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US troops bayonet Iraqi babies, for oil?

I'm not making this up:

"You luv it when the bushbunch sticks a bayonette in a 3yo Iraqie babies head for sake of convience and stealing oil?" [sic, throughout]


How many people think this way? And why? Is it a joke? How did we go wrong in raising and educating people?

And doesn't everybody know that oil doesn't come from the skulls of infants?

2007-05-21 08:42:23 · 19 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

19 answers

Brainwashed people , read - Islamist Website Instructs Mujahideen in Using Popular U.S. Web Forums to Foster Anti-War Sentiment among Americans

In the past few months, Islamists engaged in "media jihad" have increased their efforts to expose as broad a Western audience as possible to their jihad films, which purport to document the growing success of the mujahideen in Iraq and Afghanistan. As part of this endeavor, they have posted jihad films on popular free video-sharing websites such as YouTube, LiveLeak, and Google Video, hoping that such films will tip public opinion in the West against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan - thus pressuring Western governments to withdraw their troops from these countries.

As part of the campaign to foster anti-war sentiment among Westerners, and more specifically among Americans, a member of the Al-Mohajroon Islamist website with the username Al-Wathiq Billah instructed mujahideen in how to infiltrate popular American forums and to use them to distribute jihad films and spread disinformation about the war.

The following are excerpts: [1]

"Raiding American Forums is Among the Most Important Means of Obtaining Victory in the Fierce Media War… and of Influencing the Views of the Weak-Minded American"

"There is no doubt, my brothers, that raiding American forums is among the most important means of obtaining victory in the fierce media war... and of influencing the views of the weak-minded American who pays his taxes so they will go to the infidel American army. This American is an idiot and does not [even] know where Iraq is... [It is therefore] mandatory for every electronic mujahid [to engage in this raiding]."

"It is better that you raid non-political forums such as music forums and trivia forums... which American people... favor... Define your target[ed forum]... and get to know it well... Post your contribution and do not get into... futile arguments..."

Indicate You Are an American

"Obviously, you have to register yourself using a purely American name... Choose an icon that indicates that you are an American, and place it next to your nickname [in the forum]."

"In my experience, the areas most visited in American forums... [are titled] 'Random Thoughts' and 'What's going on in your mind?'... [The former] takes priority in the American forums, and is highly popular. You should post your contribution there... This should include films of the mujahideen in Iraq, mujahideen publications in English, and images and films of the Americans' crimes, [such as] killing unarmed civilians in Iraq... etc."

"Invent Stories About American Soldiers You Have [Allegedly] Personally Known"

"Obviously, you should post your contribution... as an American... You should correspond with visitors to this forum, [bringing to their attention] the frustrating situation of their troops in Iraq... You should invent stories about American soldiers you have [allegedly] personally known (as classmates... or members in a club who played baseball and tennis with you) who were drafted to Iraq and then committed suicide while in service by hanging or shooting themselves..."

"Also, write using a sad tone, and tell them that you feel sorry for your [female] neighbor or co-worker who became addicted to alcohol or drugs... because her poor fiancé, a former soldier in Iraq, was paralyzed or [because] his legs were amputated... [Use any story] which will break their spirits, oh brave fighter for the sake of God..."

How to Make Americans Feel Frustrated With Their Government

"You should enter into debate or respond only if it is extremely necessary... Your concern should [only] be introducing topics which... will cause [them to feel] frustration and anger towards their government..., which will... render them hostile to Bush... and his Republican Party and make them feel they must vote ton bring the troops back from Iraq as soon as possible."

"Do not... discuss issues pertaining to Arabs or Muslims at all, whether negatively or positively... because this could be a trap for you... In addition, do not ask people to circulate the material [you have posted] in other forums... as these types of requests will expose you..."

see link - http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP150807

2007-05-21 08:46:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

I think we all want to end the war. To just pull out for the sake of doing so would be a mistake tho. The Iraqi people aren't prepared enough to defend themselves. Our pulling out may save American lives but not those of Iraqi civilians. Although you seem to have issues with this administration and President Bush, you have to ask yourself if you would have been comfortable enough to let the likes of Saddam kill hundreds of thousands of "his own people" and idly sit by in good conscience. You call the war illegal yet it was almost unanimously approved. They all had the same intelligence as the president. Whether it was right or wrong intel, we went to war and now we must finish it for the good of the Iraqi people and for the good of our country. We can't leave them hanging with all the terrorist organizations breathing down their necks waiting for us to leave so they can overpower them and turn the country into a terrorist state. I don't like war but I do see that sometimes it may be necessary to achieve peace in the world. I know you won't agree with me but I had to at least voice my opinion. I too wish for an end to this war but only if ending it doesn't make things worse.

