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Is it truly about equality and respect forwomen in society or more as a movement of angry women who feel life has delalt them a bad hand,like being short fat ugly or lesbian. I don't know for sure.Don't mean to be a chavinist.But could Rush Limbaugh actually be on to something for once?

2007-05-19 20:43:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

12 answers

So Mike D wants to talk about acting "human"?

Let's see, where do men surpass women??
Here's a SHORT list.

Murder ,rape, arson, assault, torture, child molestation, abuse, fatal accidents (usually due to alcohol),
manipulation, adultery, theft, and general brutality.

If anyone says this, they're considered a "feminazi", and a "male basher". Look it up @ssholes, these things are true.
You say women don't want to be held responsible for their actions, I say you've got it wrong.
There are different forms of feminism, but they all agree that women deserve to be treated like HUMANS (go figure), and not subservient sperm recepticles who get treated like we are here to f*ckin' serve your sorry @sses.


Who's the dummy?
I'm guessing that age old "boys will be boys" defense which, by the way, has freed many a rapist, and kept many a female abuse victim at the mercy of her abuser is all make believe, right? That's right, it NEVER happens. No man has EVER gotten away with harming a woman because he's a man. No man has ever made use of that "her word against mine" bullsh*t, huh?
Who's the delusional one?
Let me tell you something, you weak, pathetic, chauvinist filth:
I provide for me. No one else. I am not the weaker. In fact, financially, I am better off than at least 90% of the men I know.
I don't owe you any servitude, submission, or respect whatsoever.
"The strong protect the weak, huh"? If that's your best defense, you will have to try much harder.
Men are not our protecters. If they were, WHO would they need to protect us from? THEY are the ones who harm, and oppress us. We do not need their f*cking protection.
You speak of inventions. To date, I count about 4 things men have invented that I truly cherish:

1. GUNS.- That way I don't have to endure too many of your kind.
2. WHISKEY. - Calms me down when your kind is pissing me off, and I don't want to shoot at them. (Bullets are getting expensive.)
3. TAMPONS- That way I don't have to stop shooting at you to go clean myself up.
4. MONEY- I can earn my own, so I will never depend on any of your kind for support.

Seriously, though, you'd better wake up, and realize that men are responsible for much more harm than good. We don't necessarily have to be enemies, but until men decide to clean up their act, and quit believing women owe them something, just because they are men, We will always be on opposing sides.


Feminists hate decent men?

That alone is the single most idiotic statement you have made (today).
Your problem is simple:
You want to take credit for anything worthwhile men have done, while refusing to take credit for all the evil they have done. Ridiculous.
Get one thing straight @sshole, I only hate chauvinists like YOU, not all men on earth. Unfortunately, there are many, many chauvinists.
I'm on my own, huh? Actually that suits me just fine.
Men like you are the reason "feminazis" exist. It's your blatant stupidity that keeps the male bashing cycle going, so blame yourselves.
Here's a good question for you, Who's fault is it that single moms even exist?
Shouldn't men take care of their children? As a chauvinist, you must already believe they do, so WHY are so many kids being raised by SINGLE MOTHERS?
Get a clue, retard, men learned to abandon women LONG before feminism ever existed..
If you really want to do women a favor, start dating other men, that way we rarely if ever will have to come in contact with feces like you.
Now, I'm done with you.

2007-05-20 00:15:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

In the last hundred years I believe that it is the decline of Religion that has helped women to become more on par with men. During the early years the Pagans and other groups held women in high esteem because they were superior. Then they had Goddesses and women were honored and respected. During the Roman era when Christianity was invented, women were removed from any place of power and they were persecuted to get this image down. As soon as we can remove Religions from our lives we will see that women will be in their respected place again. It is a terrible shame how women have been treated and to see that they are still abused by religious tradition and rituals. Wayne

2016-05-21 22:51:58 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Feminism--the idea that women are also human beings. Let's keep it simple. Debating such an issue will only further complicate it, when it needs to be left alone. Feminism in it's purest form is equal rights for women. Not more, not less.

2007-05-21 21:36:50 · answer #3 · answered by filia_san 5 · 1 0

In my opinion, feminism is supposed to bring about positive changes for women out there in the world, it is supposed to be truly about equality, women being seen as equals in society as men are and having the right to be free of oppression.
In some cases I think feminism's message has been misunderstood by a few women who are intent on proving that they are better than men and that is wrong, because in the end, it ends up being a hypocritical viewpoint and we have become like how male chauvenists were despised in the first place.
Each gender has their good and bad points, and I do hope in the end each gender gets the respect that they have earned and it can't be earned by putting the other side down.

2007-05-19 21:29:07 · answer #4 · answered by Shivers 6 · 7 2

Has Rush Limbaugh ever been correct about anything? (He's been RIGHT about a lot of things, but never correct.)

No, feminism IS about equality and respect for women. Part of that is to make the point that physical beauty doesn't make a woman a better person.

2007-05-20 04:12:20 · answer #5 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 5 3

Feminism started as a movement to secure women equal opportunity centuries ago.

It has since seen many changes and a couple major "revivals".

In addition, like many social isomprophisms, it has FRAGMENTED, meaning broad brush statements (like yours) don't really apply.

Feminism is many things. It has many different shades, some beautiful, some ugly. Best not to judge a painting by looking at one color.

2007-05-19 20:48:53 · answer #6 · answered by The_Music_Man 3 · 8 3

The only thing Herr Limbaugh is 'on to' is Oxycontin.
Good luck

2007-05-20 06:40:14 · answer #7 · answered by Croa 6 · 2 2

Feminists can't even agree on that themselves.

Every so many years they have a "World Women's Conference" & every time they have one it always ends the same. In one big almighty brawl. Right from the very first one in Rio.

By the way that was over the "ALL men are violent rapists who only want to overpower & control women" issue. It seems that they broke up into groups to discuss different topics. One group went through the old court records & found that most women said, " I didn't feel that I was in control" or "I felt like I was powerless", from that they deduced that MEN must want to CONTROL women or take away their POWER.

A study done in Britan has subsequently found against this. The woman studied Rapists in British jails & found that the only driving factor was, "I just wanted a root".

Feminists in Britan tried to get her to recant her findings because it would set back womens rights 20 years. She refused so they had her funding revoked.

2007-05-19 21:09:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

May be if he is woman. That's pretty superficial judgment typical of Limbaugh analysis. Short, quick, superficial analysis on the go for radio. That's Limbaugh.

2007-05-19 20:49:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4


2007-05-22 21:55:44 · answer #10 · answered by 10-T3 7 · 0 0

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