Talk about anti-religion read some of the repub answers. Not only are they anti-religion but they are anti-religious.
I am very religious. A lot of us Christians do not thump our bibles and use our religion for political means. Those that do are trying to prove something to other people, certainly not to God. .
2007-05-20 16:15:42
answer #1
answered by lcmcpa 7
They aren't anti-religion. There's as many Christian Democrats as there are Christian Republicans. The difference is that the Democrats are wise enough to know that legislating their religion is a very unAmerican thing to do. They understand that religion is a private matter. They also understand that people of all religions share this land with us and are just as American as they are. They actually understand the concept of separation of church and state.
2007-05-21 00:13:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They are not! The democratic party may have a bunch of problems, but it is not their practice to be anti religion.
2007-05-24 13:39:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You're confusing freedom from religious persecution with "anti-religion".
Throughout history, what institution is responsible for more war, death and destruction than any other ?
(Believe it or not, it's not the Bush administration...shocker)
In spite of the best efforts on unAmerican Republicans (redundant)
the people of the United States of America are still free to worship according to their own religious or spiritual beliefs, including choosing no religion at all if they wish.
Democrats aren't "anti-religion"...However, Republicans are against freedom of religious preference and freedom from religious persecution.
But y'all know that...
you just don't care for the Constitution
so you word play your faults into being the faults of those actually adhering to our form of government.
Republicans hate freedom
2007-05-20 21:07:43
answer #4
answered by Peace Warrior 4
Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell
The priorities of the religious right are in fact more cultural than religious. Take this lobby’s strong support of capital punishment. It received supporting arguments from religion, but it is grounded in patterns of social control that includes racist lynching and vigilantism. It is deeply cultural, coming from a long tradition of southern militarism and frontier justice.
The religious right, to the extent that it is political, is merely a creature of the political right itself rather than a movement that gave rise to the right. As an appendage and supplicant, it has been used and abused by the political right wing in its quest for power. For all the ballyhoo over its alleged power, most evident in Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition or Jerry Falwell’s earlier Moral Majority, such campaigns have been confined to those issues on which it already finds consensus with the larger secular conservative movement, such as its opposition to gay rights.
A better question might be: Why is the Republicans so religious? And what is thier true agenda?
2007-05-20 20:58:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think you would need to point to specific policies that are anti-religion and not make general statements to generate any real answers. Most people truely do not understand the importance of separating church and state. Separation in no way means that church/faith is not important. It just means that public policy should be based on the constitution and laws and not on any particular religious tenent.
2007-05-20 20:58:18
answer #6
answered by Michael 2
Everyone is free to choose their own religion in this country - and should not be imposed upon by religions, especially not in public/government locations.
It is the same reason there is a "No Call" list. Just apply that towards religious expression.
2007-05-20 20:59:02
answer #7
answered by Christopher B 6
Religion is a bad thing was used to enslave people in the past so assumed all political groups liked it. I have learned something new am a Welsh pirate so not up on American partys
2007-05-20 20:57:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The answer from Michael is the best, All my respect to you Michael!
This guy hit it right on the head!!
Everyone needs to vote this guys answer the BEST!
2007-05-20 21:16:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wanting gays to be allowed to Marry and wanting women to have a choice is not Anti-religion....
It may be your IDEA of religion... but it is not religion.
I know plenty of Christian Democrats...
I know an atheist Republican too...
Why are you so anti-accepting?
2007-05-20 20:57:07
answer #10
answered by rabble rouser 6