2016-05-19 00:41:03 · answer #2 · answered by shawnna 3 · 0 0

My guess is that it comes from bad dental hygiene. This causes a rotten outlook on life and thus this kind of obscene statement.

Seriously; Everyone should remember that it is the Terrorists not the USA that has and continues to use children to conceal their terrorists activities. Kidnapping them and placing them in cars with bombs to hide their crimes. Blowing up schools for little girls (because girls should not go to school). Bombing the market place when they can kill the most innocents. Kidnapping and murdering children to drive out the parents. These are the people some here speak so highly of. They are the same type of person who could write the garbage of which you speak.

2007-05-21 08:55:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I feel that if some little kid is running up to my truck with a bomb strapped to his chest or a grenade in his hand, no matter how old he may be the little boy or girl is getting shot, sorry i that bothers you but that is the way i feel people don't just shoot children over there because they are stilling oil they mainly have legitimate reasons. And did you know that the women over there take their one month old baby's and stick bombs in their blankets take them to an American embassy and lay them in the middle then turn and run away, If the mother doesn't love her children enough to stay with them through their death(that they caused by the way) then I don't have very much sympathy for them!!!!!!

2007-05-21 08:53:41 · answer #4 · answered by honkytonk honey 2 · 2 0

I don't believe bayonettes are used in the modern American military. (Have you ever seen images from Iraq of coalition soldiers bearing rifles with fixed bayonets?)

I'd suspect the statement is metaphorical, and is intended to express the poster's deeply held belief that coalition military action in Iraq is part of a cunningly-orchestrated conspiracy designed to enrich US oil interests associated with the current President, and that said military action intentionally results in massive collateral damage.

No, I can't agree with that.

2007-05-21 08:52:00 · answer #5 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 1 1

Killing people's families is a very effective way to get them to let you do whatever you want.
Do I think the US had crippled a sovreign and progressive country for oil? I wouldn't put it past them. I don't think we'll ever know exactly what the motive behind this brilliant plan was, but oil sounds like as good of an excuse as any to me.

2007-05-21 08:47:17 · answer #6 · answered by Waiting and Wishing 6 · 1 3

I didn't bother going to the site you provided. All we do know is that there have been countless atrocities committed against the Iraqi people, all in the name of the United States.
It is sad but true. Even sadder is that we will probably never learn about them all.
And it is probably best that we don't.
But saddest of all, is that someone(s) down the line will have to pay.

Enough said.

2007-05-21 08:49:14 · answer #7 · answered by rare2findd 6 · 1 3

NO< this is one of these trolls from Al Qa'ida
terrorist organization trying to stir up trouble between the American population!!

2007-05-21 08:46:29 · answer #8 · answered by Vagabond5879 7 · 4 1

Who would, the person can't even spell. I'd advise him to educate himself with basic fundamentals first like english and math before trying to educate others of his uninformed opinions.

2007-05-21 08:46:19 · answer #9 · answered by Serpico7 5 · 3 2

It's a metaphor. In reality many Iraqi children have died as a result of direct US action ordered by president Bush. Many recieved serious head injuries.

Also it is not at all clear why we invaded. Without a straight answer as to why we really invaded, It's not a stretch to say that those kids may have died for US oil interests.

2007-05-21 08:46:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

We, or should I say THEY took God out of our schools .

Lord help us all .

EDIT* - BTW, secret agent man above me ^^ has just now been REMOVED from my contacts. . . whoever he is . Kinda funny how he has chosen to cloak his avatar similar to the idiot hoods I see on Hezbollah and Hamas !!

2007-05-21 08:49:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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