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Seriously, how can some people be worse than a piece of dog crap that you scrape off your shoe? I mean my boyfriend has used so many people including me yet refuses to do the smallest things in return like go to the store and help me shop. He's stolen money from me and I still give him some for his beer and pot. Even though he has gotten drunk many times and abused me.

He didn't get my anything for my birthday not even a homemade card. He stole my money on Christmas eve I was going to use for his DVD gift and complained when I didn't give it to him. He asked for money to buy me a Valentine's day gift and when he came back from the store I kept asking for my gift. He said, 'You shouldn't expect anything, you should be greatful.'
When I get upset he tells me 'oh well' and other non-supportive thing until I end up wailing and beat-red from crying then he consoles me.

I have other normal guys lined to date me but I stay with him, why?
What is wrong with me? Am I a drama queen?

2007-05-19 17:17:22 · 19 answers · asked by trinitybombshella 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

I wondered if I was a loser, but like I said, I have guys waiting to date me and I just don't want them. Why do I like guys that mistreat me? I guess it is due to my abusive childhood...

2007-05-19 17:25:55 · update #1

19 answers

uh...why are you even associating with a loser? That says a lot about yourself. ( I am not trying to insult you either )

2007-05-19 17:20:55 · answer #1 · answered by Liberal City 6 · 6 1

No, you are not a drama queen. But you do need to drop your loser of a boyfriend before he abuses you anymore. From you post your boyfriend appears to not only be a physical, but an emotional abuser. He's going to use you and beat you down until you feel like you are nothing. This way he can keep you doing exactly what he wants you to do and where he wants you. What happens if you end up marrying this guy? Your kids are going to end up seeing how he treats you and then they will accept that abuse is normal in a relationship. Do you want your daughter to go through the same thing? Do you want your son to act the same as his father? What happens if your boyfriend really gets drugged up and drunk? Will he end up beating you or will it get to the point where he may actually kill you? And why are you giving him any money for beer and pot? Please, please, find the strength to get rid of this guy because he is bad ju-ju and I am afraid for you. You have other guys who are waiting for you and you deserve much better. Now be the true queen I know you are and kick his worthless hide to the curb! Go ahead, drop kick him a couple of times! If you need help the website below has a phone number you can call to talk to someone 24/7. Good luck and remember that you have a lot to offer some other guy who will treat you so very well.

2007-05-19 17:30:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

If youre staying with an abusing thief and you know its wrong, then you have far more serious, indepth issues going on than can be answered here. You've got to find the courage somewhere to kick him out of your life and NOT allow him back in (sometimes that s the toughest part because these losers dont want to lose out on a good thing so they'll say just about anything to get you back) before he steals you blind or ends up getting you in trouble with the law. He's a drug user (marijuana is still illegal) and a thief. He will steal you blind and take you to jail with him when he gets into trouble. It's for your own health - mental and physical - and welfare to get this loser away from you. What you feel is not "love". Love is reciprocated. You are dependant on this loser because you have some deep, inner need that he is fulfilling. Find out what it is, fast and dump him. Get strong and stay strong, sister.

2007-05-19 17:27:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I don't have any answers to the questions you asked, but i do have an answer to the question you didn't ask:

"Should i drop the stinker like a hot rock?"

The behavior you describe is a mass of red flags. (That includes the consoling part; he's manipulating you.) The man is a control freak and an abuser.

BREAK IT OFF!!! If he becomes attached to you, he could become a threat to your well being, or even your life. It's that serious!

2007-05-19 17:36:32 · answer #4 · answered by RickySTT, EAC 5 · 0 0

DUMP HIM! No one deserves to be treated like that. A boyfriend should treat you with love and respect; he should not treat you like a doormat. And what's worse, if you allow this behavior to contine, you may end up getting REALLY hurt. If he thinks that it is ok to treat you this way than nothing is ever going to change. He will never quit, and things will only get worse.

My sister is dating a really bad guy right now, and she refuses to get rid of him. (Although I don't know why.) Fashion used to be her thing, and she even won the 'best dressed' award in highschool. But her boyfriend, being the jealous leech that he is, told her that she looked like a whore and that she looked better without makeup or nice clothes. A few months later when she came back to visit she had all her hair cut off, she was wearing one of his baggy worn out shirts and a big pair of sweatpants, and no make-up. It looked like she hadn't showered in days. He always tells her what to do, and he always takes her phone and checks to see that she hasn't called any guys. Once I sent her a text message at 11:30 at night and she said that he snatched up the phone and demanded to know who it was sending her message in the middle of the night. I think he hits her too, but she always makes up excuses for the bruises. I want to help her, but she won't listen to me when I tell her to leave him. The scary thing is, I have been trying to contact her for a long time and she hasn't gotten back to me. I haven't even heard from her in weeks. I am thinking about just driving up to her apartment soon to check on her. It is pretty far (8 hours) but if something happened to her, no one would ever know besides him.

That is the reason that I was so drawn to answering your question. Please don't let yourself be one of those girls! You deserve better!

2007-05-19 17:33:09 · answer #5 · answered by jennifer s 2 · 1 0

I'm wondering the same thing, girl if you feel that he's is doing nothing but abusing you, then you gotta make a move.

get out, or get him out (by how it sounds, it seems you may own the place that you live at) and start fresh, I'm a brother of a girl who went through the same kind of treatment and I'm thankful that she moved on before he could hold her down any longer.

As much as I would like to say "give him a chance" I would only be telling you to give him a chance to hurt you again because it's hard for a man to change his ways, and their is nothing you can do but move on w/o him..go forward and be free!

2007-05-19 17:28:04 · answer #6 · answered by it's National Security 4 · 3 0

Go find another boyfriend... maybe a nerd. Nerds are rarely abusive. He'll spend WAY more time under his desk looking for a SATA power cable then he will with other women. Besides, a nerd will appreciate the things you do for him, even if he doesn't remember that Dominos pizza isn't exactly romantic.

2007-05-19 17:25:31 · answer #7 · answered by Superconductive Magnet 4 · 2 0

Most people end up this way because they get away with it! If you encounter a person like this knock them on their butt! They are often rewarded by people who are meek, shy, or just push-overs. They find that by being manipulative, mean, and pushy a lot of people will cater to their needs. Ugh! It just makes me soooooo mad! I say leave him where he stands and go with someone who will respect and love you. Nobody(with the exception of Mr. Wrong) deserves to be treated the way you have. Good Luck!

2007-05-19 17:27:42 · answer #8 · answered by Jiko 2 · 1 1

Yes, you're a drama queen. Kick this skank to the curb and date one of those "nice guys" you have lined up. If you continue to keep him around, your predicament is just as much your own fault as his.

You know he's a piece of crap. He's not worth using for toilet paper. Point made. Now what are you doing to do about it?

2007-05-19 17:22:54 · answer #9 · answered by Nightlight 6 · 6 0

You must like the way he's mistreating you, because you continue to stay with him and even give him money to support his drug habit.

Dump him and find someone who will treat you with respect. He only cares about himself and you know it.

Aren't you worth more than that?

2007-05-19 17:23:23 · answer #10 · answered by nowyouknow 7 · 4 0

um i am a teenage girl but whoa hold on a minute!! i dont cheer for you... no way. I cheer who deserves it and that man is the real John Cena not a stupid man who doesnt have a life. My friend, My advice is that you post some good questions.. trust me.

2016-04-01 11:10:36 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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