If you are asking what do we feel about the late Enoch Powell then in his time, he spoke how he felt, he believed in what he said, unlike today`s Politicians who try & pull the wool over our eyes.
2007-05-20 06:35:28
answer #1
answered by edison 5
Enoch Powell was no racist its a myth peddled by the brainless left who can't accept any opinion other then there own . He predicted the change in the cultural landscape because of immigration and he was right and also the effects of membership of what is now the EU. It sad how supposed intelligent critics turn to name calling and slander when faced with facts they don't like. They have been riots and ghettos and Islamic extremists and our sovereignty is been given away to Brussels he was right it is time the left grew up and admitted it . We need a counter revolution to get our country back for the sake of our children's future.
2007-05-21 01:44:18
answer #2
answered by jack lewis 6
Yes Enoch Powell was a great Politician, in the 1960`s and 70`s he warned against the massive influx of immigrants and what they would do to the country.
One Politician that said it like it was and He was right look at the trouble within the counrty now.
We`ve had race riots , suicide bombers etc.
It`s a shame that after his Death Politicians ,media and the PC brigade branded him a racist.
They`d never have said it to his face, they wouldn`t have have the guts.
2007-05-20 06:42:07
answer #3
answered by Jacqueline M 3
Not a great person but an honest & brave one.Just because he tried in vain to warn us about the problems our country was facing, that does not make him a racist. His Rivers of Blood speech has already come true, remember the recent London bombings & that is just a taste of things to come. By the way, you have mis- spelt racist.
2007-05-20 09:53:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A lot of what Enoch Powell said has come true. Shame no-one listened at the time.
2007-05-20 06:37:29
answer #5
answered by Del Piero 10 7
Enoch Powel was a realist & the greatest leader this country never had..if only people had listened
2007-05-20 06:36:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Enoch spelt Eunoch was a racist. This question is just like being too round about
2007-05-20 10:13:54
answer #7
answered by K. Marx iii 5
He said "Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad" referring to mass immigration
Most people today know he was right, excluding those about whom we can say:
"There are non so blind as those who will not see"
2007-05-21 06:45:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't know about great but he knew what he was talking about unlike most politicians.
2007-05-21 04:59:34
answer #9
answered by Open your eyes 4
enoch powel was a great man in my eyes he told everyone what would happen to this country and it has shame no one took any notice !i dont think he was racist he just told it how it is and people dont like that.
2007-05-20 06:53:27
answer #10
answered by pipa s 3