Adhering to the English language I would say; wonder, marvel, prodigy, impossibility, phenomenon, or divine intervention. Divine would be an interesting name I have yet to hear used.
2007-05-21 04:23:12
answer #1
answered by Don,The 5
Alazne Spanish Miracle F
Marveille French Miracle F
Marvel French Miracle F
Marvella French Miracle F
Marvelle French Miracle F
Milagritos Spanish Miracle F
Milagros Spanish Miracle F
Milagrosa Spanish Miracle F
Mirari Spanish Miracle F
Mireille French Miracle F
These are all girl names........ I've looked and I couldn't find any boy names are you having a little girl?
congrats A child is a miracle
And of course GOOD LUCK!!!!<3
2007-05-20 19:17:10
answer #2
answered by comfortably confused 2
Alazne Spanish Miracle F
Marveille French Miracle F
Marvel French Miracle F
Marvella French Miracle F
Marvelle French Miracle F
Milagritos Spanish Miracle F
Milagros Spanish Miracle F
Milagrosa Spanish Miracle F
Mirari Spanish Miracle F
Mireille French Miracle F
Mireya Spanish Miracle F
2007-05-20 19:14:24
answer #3
answered by shetaz5360 3
MILAGRA Miracle Spanish Female
MILAGRO Miracle Spanish Male
MILAGROS Miracles Spanish Female
MIRARI Miracle Portuguese Female
BARKE Blessings African Male
BRACHA A Blessing Hebrew Female
BREINDEL Blessing Hebrew Either
CHINUA God's own blessing African Male
CHINUE God's Own Blessing African Female
KEIKO Blessing Japanese Female
MUGISA Blessing African Either
PHUC Blessing Vietnamese Male
PHUOC Blessing Vietnamese Male
RAIN bundant Blessings from Above American Either
Here are just a few, but there are tons of different word variations.
2007-05-20 19:15:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Just go for it and name the child "Miracle"...... There was a girl in my class once named "America" and look at Gwenyth Paltrow named her child "Apple"...And Cher named her boy "Elijah Blue"... do what you want.. The kids with the different names get the most attention anyway.
2007-05-20 19:14:47
answer #5
answered by Lea 4
If Gwyneth Paltrow can name her child Apple and Courtney Cox can name her child CoCo, I think you could name your child Miracle and it is way more beautiful than the other two names, which to me aren't names. One's a fruit and the other is a poodle's name.
2007-05-20 19:21:29
answer #6
answered by Sr. Mary Holywater 6
In Spanish, they use the name Milagros (miracles) for girls a lot. It is NOT milagro (singular) or milagras as someone else suggested. I love the name Milagros.
2007-05-20 20:07:38
answer #7
answered by carinyosa99 3
2007-05-20 19:11:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Ava Breath of Life and Aurora means dawn (my name is Auroarah)
2007-05-20 19:18:52
answer #9
answered by Ashley*Tisdale*rox* 1
I imagine there is one I don't know but a friend of mine who had a baby girl after several miscarriages named her daughter Amir and dropped the "acle" off the words.
2007-05-20 19:13:23
answer #10
answered by Jess 7