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Why all the religion are giving different views regarding god? Are they all imaginery? Why they are keeping the people in dilemma? are people made jusT tO FOLLOW THE religion? why they does not provide the satisfac tory and true answer?is there any religion which is absolute and 100% truth? i want to tear all the religious book which is even 1% false because it creates the universal problem. i will die for the sake of the universe. and why scientists tell that there is not god? if there is no god then who manages this all the nature on the earth. i think scientists are also of no use. they just do for their fame. why are they destroying the nature by creating several unneccery things which is only entertaining temporarily. if they want to show their ability then then should stop the revoling earth, can they? this world would be peaceful and satisfactory, if there is rid of sex, anger, greed, desire, pride and fear. and i think this modern technology is just the greed, desire and pride.

2007-05-19 21:19:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

9 answers

God is humanity's answer to the Ultimate Question. God is there to explain all the inexplainable things, and to give meaning to life. Since each ethnic group is different, there are many different gods to supply the many different answers.
Scientists use science to answer their questions and to give them meaning to life.
Every person can choose what s/he wants to be the purpose in his/her life, and what will answer the un-answerable questions. Its a matter of free will.

2007-05-19 21:25:32 · answer #1 · answered by Max 5 · 0 0

why they does not provide the satisfactory and true answer?
Because you don't believe them

is there any religion which is absolute and 100% truth?
there is no camcorder in jesus' time so how can you prove its real? but there is no way t prove it false either. That's why christians believe

i will die for the sake of the universe
Why do you want to do that? this question you really have to ask yourself, and you might understand abit more about yourself, and thus understand more about the topic

why scientists tell that there is not god?
Scientists do believe in god, they do believe in supernatural, because its scientifically proven (there's solid proof) that penomenoms exist

i think scientists are also of no use. they just do for their fame
Not all scientists crave fame there are more scientist who crave knowledge and answers. Fame are given to those who has made discoveries. Their efforts should not be shunned

they want to show their ability then then should stop the revolving earth, can they?
If earth stops revolving we will all die due to sun's gravity. Morever scientists are merely curious mortals not omnipotent creatures which is why the keep experimenting to improve

this world would be peaceful and satisfactory, if there is rid of sex, anger, greed, desire, pride and fear.
What is a human without desies? amoeba. Do you want to become an amoeba? i don't. Many peoples desire peace. But how many understands the concept that, only when you lose something, you will value it? For example you reached the top of the mountain and you're happy because:
1.you worked for it.
2.You had been below it
As the saying goes "health is merely the slowest possible way of dying".

modern technology is just the greed, desire and pride.
So what if it is? Our very basic instints of existence is survival. Technology is our means of ensuring it. What you said were the side effects. Be it good or bad, it is necessary.

You sound like a christian. Maybe the bible can enlighten you?

p.s. i'm not a christian, im a philosopher and observer

2007-05-19 21:45:26 · answer #2 · answered by caroline 5 · 0 0

every religion has different history. so it perceive God differently. And often, religions usually involve prophets who bring the message from God. The message usually different from each other depend on the situation where and when the prophet exist. Most religions claim that their religion is true. We cannot say one religion 100 % true because it is the matter of faith. Scientists is only trying to explain all the questions about the world. and often they have different approach from religion. Science based on fact and religion based on Faith. Not all the scientists and science are bad. Science also responsible for human happiness and interaction. science is also a process. Scientists cannot instantly make the world peaceful or satisfactory. greed, desire and pride is human nature. and I think they will keep exist with or without the modern technology. Science is exist because of human curiosity and human will to develop. And like everything in the world, it has both negative and positive aspects.

2007-05-20 03:25:28 · answer #3 · answered by AY 2 · 0 0

You are only confused. Science, and religion both rely on people having a certain amount of 'faith'

If there were one true religion that everybody knew was the 100% truth, the debate would be over. There would be no diversity.

One of the points of life is having to decide for yourself what you think life is about.

You are generalizing scientists as well, is it that hard for you to believe that some scientists are looking for the truth themselves? And do you realize how scientists are less popular than actors or athletes?

You need to do your own homework and not expect somebody to just come out and tell you how to think. Or you could, just to believe in something, but then you'd probably be believing in nothing anyway.

Also, as soon as two hundred years ago, only the richest people in the world could afford to read. Therefore how can we tell what was exactly going on thousands of years ago, and be sure that there was not some author's bias in play as well.

Truth is you can't. You have to find the answers yourself.

2007-05-19 21:27:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll not answer this ques. I'll simply say this is my question as well.

may be I can share with you the words I use for my own consolation.

what is God :
every single part and partial of mankind believes that there is no doubt that behind all movements of the universe their is a key.

'master' is the more ancient word of God. if we see through history of mankind we will see man has always cherished a keen seeking for a master. this is a by born nature I believe. this nature should be in some other living creatures too. yes, like dogs has been a great fond of masters. i think actually, they keeps searching for a loving master & no other pet animals do this searching.

man has naturally been insecured. he is always seeking for help from nature. so he is in the habit of finding a greater power to fulfill his needs. this nature has led him to worship stones, fire, water, sun, wind, and finally statues built by himself.

i hope u understand what i mean to say cause i don't want to go for any details more. my point is : God is solution to this master searching nature.

may one day man will find out one or 1/2 of that of the points of the main reasons of universe. before that time, we will keep consoling ourselves saying we know nothing as god is the one to know everything and his will is our way to live.

answ. to the other part :
mankind is so diffrent. many man many mind many nations many colors many languages many cultures - - why not many views regarding god !!

after all, views are all that religions have. and those views of predictions, although some make them different they run in a row; are inventor of modern science. first predicted then proved. the sun was not part of science when it was predicted by man to move around the earth, neither it was also then when the earth was said to move around. so prediction comes first. science just works for prove. when god will be proved, no matter how long it takes, no distance there will be between science and relegion. have to wait till then .....

2007-05-19 22:24:41 · answer #5 · answered by barso 2 · 0 0

God is whatever you perceive him, or her, to be. I cannot believe that life on earth is just a coincidence. I once had a philosophy professor say "Think of it as a law book." when speaking of the Bible.
If we were all to follow the Ten Commandments, and the Golden Rule, would this life be heaven? Would a loving God send his children to eternal torment, and do people have to have a promise of reward to be good?
I have a friend who thinks that Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, Buddha, Zoroaster et al were the same man, in different incarnations.

2007-05-19 21:42:51 · answer #6 · answered by Donald H 2 · 0 0

You do not need religious organizations to tell you about God ,you can work it out for yourself.You either believe or you don't.Our human capacity to explain God does not work. God is outside our limited knowledge to explain him.So you have to think differently with a fresh outlook leaving behind all preconceived notions that you have learned and you will have your answer but it is not easy to do that's why so many fail they can't accept the change in thinking they have to do.
I guess it all comes down to faith(which is given to you by God, not your own choice).Those who believe no explanation is necessary.For those who want proof no explanation is possible.

2007-05-19 22:18:41 · answer #7 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 0 0


Love and blessings Don

2007-05-20 01:43:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is unquestionable. Therefore you can't question (or answer) "what" God is.

God is.

2007-05-19 23:03:52 · answer #9 · answered by driving_blindly 4 · 0 0

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