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Carter was the worst governor ever in the state of Georgia. A 1 term president who lost in a landslide because of his failed policies, highest interest rates in history, terrible funding for the military, we didn't have spare parts to fix equipment, SALT II talks, another disater, claims to be a traditional Baptist yet critizes this administration's faith based initiatives, his failed policy in Iran...before he left office, the hostages couldn't be released fast enough before Regan became President. He needs a mirror. You Mr Carter are the worst president in the history of this nation, yes worse than Nixon. Bush's worst decision will be better than anything you claim to have accomplished while in office. Please, go away, far away!

2007-05-19 14:40:15 · 35 answers · asked by Rusty F 1 in Politics & Government Politics

35 answers

Jimmy "the commie" Carter never had a mind, he sat the
last year of his Presidency leaving our men captives
of Iran for 434 day and made just one failed attempt to
get them out. He gave the American built Panama Canal
away to a country (Panama) that had a brutal dictator
and the Panama Canal was a critical asset to allow our
ships to shorten travel times to other ports in the world.

Jimmy Carter is the one that started giving aid to Afghanistan
and Osama to fight off the Soviet Union, you want to put
the WTC blame somewhere, start with Jimmy, might as
well throw gas prices at him as well because we all know
of his visits to Venezuela.

He was such a GREAT President that he only received
49 electoral votes when running for re-election. And he
is the one saying Bush is the worst in history, perhaps
Jimmy no longer likes the bottom of the barrel.

EDIT Botsakis G,

Nixon was not impeached, that was Bill Clinton and perhaps
we can say the same thing about what Bush had to take
over, face it Jimmy Carter sucked as a President and
SUCKS even worse as a civilian

Lizzy-tish Please Add Bill Clinton to your list of men that
did not serve in the Military, you remember the one that
was convicted of a FELONY for not going in when drafted
the one that was PARDONED by Jimmy Carter.

2007-05-19 15:03:11 · answer #1 · answered by justgetitright 7 · 7 2

Well if President Carter has stayed in office we might not be in the middle east today. Remember it was under Regan's administration that Ben Ladin was trained by the CIA. It was under the same administration that Saddam was helped into power.
At that time we might have made an impact by not purchasing as much gas from the middle east. Where as now there is China who competes for the supply.
Yes there were over 52 hostages for the entire time of the hostage crisis. But how many lives have been lost since?? Three thousand plus on 9/11 and how many in Iraq alone??
Plus Remember EVEN President Ford a republican left a message for the President about his inadequacy over the Iraq war!! Can't say that about any other president.

2007-05-19 16:44:34 · answer #2 · answered by wondermom 6 · 0 3

There are some things president's do that some people do not agree on. I'm certain that I don't agree with some of Bush's statements but he is still the President...what can we do....he can't make all happy. I know anyone who becomes president will never make EVERYONE happy. Instead of accusing other people if they are doing it right or wrong, it is in America's best interests to work together and compromise a solution and work as a team, but if they name call themselves and say well you did this and this, well nothing is going to be accomplished by bitching and moaning to be blunt. It's time we get our heads straight and start doing something positive, not only for this country, but the world.

2007-05-19 14:48:06 · answer #3 · answered by ksuwildcats10 1 · 5 0

What did Carter do?

Double digit inflation
Double digit unemployment
Gutted the military
Fired his Cabinet
Boycotted the Olympics
Gas line were miles long
Did nothing while Russian rolled into Afghanistan
Did nothing about the Hostages in Iran
Was a spineless coward...

No wonder the Liberals love him today.

2007-05-21 11:32:48 · answer #4 · answered by Best President Ever!!! 3 · 1 0

I feel Nixon was worse than Carter. I can't
recall any president caught in such a scandal. I don't think there was any president who wasn't involved in some kind
of mess. That's why we need a woman for president. Look at what the men have done
for this country.

