-if we believe being a housewife is a job.....?
Sis had the right answer and media articles this past week including the Internet, figured all that she does,i.e. cleans,chauffeurs,doctoring,etc,etc,etc, her actual payment for a multitude of services would come to-are you ready to this,men, over $136,000 annually-figure that up for the 18 years of raising a child or even several! Curls your toes doesn't it. Yet we don't receive a cent and if hubby doles out some money for groceries (for the entire family and not as something for her to spend on herself)-he acts pained to the extreme.

So to answer your question, everything skill is vitally important.
Can I hear an "amen" ladies? thank you

2007-05-30 07:07:34 · answer #4 · answered by marlynembrindle 5 · 0 0

With ANY job....... it is organization. Running a working household is like running a business. If something falls through the cracks..... everything can break down. Time management is important! Think of all of the pick ups and drop offs for kids....... and groceries and cooking and laundry and meeting the plumber and the cable guy and mowing the grass and ARGHHHHHH....... I take it back. It's worse than a business. You can't delegate. You have to do! Therefore, organization and time are of the utmost importance. I can't tell you how much I respect housewives. I know that I work full time and still have to do all of this stuff and I can't come close to getting it all done. I just say to heck with it. The fact that they don't give up and keep on going day after day..... week after week is more than admirable!! Gotta have organization!

2007-05-24 11:44:32 · answer #5 · answered by Marianne not Ginger™ 7 · 1 1

I have done both...
I would much rather have a full time job then sitting at home jumping up every 5 minutes running to people. It's just mentally stressful. I mean being stuck in the house for 2 years with a newborn and a year old isn't the easiest thing in the world...
So much for making it work...
Just do the best you can if you have small children. It works out in the wash as time goes by

2007-05-22 08:29:06 · answer #6 · answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7 · 1 0

No its not a job, but some one has to do it. I think if you stay home with your kids all day you are SO lucky to be able to do that. I have to work and send my 7 month old off to day care in someone else's hands, its so hard! I think what makes a good housewife is dinner ont he table, spotless house, and lots of time shopping. it must be nice! :) Hope I helped

2007-05-22 07:32:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Raising happy well-rounded kids is my #1 job. They are learning how to get along in the world and it's my job to teach them how to be responsible little people. It's their job to do the best they can, and it's my job to see that they are prepared for adulthood when they leave home. And they are leaving home, trust me!

Before kids I just made sure to have the house clean, laundry was done and dinner on the table at 6pm. Those were the good old days before diapers, colic, immunizations and projectile vomiting LOL

2007-05-30 04:23:46 · answer #8 · answered by wwhrd 7 · 0 0

Well you gotta be able to look after the house as the name suggests and you also gotta be a wife. So clean the house and do jobs like fixing stuff that needs fixed etc. And also being a good wife. You can decide what being a good wife is.

2007-05-22 07:29:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2007-05-22 07:28:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0


2007-05-29 13:01:32 · answer #11 · answered by oh_my 3 · 0 0

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