I'm under 30, and there are more of us out there than you think :)
2007-05-20 17:36:14
answer #1
answered by Angel 2
Excellent question! I don't know of a specific study that has been done. I do know that I see a lot more women riding today than when I started riding about 12 years ago. This is obviously a growing market segment within the biking industry.
As for the Harley riders, seems that both the men and women are older. Probably has something to do with the bikes costing $20k or more.
2007-05-20 21:36:56
answer #2
answered by bikerchickjill 5
I did a search on this a little less than a year ago for the benefit of my GF who rides her own.
The stats vary greatly from state to state, the warmer( year round riding states) boast upwards of 20% of riders being women. They did not specify age.The cooler states with a shorter riding season ,were as low as 5%.
I live in So Cal. and I ride Nevada and Arizona quite often, In my opinion 20% is a bit exaggerated but 15+% is believable.
I had also run across some numbers indicating 8-10% of new bike sales were to women,but (women over 40).
I don't have the time or inclination to retrace the search I did previously, but in round numbers this is what I have found.
2007-05-20 18:45:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When you say under thirty it sounds more like you are trying to pick up on bike riding chicks than find stats on them.
You are right women usually do not get their own bikes until after 30. I am sure it has something to do with having kids and when you are young none of your other girl friends have bikes so you don't think much about it.
2007-05-20 17:15:00
answer #4
answered by Molliemae 4
Interesting question... I have been riding for 19 years (since I got my driver's license) and I'm on my 5th bike (all "rice rockets") and currently own a 2005 Honda CBR 600RR. But no, there isn't much info/stats regarding female riders (not passengers).
2007-05-20 18:32:24
answer #5
answered by kbouti2 1
It's about 1 and every 6, that's from cycle world. That is up from 1 out 10 back in the 80's.
2007-05-21 00:06:52
answer #6
answered by ama125mx 3
88% of Harley riding females are fat, but only 37% of female passengers on Harleys are hotties.
69% of female Harley riders, no matter what seat they are in, still fall for the Loud Pipes Save Lives crap, think that fringe is protective, and refuse to wear a helmet becaues it "blocks their peripheral vision" (apparently Harley riders have lost the ability to turn their heads).
On the flipside, 91% of female sportbike riders are hotties, not fatties. And 76% of all statistics are made up.
2007-05-21 02:11:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure of the stats but I know there are more and more female riders I ride and also in my area there are several female groups that also ride. they are stepping up and taking over.........
2007-05-22 00:36:22
answer #8
answered by ? 2
nicely, it would not immediately advise a date optimal to romantic opportunities. yet it may not be some distance from maximum men minds. To me, it style of feels the thank you to have interplay with a woman over some shared hobbies. sort of a date to confirm if a DATE sounds like a life like option. on the different hand, if the guy says it with a leer and in keeping with risk a crazed tone of voice, it may advise something else completely!
2016-10-05 11:19:23
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Hi! i dont no the stats but where i am there are a few, at the moment i'v got me own one and am on me L's
2007-05-20 17:13:39
answer #10
answered by Vixen19 2
I;m not sure what the stats are, but I would totally get a motorcycle.
2007-05-20 17:11:08
answer #11
answered by Moethedog 3