Guys the hate filled lies that these guys tell are our biggest advantage. Sure- they have thier supporters - but these are hardly people who would vote Dem if Rush went away.
Instead they show the nasty nature of the extreme right - let Rush, Ann and Sean continue to disgust people and send voters our way.
2007-05-20 17:09:24
answer #1
answered by Sageandscholar 7
THIS is a brilliant and well thought out question and not to mention so appropriate for demonstating the quality of intelligence that some people on the left possess. It's awesome! Thank you for asking this. To answer your question, in almost every setting there are located within a short distance things called fire extinguishers. I suspect most people would use one in this circumstance.
2016-05-22 15:52:52
answer #2
answered by nadia 2
Didn't you just get way with calling Rush a bunch of names? I don't much are for Rush, although being a hard *** conservative I have to agree with what he is saying most of the time. It is a shame that we no longer can conduct our discussions with decorum, but the advent of Hip Hop and Shock Jocks, nothing seems to be off limits.
A return to good taste is long over due, but until we re-learn good manners, it isn't fair to allow one group the right to be vulgar and course, and deny the other guy the same right.
2007-05-20 16:59:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am certainly not a fan of Rush and his merry band of Ditto Heads, but I am not about to support the squelching of free speech.
2007-05-22 03:02:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As much as i dislike him no i'm completely against censorship of any kind though i believe people should understand the quote by Lincoln; "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open ones mouth and remove all doubt."
2007-05-20 16:54:43
answer #5
answered by UriK 5
Rush has a right to speak his mind. If the (private)company that he works for doesn't like it, they should be able to fire him. Same rules all Americans live under.
2007-05-20 17:28:07
answer #6
answered by dreadneck 4
Isn't is up to he radio stations to fire him? I believe that is a business decision, and as long as people are still listening and sponsers are still sponsering, then he should stay in his job. That is what is great about a free market. If you really do not want rush limbaugh on the air, then don't listen to him. If enough people don't listen to Rush, then he will be fired.
2007-05-20 16:57:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Oh goody!! A petition and a poll. Sign me up for this one. Twice!! Can we go after Bill O'Reilly next?
2007-05-20 20:04:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Every democrat in the party..that's WHO . Isn't it funny that although there's 50 liberals in main-stream media for every conservative radio show host..spewing one-sided propaganda for decades ..all of a sudden ..liberals in office fear a handful of conservative hosts so much - they are speeding up the effort to silence a few-next to a mountain of liberals who blast propaganda 24/7 Dan Rather was exposed for doing before the 2004 election .
What's shocking the news leaking out that these democrats in office have managed to hide - with help from the main-stream bias liberal media . This is STILL a FREE country..DESPITE Hillary Clinton's famous remark ; "WE HAVE TOO MUCH FREE SPEECH "... When communism is trying to take over a country ..they take away your right to bear arms ..and your free speech . We're keeping ours . FORGET ABOUT IT .
2007-05-20 16:58:08
answer #9
answered by missmayzie 7
I don't believe in censorship. But at the rate he is going, he'll be his own demise. Not only has he become more hateful but he's getting more raunchy. Anyone who follows that idiot and thinks he's intelligent must have sh*t for brains. Let them all freely rot in their idiocy.
2007-05-20 17:19:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous