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We had been married for 4 years. She had certain genetic malfunctions, in which the major one has been "Infertility". This part was not revealed b4 our marriage. We got to know about this after she delivered a incomleted, premature baby (later died), possibly one last time in her life. Her behaviour was most associated with Readymade anger, insulting behaviour, searching a cause to fight, contiuing aurguments, often leadeing to voilent behaviour not only on to me but my parents also. Perhaps knowing all this well before marriage itself, her parents delayed her marriage and now are threatining me time and again saying that I am being cruel to her. Her anger lasts days and weeks together. Her parents still nurture her anger. Whenver she feels angry, she does all that show off, voilence and sits at her parents house for weeks and months. In these 4 years she hardly spent 4 months in total in my house? Is this a purposeful marriage?

2007-05-19 17:21:01 · 8 answers · asked by Srinivas Rao A 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

8 answers

Your wife's genetic malfunctions, which includes "Infertility" was known to her & her parents but was not relieved to you at the time of your marriage. This is a serious matter as the foundation of marriage is based on mutual trust & honesty & the purpose of marriage is propagation of generation in a legitimate manner. You say this fact about her genetic malfunction came to your knowledge after delivery of premature baby (later died),possibly one last time in her life, two things arise from this statement, firstly was she really completely infertile ? If yes then how could she conceive even this premature child who died later on? Secondly since how long this fact that she had genetic malfunction you are aware of? Even if we don't consider the infertility of her only but her genetic malfunction in totality then if this fact came to your knowledge that a fraud has been done with you at the time of marriage the time of one year from the time this came to your knowledge that a fraud was committed is the time you can file a petition for getting this marriage null & void with the decree of annulment from the family court. In case the time of one year has collapsed then the only ground left for you to move the family court is for divorce on the ground of desertion of more then two years & cruelty. This is legal status in your case.

2007-05-19 19:18:51 · answer #1 · answered by vijay m Indian Lawyer 7 · 0 0

Having concieved a child in a womb automatically makes "infertile" word invalid. Your case can be a "genetic" falut of yours or hers.
Readymade anger,insulting behaviour, searching for a cause for fight, arguments etc all sound repeatitive. Mostly men in our society do not want to see a girl's perspective in getting married and wanting to lead a happy life with her husband.
For once think about this from her side, understand her parents and dont consider her as an instrument to make your life easier but as a human being with her own life and destiny to lead. She is your partner not a child bearing machine or support agent for your parents.
Keep both the parents views out of this mix and try to be a exemplary husband. She has just lost a kid, for most of the women that can take lot of therapy and support to heal. Sometimes they never get over it. So kindly help her, support her and if she is suspicious of you at first, believe me you deserve it and hopefully she forgives you and you both can lead a happy future where you both trust each other and think about each other. When couples put each other first, the rest of the things automatically fall in place (inlaws, kids, finances, etc) Good luck.

2007-05-21 02:10:45 · answer #2 · answered by Pinewind3 2 · 0 0

Hey Hi!! You are in for a big time trouble. From what you tell I get a feeling that your wife is an acute patiant of Biased Personality Syndrome - this is rtecognised by most other countries Judicial System but not India's.

If you do not act fast you and your family migth end up in a big time trouble. And you know of the Indian Judicial System, Law'n Order Machinery on how biased they are and they would only believe your wife's words and not your even if she is the culprit and you are the victim and these guys including your and her lawyer will be upon you as vultures so that they all earn a %age of the alimony, maintenance and the share of your and your family's property -your wife would be able to such out of you.

So you would need to get moving fast to protect both your family and you legally and socially. Check www.saveindianfamily.org; www.498a.org and get in touch with the nearest help line.

2007-05-19 17:35:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel your comment on your wife is one way.
She may also feeling bad because of her infertile problem
Have you got yourself checked for your defect at any time regarding the semen counting? Defect/s in male should be ruled out first and talk about the infertility of female next. Have you taken her to a Gaenocoligist and got her checked?
If so, instead of blaming her why can't you show a little sympathy and concern as she is also a human being. After all nobody is going to lost for ever in this world of short stay. Why can't you try to understand her? Don't bring your parents in your problems. This is your life, you have to take decisions. Not your parents. Serve your parents without marriage or Leave your parents after marriage. There is no viamedia in life. This happens to you too when you become Parent. But, as a son, you can take care of your parents in their old age and whenever they are in need of your help, at least as a human relation principles.
If at all she is not cooperative (as if you are very cooperative and the best human being in this world!), give her divorce and seek another marriage. Before going for another marriage, You show a certificate to her about your perfect health and get a certificate from her side about her fertility.

2007-05-19 18:14:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every coin has two sides and keeping your version in mind any body will sympathise with your case. However, as per law things would be entirely different. Therefore, instead of expecting sympathy all that you need to do is contact a good lawyer and try to win your case.

2007-05-19 17:35:28 · answer #5 · answered by Ganesh 4 · 0 0

what u have get, urs destiny. being infertility is not important. important is why she much more frustrated, any thing or any tension makes her to do so. Take her a psycolgist, & find out the reason. To get rid from the problem is not the solution, but the best is to find out the solution of that problem. Try to understand her, u have to calm & cool for that, I understand it is difficult but friend its ur life we can suggest but step u have to take.

2007-05-20 22:50:56 · answer #6 · answered by sunny 3 · 0 0

Take her to psycho and refuse to be together till she undergoes the therapy. She is insecure because of her deformity and tries to reassure her position by doing all those drama. Make your intentions clear to her parents also. It requires lot of patience and love to carry on with such wife. If you have it go for it or else apply for a divorce.

2007-05-20 01:14:55 · answer #7 · answered by Prem 2 · 0 0

Get rid of her dear sir

2007-05-19 21:39:42 · answer #8 · answered by J R 2 · 0 0

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