At the worst times? Girls, you can probably relate more. Why does it always seem you start to cry when there are tons of people around and you can't stop? Here I am at work today all upset and there is a meeting right behind me and lots of people keep asking what is wrong and it makes it worse!
33 answers
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Ok thanks I'd like to add I am not spoiled and am upset about my mother. Thanks for being so sincere everyone...I hope something like this happens to you one day.
07:08:33 ·
update #1
Also no PMS here, and no this doesn't happen often so no need for therapy. Just a bad day and was looking for some people to be nice and make me smile...thanks for those of you that did.
07:19:09 ·
update #2
I will give you a serious answer, not like the other clowns who posted here.
The question is: why are you crying? Are you angry, frustrated, sad, etc? I often cry when I am angry, and yes, it is embarassing. You need to first get at the root of your tears.
Next, if it is sadness or depression, please consider finding a therapist to work on this. It may be just a simple need to get talk to a professional or get on medication that will stabilize your moods.
Also, could it be that you just don't like your job? Is there too much stress? Maybe you should consider another type of career field.
Lastly, some of us are senstive types. Try not to personalize things. There is nothing wrong with crying, and we all need a good cry sometimes. Try to go to the ladies room, in a stall, and cry it all out of your system. If you do opt for therapy consider doing CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This involves turning around negative thoughts and making them positive, increasing your self esteem.
I hope this helps and wish you all the best.
2007-05-22 07:13:25
answer #1
answered by Ruth 2
Sorry you are so upset. What has you this upset? Is it just pms? Take some pms pills, fast! Take a quick trip to the restroom. Cry your eyes out, wash your face and then maybe you will be ready to get back to your day.
Hope you get better, fast!
2007-05-22 07:09:23
answer #2
answered by Mee-Maw 5
Honey you just need to get a prescription so that you can get yourself together. There is nothing wrong. Just go and talk with a doctor, remain strong in your beliefs and you'll be fine. Now go blow your nose, dry your eyes and look in the mirror at yourself and say "I'm the bomb and the rest of you heffas are merely firecrackers!" YEAH LOL! Now don't you feel better?
2007-05-22 07:07:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Its harder to hold it in when other people are around because thats emotional strain on top of the way you are already feeling. Don't bottle it up, its best to let it out, the longer you hold it in the worse it will be. Never apologise for being honest with your emotions :)
2007-05-22 07:08:23
answer #4
answered by Marilyn's Sister 3
I am a guy, but I can kind of relate, cuz I have 7 sisters. I feel really sorry for you, and hope you feel better!!
2007-05-22 08:32:25
answer #5
answered by Taddster 4
Maybe it's because subconsciously, you want more people to know that you're upset. It will truly put importance on the reason you're upset or make you feel like people are empathizing with you.
2007-05-22 07:10:19
answer #6
answered by Get Smart™ 6
That's when you excuse yourself and hide in the bathroom stall until the moment passes. Hope your day gets better
2007-05-22 07:06:53
answer #7
answered by Kristal E 6
I don't know, but maybe you just have alot of pent up frustration and need a sexual release....I'm not volunteering, but I'm sure you won't have a problem finding a willing partner!
2007-05-22 12:40:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I totally daughter says its because "your cup is full "we as woman take on so much that we don't get time to release and empty our cup ..God wants to fill our cup with the good things and take on our burdens and that's good for us ..know that it's ok to cry your just emptying your the cup in your heart...
2007-05-22 07:25:24
answer #9
answered by SAYURI 2
I am sorry to hear your troubles and might i suggest never looking for serious answers here. there are far too many question like yours that people ask in jest so you are going to get facetious answers
2007-05-22 07:13:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous