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2007-05-19 17:20:07 · 11 answers · asked by AirsoftDude 2 in Arts & Humanities History

and if u dont who do u believe killed him...

2007-05-19 17:28:35 · update #1

11 answers

I have my doubts. There are just too many theories out about it. Recently, I saw a photo of three bums taken in the area of the assasination, and one is said to be E.Howard Hunt incognito. I think there were many people involved but don't really believe we will ever know the truth.

2007-05-19 17:33:57 · answer #1 · answered by cowboybabeeup 4 · 0 0

Yes, I believe that John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Yes, I believe that Oswald was the only person shooting at President Kennedy on November 23, 1963. And, yes, I believe that Oswald a twisted individual with a personal motive for committing the crime.

Why do I believe all the above? Simple. No credible evidence for any other scenario has been presented to me. While hundreds upon hundreds of people have come up with seemingly credible alternatives, none of them have ever been able to provide hard evidence for their theory. And for those who claim that Kennedy was assassinated by the U.S. government, the Mafia, Cuba, or some other group, I have yet to hear any of you give a credible explanation of WHY any of those groups would have killed Kennedy.

While I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald may have had some help planning the assassination and with making sure he was in the right place at the right time, I do not believe that any government agency provided such help. It simply doesn't make sense, and as Judge Judy loves to say: "If it doesn't make sense, it isn't true."

2007-05-20 00:31:08 · answer #2 · answered by oldironclub 4 · 0 0

" Old Ironc " wanted credible Reasons for The Mafia,CIA, & Or Pro-Castro Opertives Motives for wanting JFK Dead and not President would be the following ; 1st. It's no secrect that Jack Kenndy was thrust sucessfuly into national politics by and large with the Political Clout of his Father Mr.Joseph Kennedy Senoir, a Man who created The Kennedy Money!
But when It appeared clear that without knowing what damage winning the 1st Televised Presidential debate would do to bolster The Kennedy-Johnson Ticket, It was decided JFK would need the Blue-collar Vote; meaning The Union Vote, namely The Teamsters and what there was of The AFL-CIO Unions with enough members to make Kenndys Election
A numbers game. But the unions had been sleeping wiyh the Mafia involving the freedom of Access to The Millions in the unions Pension Funds.All Love was lost when JFK appointed his Brother Bobby Kennedy to be The Attorney General. The One Glaring act that would create the animosity needed to be part of The Dirty Deed. Bobby Kennedy''s noble intentions
to go after The Mafia Betrayed what the Mafia thought was a certain Trust between They and the JFK they backed and as they believed, put Jack in office....Thats the deal on the Mafia's motives and That woul;d do it for them.You Know I'm sorry I'm not able to finish the answer that deals with " what would be ample motives of all 3 partys mentioned by Ironic.
however as Fox Mulder of X-Files would say " The Truth is Out There "

2007-05-20 02:36:34 · answer #3 · answered by Neo 1 · 0 0

I think he was *part* of it--but according to accounts I have read, he was not very accurate with a rifle so my personal belief is that there were more people involved than him. One book I read on the subject, titled "Rush to Judgment" indicated that witnesses saw someone with a bundle that could have been a rifle heading for the grassy knoll...

Only an expert marksman could fire the type of rifle that Oswald used as many times as it was said he did--and then at a stationary target...makes you wonder.

I doubt we'll ever know for certain, but as I said, I believe there were more people involved than just Oswald.

2007-05-20 00:41:48 · answer #4 · answered by tkel_of_vulcan 2 · 0 0

There are times in life when the most horrific events may have a simple answer available to all, but it is to difficult to accept. That Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman could assassinate the President of the United States is beyond belief. And yet through out history, lone assassins have carried out the murders of Kings, Presidents and statesmen without any disbelief the accused was the one who committed the crime.

The murder of JFK is perhaps the most studied and analyzed murder in the history of the world. Since that day in 1963, many different theorys have abounded concerning the day, but no proof to substantiate even one theory has ever been produced to withstand further scrutiny.

JFK and RKF during their time in office were not liked by all. The outpouring of grief after the assassination was similar to that experienced by the world after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Disbelief and all left to wonder "what if they had a tomorrow"?

The Soviets and their satellite nations would not have conspired nor attempted to kill Kennedy after the near annhilation of the world during the Cuban crisis of the previous year.

The mob perhaps had the money but killing the brother of the man (RFK) who is trying to destroy you and your organization is not the way to go about things. Why anger RFK further?

The military disliked the policy of JFK on many things, but to kill your own Commander in Chief and keep it a secret is a tall order and somewhere a piece of paper would have surfaced in the privacy of someone's home after their own death which would have linked the assassination to the military machine.

That Oswald was young, easily influenced, unsure of who he was or what he wanted in life, a loner, and psychologically unbalanced makes it easier to believe he did pull the trigger by himself. He may have had assistance from others, but if he did, would not his widow and children at somepoint have been provided some relief from the poverty and shame they suffered after the event happened? No money was ever given to Mrs Oswald to our knowledge nor has it surfaced in FBI reports after Mr. Oswald's death.

Anyone can write a theory about the assassination. There are so many different ways to produce something believe able. But producing the proof has been the downfall of each subsequent theory.

The Dallas police department made many errors in the hours after the assassination and including the day Oswald was murdered. Anxious to prove to the world America was undercontrol, the investigation was treated as an old west we got our man mentality. Had Oswald not shot Officer Tippett, one wonders if he would have been apprehended so quickly and would he have been treated so poorly as both a cop killer and assassin. Emotions in Dallas were running high and errors were made.

Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill JFK? Yes. Hard to believe? Yes. Would I like it to be different? Yes. But one cannot rewrite history, only evaluate the facts as they happened.

This question will never have an answer to satisfy all. It is too complicated and too diluted in facts since the murder occured.
Forever it will remain an enigma.

2007-05-20 01:08:54 · answer #5 · answered by Paul L 3 · 0 0

I believe he was killed by Oswald. What I'm not sure about is whether or not he was contracted through the mob. I believe it to be a possibility. Especially after he was killed right afterwards. That part is suspicious to me. But I do believe only Oswald shot him.

2007-05-20 00:37:23 · answer #6 · answered by Jackie Oh! 7 · 0 0

Jimmy "the Weisel" Frattiano claimed that Giancana (the then Boss of Bosses out of Chicago) gave the go ahead for Marcello (of New Orleans) to carry out the assassination. It involved Castro (who had a grudge after finding out the CIA was behind the Bay of Pigs Invastion) so he got a patsy (Oswald) from the Russians to carry-out the deed. Marcello's beef was a result of RFK's investigations into organized crime. To cover the link to the Mafia, Marcello had Jack Ruby (a two bit night club owner in the Marcello organization) take out Oswald to seal his lips.

Giancana's beef with JFK was his impression that JFK renigged on promises to leave the Mafia alone since he felt he pulled strings in Chicago to get him elected.

Several weeks before the assassination, Oswald met with Cuban agents in Mexico. For inexplicable reasons, the FBI agents who were following up the Cuban connection as a part of the Warren Commission investigation, were recalled

2007-05-20 00:33:45 · answer #7 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 1


"If" he pulled the trigger (which I doubt), he did it on orders from others, and those "others" have since influenced U.S. history beyond our wildest imaginations.

The true question is whether the murder of JFK helped or hurt the U.S. Although his death was tragic and appalling, the effects of any historical event can never be evaluated properly since we can never know what would have happened to the U.S. if JFK's death had not occurred.

2007-05-20 00:35:46 · answer #8 · answered by BC 6 · 0 0

Oswald was a patsy. It was the tramps on the grassy knoll

2007-05-20 01:29:10 · answer #9 · answered by Experto Credo 7 · 0 0

No. I think, not to mention the unmentionable, I'll phrase it this way; it was an inside job. John's brother Bobby said so.

2007-05-20 00:52:02 · answer #10 · answered by Julie 2 · 0 0

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