That's about as lame as it can get.
2007-05-22 07:14:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
i got 3 violations in two days!! on for asking "can you tell me why i should give you ten points?" one for a similar question but phrased dif, and one for putting the word fishcake as an answer on some kids maths question when he was plainly just trying to get someone to dohis homework for him!! and not 5 minutes ago i read a question from a supposed 13 yr old girl about whether its normal for a guy to spit in her face when she's giving them a bj!!!!! and another asking if anyone had ever had a gangbang!!!! what the hell is going on at yahoo?????? underage sex = good question but silly question or answer = minust ten points!!!! this sucks!!!
2007-05-22 07:24:03
answer #2
answered by monkeynuts2006 4
That's lame alright.
You have probably attracted a "hater" or "troll" of some kind.
I recently completed a survey for Yahoo!Answers telling them the Abuse Reporting process needs to be corrected. I hope they are listening.
2007-05-22 07:17:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I KNOW!!!!!! I keep getting these lame violations for nothing! I asked a question "come away with me" and some stupid bastard reported it! That IS THE LYRICS TO A BLOODY SONG FOR CRYING OUT FRIKING LOUD!!!!!!! While other people talk about a bunch if nasty things like their penis and wild sex HOW COME THE MOST INNOCENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GET DELETED???? Y!A SUCKS SOMETIMES!!!!!
2007-05-22 07:16:27
answer #4
answered by Daughter of a Coma Guy 7
I think the yamsters re just picking questions out of the barrel to violate just to keep looking busy
2007-05-22 07:16:21
answer #5
answered by Dylanne 6
yes that is lame for getting a violations that is wrong you should never got violation for that.
2007-05-22 07:16:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
aww, I'm sorry. That is a lame violation. Would a star cheer you up?
2007-05-22 07:14:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
thats pretty lame sue the one that put that violation on u
2007-05-22 07:17:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That is lame. taco Bell
2007-05-22 07:17:19
answer #9
answered by BEAR 4
I just got a violation also. They deleted my question. They are getting awfully picky.
2007-05-22 07:14:51
answer #10
answered by truckgirlnr 5