he's even worse than Nixon.. scary thought, ain't it?
2007-05-21 14:38:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not at all; Carter was pretty bad, and so were others. You're just like every other ignorant person in the U.S.; you think he's the worst now, which everyone thinks at one point about any president, but he's not. I wonder what half of the people who hate Bush would do in his position. I wonder how those people would respond to the war in Iraq. I wonder how other people would feel when all their words were twisted so the people hated what you said. I'm not saying he's a great president, but he's my president. and no matter how wrong he may seem, I don't turn against my own President, who I always want to succeed. A bad American is someone who is hoping and waiting for Bush to fail. They can't even support their country properly because they whine and complain too much.
2007-05-22 09:21:33
answer #2
answered by Will 2
You must be to young to remember Jimmy Carter. Hostage held for over a year in an embassy in Iran. Oil embargo, gas lines and rationing. 14% home mortgage rates. Double digit inflation. He tried to micromange every aspect of his administration and the country and was a terrible President. To all the people who keep saying we invaded the wrong country I pose this question: Is the world better off with or with out Saddam Hussein and his agressive nature in the middle of region that contains most of the worlds oil supply? A man who ignored sanction after sanction impose by the UN who had no ability to actually enforce any of those sanctions when members of the security council were in fact involved in the OIl for Food Scandel. We have sent troops to regions for less lofty goals:Somalia, Faulkland Islands, Boznia for example but a few thousand deaths and we are ready to give up? Grow a backbone and support the troops and support the war unless you want terrorist operating in our borders killing your loved ones then maybe you will understand what we are dealing with. Former Vet who understands what the military is and what it takes to be a patriot.
2016-05-19 03:12:31
answer #3
answered by ? 3
No, President Harding was the worst. Bush would be #2. The only thing Bush has on Harding as far as awful presidency is concerned is the War. Harding came in after WWI and no one wanted anything having to do with war.
2007-05-21 14:04:56
answer #4
answered by krs14 3
Yes!!! The only reason he got into the Ivy League school is because his father was the president. Not like any of the road scholars, he failed all his classes except home ec. And he was a cheerleader in high school. I wouldn't like to see those pictures. He's by far the stupidest president!!
2007-05-21 14:39:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It told him the former president Jimmy Carter, prize Nobel of the peace of the year 2002. One must listen it, therefore I do not believe that to his age and experience of life this saying things by speaking. Besides we see the facts in the world environment. The world this better one now?
2007-05-21 14:13:39
answer #6
answered by CHARTIGER 2
It depends on what you mean by worst. Worst in intent,worst in results, Worst in legacy? We've had some pretty unethical president who were popular. We've had unpopular president who were very ethical. We've also had president who had terrible times but left the country better off then it was. Every president has been good in somethings and bad in others. Andrew Johnson to me was the worst for ethics, for his reversal of the gains made in reconstruction. Franklin Roosevelt was the worst for the legacy of Bureaucracy and judicial activism he created. Lincoln was the worst in results, for allowing the civil war to start, although his legacy and ethics made up for it.
2007-05-21 14:23:15
answer #7
answered by wisemancumth 5
I have to disagree with President Carter - Bush IS the worst in history.
2007-05-21 14:04:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Not even close, Carter maybe.
Were any of you who say Bush is the worst President ever even alive during the Carter Administration (History extends past your life-time you know don't you)? You could only buy gas certain days of the week. The U.S. Embassy in Iran was taken hostage. Mortgage rates were 20%, but if you were rich, you could get 18% interest in T-Bills. Carter brought back draft registration our position in the world was so bad and our military was in ruins. That is why Carter is talking the way he is, he is an old man and doesn't want his legacy to be what I describe, but it is fact.
2007-05-21 14:07:32
answer #9
answered by Yo it's Me 7
He is absolutely the worst president in US history. He inherited a booming economy and prospering populace. The economy is now tanking for all but the richest citizens, and more people are living in poverty than ever before. W also elected to get us into a war, by lying through his teeth, just to avenge his father's honor. He has run roughshod over all our Constitutional rights, made us the laughingstock of the civilized world, and made us the target for more terrorist attacks in the future.
2007-05-21 14:05:23
answer #10
answered by TXChristDem 4
Sad but true. He single-handedly made history (1) by how he was dubiously elected (2) led the US to invade another country and lied about the reasons and (3) took the country from a budget surplus to an historical deficit.
Even sadder is that a few people refuse to admit the truth.
2007-05-21 14:05:54
answer #11
answered by Anonymous