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I would love to know your interesting thoughts, beliefs, or theories about evolution, even if it's not your original idea. It could even something you read about. I am fasinated witht the idea and would like to hear what other people think. Please don't tell me evolution does not exist unless you have facts to back it up, and not just your religious beliefs. Thanks!

2007-05-19 12:01:03 · 13 answers · asked by Susie S 1 in Science & Mathematics Biology

13 answers

The main thing I would submit to you is to understand the two uses of the word "evolution". This is the source of much confusion as people (not scientists) debate this issue.

In other words, when someone is talking about "evolution", are they talking about the *process* of evolution (which is a fact), or the *theory* of evolution (which is a scientific theory explaining that fact)?

The *process* of evolution is just the change in an organism at the population (or species) level. This can be through artificial means (like breeding dogs or racehorses), or through natural means (change in an organism as a response to environment). We say this is a *fact* because it is trivially observable, and can in fact be induced (which is what breeding is).

The *theory* of evolution is the theory of how that process of evolution occurs in nature, and how that same process explains the diversity of life on the planet. It's the latter which is controversial among some religious fundamentalists, but it is not controversial among scientists.

So always keep this in mind when you hear all these arguments ... is the person clear about which version of the word "evolution" they are arguing about? If not, they are confused ... and are likely to confuse you too.

P.S. Also ... if anybody says that evolution is about humans evolving from monkeys ... they are *really* confused about evolution. Humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor, which is a VERY different statement.

2007-05-19 12:03:39 · answer #1 · answered by secretsauce 7 · 4 2

It's really sad to read some people's misconceptions. For example, citing incomplete fossil records hardly disproves macroevolution. Any supporter of evolution will readily admit missing fossils and uncertainties in the details of evolutionary history, but will also point out that knowledge is growing and increasing in accuracy. Besides paleontology, evidence also comes from molecular biology, comparative anatomy, embryology, comparative biochemistry, domestic breeding, geographic distribution, and other areas. Views supporting evolution are subject to test and revision, as well as allowing predictions and refutations. The mountain of evidence that has accumulated strongly supports macroevolution, and the link below discusses this. If macroevolution persistently was shown to run counter to the data, then science would drop it and look for another solution. That hasn't happened because evolution remains good science.

2007-05-20 00:51:28 · answer #2 · answered by Niotulove 6 · 1 1

Since this seems to be a confusing issue, let me try to help.

1) I notice people are slamming "creationists" and "religious fundementalist" with wild assumptions, but the theory of macro-evolution (Bacteria-----Humans) is a highly questionable theory that is not observable.

2) We must therefore look at evidence of speciation throughout the animal kingdom presented as fossils.

3) Those fossils show two things. The first is the explosion of basically ALL animals showing up suddenly around 600 million years ago.. The second is the lack of any real transitional fossils between known family of organisms. Really...don't try to argue this one. I dare you to present 20 known transitions from Family to Family. True evidence for evolution would require Millions of transitional fossils.

4) If the evidence is so perfect for evolution, why are all of the people writing these answers pointing to "ancestors" and not actual fossils? The answer is because the only evidence are massively different pithicas organisms VS Homo organisms which stands as no evidence at all.

5) Get your facts straight before you slam people...got it??

2007-05-19 16:10:25 · answer #3 · answered by Dave L 1 · 0 3

Please read "The Ancestor's Tale" by Richard Dawkins. It is a great read if you are interested in biological evolution. It is about us, basically, as we take an imaginary journey back in time, and as we get farther and farther back, we get joined by other animals that are our cousins, so to speak, that had split off from our linage, but now join us again, on a pilgrimage in search of our common origins, until we all make it back to our single common ancestor. I loved it, but it is a little steep for the non-scientist minded.

2007-05-19 14:07:14 · answer #4 · answered by Sciencenut 7 · 2 1

Ok, what if I can tell you that evolution didn't happen w/ my facts? Prepare yourself.

The modern evolution theory says that one species can evolve from another through 1. Mutations, 2. Natural Selection, and 3. Adaptation. There are also theories that says that life evolved from around volcanoes. Amino Acids would have formed protein and made DNA which evolved. Another is that an Asteroid brung life to Earth. Well, we apparently evolved from monkeys, right? Which evolved from amoebas which evolved from bacteria. Well, what did the bacteria evolve from? There is no organism that we have found that is smaller than bacteria and could evolve into bacteria. In order for bacteria to evolve, it would have to have evolved from abiotic factors (rocks, dirt, etc.). A living organism cannot be created with dirt or rocks WITHOUT there being some sort of Intelligent design behind it. What I'm saying is, in order for life to have evolved, it would have to have been created by God. And also, if life had evolved from around volcanoes and created DNA, then we would have found Amino Acids deposits everywhere around the volcanoes. The scientists have been looking for over 30 years in every place immaginable and they still haven't found any of these deposits. And w/ the asteroid, the bacteria would have burned up in the atmosphere (bacteria die at 210 degrees Farienheit). Even if they were inside the asteroid, Iron is a conductor of heat and it will kill bacteria. Plus, there are only a FEW "Complex Bacteria" that can live in Spacial (Space) conditions.

2007-05-19 12:07:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

Darwin's theory is based on key observations and inferences drawn from these:

-Species have great fertility. They make more offspring than can grow to adulthood.
-Populations remain roughly the same size, with modest fluctuations.
-Food resources are limited, but are relatively stable over time.
-An implicit struggle for survival ensues.
-In sexually reproducing species, generally no two individuals are identical.
-Some of these variations directly impact the ability of an individual to survive in a given environment.
-Much of this variation is inheritable.
-Individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less likely to reproduce, while individuals more suited to the environment are more likely to survive and more likely to reproduce.
-The individuals that survive are most likely to leave their inheritable traits to future generations.
-This slowly effected process results in populations that adapt to the environment over time, and ultimately, after interminable generations, the creations of new varieties, and ultimately, new species.

2007-05-19 12:15:25 · answer #6 · answered by Monkey 3 · 3 0

I think that we evolved and changed from monkeys. Or more monkey like creatures actually. From that creature I believe we branched off, and monkey's come from a different branch of that. I believe that is how all living things came to be. Slowly evolving from one thing to another to accomidate to their surroundings.

2007-05-19 12:11:54 · answer #7 · answered by Minuit 2 · 1 2

If we "really" evolved from Monkeys and Apes. One visual conclusion I could give is, Do we look like Monkeys or Apes?

Look at Yourself in the Mirror and ask Yourself that question. I'm sure the answer is Starring at You Right Now!

2007-05-19 12:24:00 · answer #8 · answered by Edwardo L 2 · 0 4

i feel as though evolution does exist but not for humans! not yet anyhow >> I must say .. this is such along prosess that we have n't been a round long enought to manifest these changes yet... as cole to a diamond they say millions of yr. with millions of tons and what s left is just a few... as 4 us we adapt to most enviroments here and now just as in social life experainces we have life instinks and inrealtime million will come and go for now is realtime .and what we have is each other ... Sincerly, dave

2007-05-19 12:19:47 · answer #9 · answered by Hawaii Fire Walker 2 · 1 4

Evolution LMAO! Everyone knows that all of the worlds creatures came out of the Fridge!

2007-05-19 12:04:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

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