2007-05-20 15:56:42 · answer #5 · answered by Precious Gem 7 · 1 0

This is one of the reasons our nation is disintegrating rapidly. There is no more honor, no more dedication to greatness, no more allegiance, no more loyalty. All that's left is hatred, name calling, cowardliness and shame. I am ashamed for my nation because of people like Jimmy Carter and all of the others that have done nothing but point fingers and place blame. You don't have to like the sitting president, but it is downright shameful that he is pounced upon daily by the press, ex presidents, movie stars and all who follow them. The ONLY way for the US to be a great, successful and prospering nation is for all of us to stand behind our president and show that we are united, even if we don't necessarily agree with what he is doing. That is why my parents generation, the generation that lived through WWII was considered the greatest generation. Not everyone approved of President Roosevelt or his policies, but they knew that there was a time to speak and a time to keep your mouth closed. They chose wisely.

With freedom comes responsibility and sacrifice. It's not free, but we are so spoiled as a nation that we feel we are entitled to it at no cost. We have become foolish.

2007-05-19 15:28:58 · answer #6 · answered by Princess of the Realm 6 · 4 0

I don't like Bush but Carter is the least one fit to say that Bush's administration was the worst.

2007-05-19 16:42:10 · answer #7 · answered by cynical 6 · 3 0

Too bad that Jimmy Carter became president at a worse time. The whole American economy is in shambles, unemployment is soaring, inflation is high, American policy detested globally. All of these mess he inherited from the two terms of mismanagement created by the Nixon administration (Gerald Ford don't count as he only briefly took over the presidency after Nixon was impeached). Sure, Carter made some positive improvements. But his one term in office wasn't enough to fix all of the problems created by almost a decade of mismanagement made by the previous administration. This damage repair continued up to the Reagan administration.

When GW Bush assumed the presidency from Clinton, the American economy was in a very good shape. The Americans enjoyed better Health Care benefits. The US budget surplus was in the hundreds of billions. The American global policy wasn't so bad. Now on Bush's second term, everything looks very bad. The budget is in a deficit (trillions of dollars). The Iraq war was a whole unending mess. The administration is embroiled in countless scandals. The US had lost its stature as an honest broker of world peace. Diplomacy is at its worst. Surely, the next US president(s) will have the huge task of cleaning out all the mess. It will be very bad if they too will get the blame for all the current administration's failures and the problems this administration had created, which will take years and years of recovery.

2007-05-19 15:02:26 · answer #8 · answered by Botsakis G 5 · 2 7

Mysteri o and all you lefties.Were you around during his 1 term,or are just reading about it? I was I remember the even ,and odd days for buying gas.Do you?I remember the ways around it by going,and buying in plastic milk jugs! Do you?
I remember he invited a terrorist(Arafat) to the White House,and practically invented terrorism by forcing Israel to acknowledge the Plo. Do you?

He let the Russians walk all over the Salt 2 treaty by trusting them to be honest. Do you?

He also let the Russians build up their troops in Central America. Do you remember?

He let 52 American civilians remain behind enemy lines by trying to rescue them only once.
I remember do you!

I also remember the Malaise speech,how our better days are behind us bla bla...

He nearly wreaked this Country in just 4 years.200 years were almost destroyed by a pretender.He will go down as the worst President of the 20th Century.


2007-05-19 16:01:03 · answer #9 · answered by ak6702 7 · 4 1

With the Iran hostage situation in 1979 some of you better realize that good old Reagan and the Chimps father Herbert
Walker Bush got insider information on President Carter trying to get the hostages released. This scandal was used so Reagan and the Sr Chimp Herbert Walker Bush xcould win the election. More lies revealed about the corrupt Republicans.

And the moron asking this question should realize that interest rates were high not only in the United States, but as well in Canada and other nations of the world so don't spew lies from your mouth that you know nothing of.

Bush has disgraced the office of President of the United States and as well should be charged and his Administration for Crimes against Humanity for their lies about creating the War in Iraq and the deaths of Iraqi soldiers and Civilians. Boot lickers like you would have made good supporters for the Nazis in Germany during the Secoind World War as you are as incompetent and ignorant of what is happening in this world.

2007-05-19 15:15:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

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