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I am a christian, and I do not support bush.

I know my bible, it says "For Shall Many Shall Come in My Name, and shall Decieve Many"

Bush claims to be a christian to decieve the majority of christians in order to get in the white house and play christians for suckers.

They didnt learn with the Catholic Priests coming in Jesus name, when all they did was molest children.

All bush did was destroy the U.S.A. And attacked his own country and killed 28000 of his own people. Not conspiracy Theory, but CONSPIRACY FACT.

Not all chrsitians are bush worshippers.

I sure am hell not.

Bush is a member of skull and bones, and the bohemaisn grove, where they do mock child sacifices every year.

If you think by following bush, ur going to heaven, Think again, ur heading stright to hell

2007-05-19 13:12:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

14 answers

well when you will find yourself in a dark room captured and two mans next to you and one holding a knife to cut your head in that moment try to ask again your question .

2007-05-19 13:23:07 · answer #1 · answered by heartdreamer06 2 · 1 1

I am a Christian and I do support Bush and have never wavered in doing so. I have been aware of the terrorist threat long before most ever even thought about it and couldn't believe no one else seemed to even see it or realize the danger. Even now so many seem not to see what is going on. I am glad that we finally got a president that gets it. The next one probably won't. This is a war, that if we don't fight it there, we WILL be fighting it here. I won't even take time to list all the other things he's done that as a Christian make me do the dance of joy. I love George Bush! To me he definetly lives up to claiming the title of Christian.For as many attacts he's had to withstand I believe he has done well. He is the most attacked president since I've been living. I believe only becausse he is so truly Christian.I don't follow Bush. I certainly do not worship him.I follow Christ. I do however,support him.I find your statement about followers of Bush going to hell, to be very judgmental. When the next president pulls out of this war, and Hesbullah come and chop off your family members heads for not converting to Islam, bet you'll be seeing things a different way.

2007-05-19 13:32:10 · answer #2 · answered by BERT 6 · 0 1

Ah! If you support our President, you aren't a Christian? Only your conception of Christianity is true? Pope of one, are you?

Anyone who disagrees with a Christian is hit with that quote. What a weak way to argue.

I'm sure all Christians will immediately flock to your...banner, whatever it stands for, and abandon their country, since it's already destroyed, right?

The percentage of pedophiles amongst Catholic clergy is a tiny percentage compared to the percentage of pedophiles in the general public. They are MORE safe than the public. Let's ban all non-priests, shall we? How silly.

Conspiracy FACT! Say it loudly. Some of us still think murdering American people is more akin to what the 911 terrorists did rather than a President sending troops into a country that attacked our allies (Israel with suicide bombers Saddam paid for, Kuwait in full-out attack), tried to kill our President (Bush, the elder), and attacked our troops repeatedly (over the no-fly zone), continuously breaking the cease fire.

Its hard for us to accept your definition of "destroy the U.S.A. And attacked his own country and killed 28000 of his own people".

We tend to use the dictionary definitions.

I would hope NO Christians would be Bush worshippers. I don't think he'd appreciate that.

Wow. Keep an eye on this guy's posts for more of the same. It's always fascinating to see how much they can fit in to the story they've gathered together to hold their fragile egos in place. Their needy desire to destroy their own country (impossible, as they don't amount to anything but words) drives them to this kind of lunacy.

Maybe I'm wrong? Look at his posts. Make up your own mind. I have faith the Yahoo! crowd isn't crazy (for the majority).

I'd hate it if you just took my word for it (silly to do so, check the facts for yourself).

2007-05-19 13:29:05 · answer #3 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 1 1

First of all a christian does not use foul language like you did the way you used the word hell. second a christian does not judge lest he or she be judged the way you did. third look at who he was running against in the last election. we had no choice anyway and last but not least we are not losing the war the way the Dem's. would have you believe. by the way most of the media are Dem's.

2007-05-19 13:21:21 · answer #4 · answered by sgt.morgan 2 · 1 1

You go to heaven by believing on Christ.

At any rate, all Bush had to do was wave a Bible, say he believes in God, and have an R behind his name.

I didn't vote for the bastard (meaning illegitimate president in this case). I don't vote for Bonesmen!

2007-05-19 16:24:42 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

The true way to show belief in God is to protect and aid his weakest and poorest.

Bush prefers to bomb them. Or abandon them in their hour of need.

Bush's real love is for power- hence he has a psychological need for God to legitimise his power in his own mind.

2007-05-22 08:35:49 · answer #6 · answered by Peter F 5 · 0 0

Many warnings about the hypocrisy of Scribes and Pharisees were provided in the Bible. Unfortunately, people calling themselves "Christians" have emulated their ancient Jewish counterparts the Pharisees in many ways.

2007-05-19 13:16:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Congratulations? You have managed to work every crackpot stereotype liberal conspiracy theories into one question.

You have also managed to do it without asking a legitimate question and with wearing out the spell-check.

2007-05-19 13:17:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I am a Christian and keep my faith in God only....Not who is in the White House.
God will have the last say.

2007-05-19 13:17:46 · answer #9 · answered by Rozz 2 · 3 0

I'm an Atheist. I support Bush.
Can you even vote in the US?

2007-05-19 13:15:09 · answer #10 · answered by tttplttttt 5 · 1 3

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