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When the answers express the notion of "taking responsibility, no entitlements, work hard" etc

Can you give me your theories why some might be against "taking responsibility, no entitlements, working hard"

I mean it seems common sense to me...

2007-05-19 12:23:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Interesting answers so far...

I see some have avoided the question. Interesting.

2007-05-19 12:30:36 · update #1

If you look at some of you answers...
some of you put yourself into two different camps...Neo-Con and Libs.
But who said anything about Neo-Cons and Libs?

2007-05-19 12:51:25 · update #2

Working hard and responsibility has nothing to do with political party.

2007-05-19 12:52:40 · update #3

12 answers

Because the liberals here believe the government should be responsible for everyone--no personal responsibility--what a concept! It's their way to seize and keep power in America. It's all based on 'white guilt' stemming from the enslavement of blacks (of which WE had no play) but they feel all whites (not just decendents of slave owners) need to pay. If the left began to say that personal responsibility was the best--if not the primary--way for blacks to reach equality in America, it would lose its power, a power completely dependent on the idea that whites are responsible and that blacks are victims. Only by literally stealing responsibility from blacks can white liberals claim the moral authority that protects them from the racist stigma. And of course, in this moral authority is very real political power. This formula for power--seizing responsibility for correcting the damage done by white America's "sins"--is now being applied even to the environment. Liberalism casts the environment as a victim because it then gains power by taking responsibility for it. It also gains the power to further stigmatize the right as indifferent (racist) to the environment, and to assert that the right, in its "indifference," is an illegitimate and unworthy steward of power in America. Al Gore must assert that "we cause" global warming so that he and the political left can take responsibility for fixing it. Without this responsibility there is no moral authority, no power, and no ability to stigmatize the right. If nature caused global warming, the left has no path to power.
So personal responsibility is anathema to liberalism because it cuts off the possibility of collective responsibility. White guilt is what made collective responsibility a source of liberal power in America. And it remains a source of power regardless of who or what is cast as a victim--blacks, the environment, gays, illegal immigrants, etc.. The only thing liberals cannot abide is the idea that they are not collectively responsible. And they will scratch the earth for victims in order to avoid this prospect.

2007-05-19 12:46:49 · answer #1 · answered by Cherie 6 · 0 1

You're assuming that what people object to is simply "taking responsibility, no entitlements, work hard."

First of all, it's possible that that answer is inappropriate for a given situation. An absurd example:

Question: My pregnancy has been so difficult, with the nausea and the ulcers and the sharp pains. What can I do?

Answer: Hey, take responsibility, no entitlements, work hard!

Second of all, it might be good advise, but not delivered in a very nice way. Another example:

Question: I don't know if I can pay for college this year. It's so awful that I might lose my chance to be a doctor because of this tuition hike.

Answer: Look, jerk, take responsibility for once in your miserable life, alright? Loser man might want entitlements, but I'd rather cut a gland out and shove it down your lazy throat. Work hard, or die!

Now sure, you didn't do THOSE things, at least as badly as I made them sound. And I didn't go back and look at your answers.

But maybe there's a kernel of something to it?

2007-05-19 22:32:28 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 1 0

Seriously--because those have become neo-conservative buzzwords--and indicate a high level of hypocrisy. Granted , 2 of the three are fine in and of themslelves (you could make an arguement against the "no entitlements" part--it depends on how you define entitlement).

But--(this is what people PERCEIVE--never mind how the speaker means it)-

>"taking responsibility:" the neo-cons are seenas NOT accepting responsibility. Two examples: claims "the problems in Iraq are the result of dissenters" and "the federal government shouldn't help rebuild New Orleans (ignoring the fact that Bush himself promised to follow through on the government's existing committment to do just that."

>"no entitlements:"--not very convincing as long as neo-cons are happy to take advantage of subsidized college educations, mortgage guarantees and tax exemptions, veteran's benefits, retirement tax shelters, etc."

>"work hard:" Take it from me--having been there---most of the poor--including minorities--work a hellava lot harder than any of these neocons ever did--and rightly resent being labeled lazy by some jerk who wouldn't know what to do if they ever got a callus on their manicured hands.

Now--maybe that seems unfair--but, as I said--that's how the neo-cons come across--and its mostly their own doing. So when a lot of us see them talking about those things, they get a thumbs down--for being hypocrites. Their actions speak louder than the words--like it or not.

2007-05-19 19:45:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Was that the whole answer? Because it isn't a complete sentence, maybe that's why? Hang on, I'll take a look for ya...

I've looked over some of your recent answers, and I have a theory. Some of them come out sounding like arrogant, over-simplified, party-line rhetoric. I'm sure that's not what you intend, but remember that electronic media has no subtext, body language, or tone of voice to soften harsh words. They just come out harsh. In other words, it isn't the concepts of Responsibility, Entitlement, and Work that people object to, it's the delivery.

I suspect that if you took a moment to review your answers before sending them, just to check for brusqueness, they may get a better reception. Speaking the "truth" as you know it does no one any good if you can't convince people to listen to you.

2007-05-19 19:27:07 · answer #4 · answered by Beardog 7 · 1 1

because you could ask the question... "Why did the government kill my husband and children, and shot me, which paralyzed my whole body, when they raided my home in a terrorist raid, even though it was just clerical error and they had the house number mixed up?"

and the same tired people would respond... "it's not the goverment's fault... take responsibiltiy for your own actions! learn to work with your head"

no one is against working hard or taking responsibilty... but it's not a miracle solve all in every situation... and the government is not innoncent in every situation...

your "common sense" is just plain naive in the way the world works...

millions of people work hard, take responsibilty and don't take entitlements... and they have horrible lives...

2007-05-19 19:44:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the way a number of people had grown up the last 20-30 years. They were taught "your problems were caused by someone else" and "you aren't responsible for the way you act."

A generation of greedy, obnoxious, self-entitled brats ensued, who refuse to take any responsibility upon themselves. And they aren't raising their progeny any differently.

I thank God I grew up less advantaged, and was taught to work hard for and appreciate what I had, have respect for others, and take responsibility for my actions.

2007-05-19 19:32:16 · answer #6 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 0 1

I tried to give your question a negative rating but I couldn't. I just enjoyed the irony of it.

To answer your question, you know as well as I do it comes down to people giving negative ratings to answers from the opposite party. I have seen many well thought out answers from Democrats have tons of negative ratings. It works both ways.

You're right it dosen't. But people usually include things that tips off people to which party they are for. It seems that you already have an answer in mind, so why are you asking?

2007-05-19 19:27:28 · answer #7 · answered by wingspan1985 4 · 3 1

apparently we have a generation being raised and taught that unless the Government is up your *** you are not doing something right. They feel it is the governments job to feed them and wipe their *** for them. Its the socialist movement taking hold only they are doing it now under the guise of the democrat party.

2007-05-19 19:29:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

LeoGirl is correct. She's spared me from having to repeat what she says.

2007-05-19 19:46:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

republicans are totally against taking responsibility for their own actions.

2007-05-19 19:31:51 · answer #10 · answered by Mario Savio 6 · 2 3

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