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i really am fed up ith this. People dont know how hard it is being black.Especially if you are darkskinned. I wish i was white or other. I hate my race and my culture. I wish i had lighter skin. The reason why i hate my own race,is because i have seen how black treat their own race. I have been treated badly by folks my own race. People my own race have picked on me,because i am darkbrown. All black people are not one color. light skinned blacks get treted better and they get all of the special favors. Darkskinned blacks get treated just like trash. black boys picked on me becuae of my skin color. There was never a white person that made fun of the color of my skin. It was always a black person. That is why i prefer a guy outside ofmy race. I personally think that some white people have better attitudes about certain things.Eventhough some whites still dont like black peopl .Look at the music videos on bet!there are no darkskinned females.The only one I know is Grace Jones.

2007-05-19 11:31:39 · 31 answers · asked by chocolate 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

31 answers

I used to get made fun of by darker blacks because I am mixed and light skinned. I think it goes both ways. Most black girls never wanted to even associate with me because of my hair and skin. I just hung out with the Hispanics because they accepted me more than the Blacks. I know that racism seems more prevalent inside your own race. But you should not reject your own race because of it. It is other peoples ignorance. I never thought of myself as better than someone else because I was lighter or because they were darker. You should just blow it off. Things change. Personally, I think that darker black people are more attractive. Like the singer tweet, her skin is so smooth. Darker people age slower because the sun does not harm their skin as much as lighter people. There are alot of advantages to being dark. Do not hate your skin color because of people making fun of you, most of the time when people are making fun of you it is because there is something that they hate about themselves that you have and they don't.

You always want to be something you are not. I remember black girls at school telling me that I was not black, and that I could not hang out with them. They all hated me and talked mess to me all the time until I got some balls and started to talk mess back. Maybe you should tell them to leave you alone.

Hope you find peace. :)

2007-05-19 11:55:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous 3 · 3 1

Just try to ignore the ignorance that some people possess. Throughout life, you're always oging to run into someone who doens't like you because of your skin color. Do you really think it would change if you were white, or another race? Please! Even whate people get made fun of by people of their own race, and by people of other races. Unfortunately, the people of this world are not above putting down others just to stroke their own egos.

Who cares if there's not dark-skinned females on BET music videos? That doesn't mean that there never will be any. Be proud of who you are as an individual, and don't obsess so much over the color of your skin. If people see that attacking your skintone hurts you, then that's what they'll keep using to bring you down.

2007-05-19 12:42:55 · answer #2 · answered by qtpie831 4 · 2 1

People hate. No matter who you are, what you have, where you live, etc, someone is going to find something to pick on you about. Say you got your wish to be white (And I'm white and it's not as easy as you might think...)? So you go out into the world, thinking all is good now because your skin color has changed. Wrong. Now someones going to pick on you because you dont have the right shoes, the right clothes, you dont have a nice enough house to live in, your parents dont have money, they dont like your friends...the list is endless. Be who you are and accept yourself and if no one else likes you, their loss. You have to like yourself before anyone else is going to like you. The light that shines within you is what attracts people like moths...if its dim, youre going to feel pretty lonely. Turn it up by loving yourself and being the best person you can be. God bless.

2007-05-19 11:58:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Aww.. I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm not denying that you have a point, because you do. The whole genocide in Rwanda came about because of segregation between the lighter and darker skinned people. It sounds like you have been played by stereotyping. A lot of people are too stupid to get to know a person and instead judge and treat them based upon a stereotype. And the sad thing is that, as you said, it's usually someone of that race who does.

Black people are beautiful. Look up national geographic articles about africa. Yes, their skin is dark but they are arguably the most beautiful people in the world. Tyra Banks is black. Oprah Winfrey- one of the most sucessful people in the world. Don't let your race limit what you do and how you feel about yourself.

2007-05-19 11:38:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I'm white and members of my race have always laughed at me because I'm so pale - I am lily-white. My skin is literally white. I've always heard, "Why don't you get a tan or something? You're pasty."
So, I tried - but I don't tan at all, I just burn. Over the years I got over it and now I love my skin color! I'm proud of it. I think it's beautiful. I suspect you'll come to the same realization, too.

I think the 'dark as ebony' blacks are the most beautiful. It's an extreme color, just as mine is.
Please don't ever wish you were any race or color other than what you are. The shade of your skin was hand-selected by God.

2007-05-19 12:02:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I feel your pain. I once watched a program on PBS. A black reporter from Chanel 13, Pittsburgh, PA, went to Africa and was interviewing Africans. I distinctly remember the reporter talking to a man in East Africa. The man was truly as dark as can be. He explained to the reporter that he was Arabic because Arabs in the Tenth Century colonized a part of his country. The Arabs mated with the native women. The reporter quipped that no one wants to be black or African. There is not much you can do.

2007-05-19 11:40:17 · answer #6 · answered by regerugged 7 · 1 1

Hi Asia! I hope you don't mind, but I added you as one of my contacts. Now we're friends! Be proud of who you are. You have a kind heart; I can tell by the way you write. Stay positive, and choose friends who are fun to be with. I have a daughter who is just about your age, and I know being a teen can sometimes be a rough time.

Take care, and enjoy being a teenager!
Email me if you need anything.

2007-05-19 12:49:02 · answer #7 · answered by Oreo Schmoreo 7 · 2 1

There is nothing wrong with you young lady, we can not all be the same for diversity is what God intended. The sooner people learn this the better we will be. If you got a problem with people inside of your race then you do not have to hang out with them, we have choices. Go to school, meet friends that have similar hobbies and dreams.

2007-05-19 11:38:07 · answer #8 · answered by teamjesus_ca 4 · 7 1

i understand what you're saying,but you can't change who you are or the color of your skin. You really should be proud of who you are and of your culture. I know it's probably hurt full the way you are being made fun of by you're own race(they should be ashamed). Try and ignore them. You are better than them.

2007-05-19 11:42:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You can't change what you are. Live with it, like it and accept it.

I don't think you are black at all, and if you are, you truly need help. There is nothing wrong with being black, nothing wrong with being dark, unless you're ugly, and if you're ugly, you'd be ugly no matter what color you were.... I knew a girl who bleached her skin and she just got uglier, the dark skin hid the flaws.

2007-05-19 12:44:10 · answer #10 · answered by Sellophane 2 · 2 1

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