Yeah...That and his quadruple bypass, diabetes medication and care, eventual leg amputations, and gastric bypass surgery. Unfortunately, we haven't developed a personality transplant, but if we ever do, I hope he is on that list, too.
2007-05-20 08:03:10
answer #1
answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7
Probably because 47 million Americans have no health insurance. Who do you think is going to pay now for them? It costs us millions, not only in time lost and people dying for care here, but we are 17th in infant mortality. US, not some third world country! Does that make you proud???
Why are we the only industrialized country without health insurance?
Its easy to make fun of Moore, and he is confrontational, but hes also making us uncomfortable by showing how things are. The health care system needs changing , not some silly, dismissive comment about one mans physical problem.
It could be any of us, a job away, a paycheck away, from no coverage for a husband or daughter or wife. Its not funny, its scary, it must be addressed with seriousness of purpose.
2007-05-20 08:01:48
answer #2
answered by justa 7
I think Michael Moore owns stock in the Healthcare industry.
2007-05-20 08:07:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
To me he's nothing more than a con man with a camera, cashing in on the misfortunes of others. One has to wonder if he actually cares about the subjects of his films.
I still believe that health is a personal responsibility, and am not willing to hand that responsibility over to the government.
2007-05-20 08:17:30
answer #4
answered by Mike W 7
Only complete IDIOTS would be against having our tax dollars go to our own health care rather than to only our politicians health care and the poor. But I guess you'd rather have our tax dollars wasted on pork and giving Bush, Hillary, Kerry, Giuliani, and other talking heads the best tax payer funded health care package in the world!!!
2007-05-20 07:58:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You sound like you have real issues with Michael Moore.
2007-05-20 07:58:48
answer #6
answered by flushles 3
He doesn't need surgery, he's going to use a "bro" like from Seinfeld.. : )
But actually, I hope his movie is fair and gets the problems with our present healthcare system out to people who don't know much about it.
2007-05-20 07:59:24
answer #7
answered by Frank 6
What do you have against Health care reform? We all know health-care sucks as it is. Regardless of who exposes it for what it is, it needs to be addressed.
If the Senators can vote themselves a $15,000 per month taxpayer funded retirement for life, why can't they vote for some health care reform too?
2007-05-20 08:12:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
A better question would probably be: "Why is Michael Moore still a producer? Shouldn't he have been run out of the country by now?" or perhaps "Why is Hollywood even funding Michael Moore?".
2007-05-20 08:00:32
answer #9
answered by Gunther 1
Because moore and his ilk are socialists and believe government should control everything. They don't believe in the individual and have no faith in there fellow man or country.
2007-05-20 07:57:13
answer #10
answered by mikeb721 4