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I have been in love with this person since 7th grade and haven't seen this person since. Is there any magic or something I can do to make this person come to me?

Yes, the person is alive, I just haven't seen them in a LONG time.

2007-05-21 16:10:05 · 5 answers · asked by me 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

Also how do I make this person love me

2007-05-21 16:10:42 · update #1

Is there any kind of Mytholical practice that brings one closer to another?

2007-05-21 16:20:48 · update #2

But I can't even find the person and I miss the person alot. Is there magic for me to at least see this person again?

2007-05-21 16:47:21 · update #3

5 answers

Prepare to make advertisement on the classified ads of newspaper magazines for a help wanted man by you.

2007-05-21 16:15:20 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 0 3


Yes, there might be a way to make this person come to you. And there might also be a way to make the person love you. I have no idea. But that is what you seek? A rape? You don't "make" a person to love you my friend, you GAIN their love. Can you explain why your wish is better than "i want to make X person have sex with me and i don't care if he wants to".

You don't force people to love you. You have to earn that feeling. If you really love him/her as you say, forget spells and magic, go out and look for him/her. No magic is going to help you unless you help yourself.

2007-05-21 23:33:13 · answer #2 · answered by Foxmuldergr 1 · 0 2

Prepare to experience the magic of craigslist.

2007-05-22 01:17:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Easiest way: Cut your penis off, once you lose enough blood you'll start to hallucinate, and viola! There he is.

2007-05-22 15:40:39 · answer #4 · answered by ZeroAccuracy 1 · 0 0

Friends reunited are great for US and UK as well as EU,
searches for past friends!
You can't force them to love you, but try:
Just see them climb on you, she/he might fancy you!

2007-05-22 14:11:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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