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He can take it. He thinks he is right.

2007-05-19 10:31:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

20 answers

I don't know why some people are like that, but im not one of them. I make jokes about him all the time and mostly everyone agrees with me

2007-05-19 11:31:25 · answer #1 · answered by jen bunni 2 · 0 1

Possibly because so much of the criticism is so unabashed, uninhibited, scornful, mean-spirited, and disrespectful of the president personally and of his office, and also possibly because it is so unremitting. He isn't given a smidgen of credit for ANYTHING.

It doesn't matter what he says or does, even if it accomplishes something, it inevitably turns out to be nothing more than another occasion for his critics to rip more flesh from his body.

I began to see some time ago increasing evidence that more and more people who have no particular ax to grind are becoming very tired of hearing nothing but criticism and are beginning to sound off about it.

2007-05-19 17:42:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Not too sure, no one in government is above criticism, not one elected official has ever been perfect. No matter what they do they're going to make a lot of people angry. Wouldn't want anyone as president that couldn't take a lot of criticism.

2007-05-19 18:38:21 · answer #3 · answered by Mike W 7 · 1 0

I don't get defensive about criticisms of George Bush. I have my own problems with his Presidency. But... I do have a problem with people wanting to criticize decisions and reverse things with no plan of their own to solve them.

2007-05-19 17:35:49 · answer #4 · answered by kitty_cat_claws_99 5 · 3 1

I think scottie is right. The dem and repubs are so polar right now that it leaves little room for arguement, just attack and defense.

Thats not to say that intelligent republicans or democrats don't exist, i mean look at Ahhhnold or Paul.

Unfornaturally, for control of the whitehouse, both parties will say anything. Meaning democrats will attack bush to a fault and rebulicans will defend him to a fault.

In the end, boths sides of the arguement are nearsighted.

2007-05-19 17:37:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

He IS our elected President and criticism of him is criticism of our country and of those who elected him - there is probably someone close to you who voted for him. You love (at least I hope you do) this country. don't you? George Bush's term as President is nearly over and he can't run again. Why knock him? Do something constructive.

2007-05-19 17:59:49 · answer #6 · answered by Michael D 2 · 1 1

Because some people don't realize that you need all the ingredients in the batter before you bake the cake. they just make decision off of what they want to hear instead of using all the facts. that's why most of the same people that you speak of criticize Clinton

2007-05-19 17:44:35 · answer #7 · answered by goodins2 3 · 0 2

I don't know why they do, he is after all a grown man who seems to be able to defend him self.

And hey, every one is going to feel the way that they are going to feel about him.

Personally I don't hate the guy, I just don't happen to like him as our Pres. but then that is my right to feel that way.

When ever I have seen him on TV he reminds me of a Deer that has been caught in the head lights. You know, when you take a spot light out and shine the deer, they just sort of stand there and freeze up and stare at you. He just sort of gets that look some times, where he just kind of stares like that.

People always thumbs down me when I say that, why? It isn't like I called him a bad name or said that he's a jerk or any really bad thing. So how stupid is that, to get so angry about it, kind of silly if you ask me!

Oh well, different strokes for different folks. No big deal to me. As I said I don't hate him, I just am not in favor of him as our Pres. and guess what that is my right. That doen't mean that I wouldn't give him the respect that he deserves, because yes, I would give him respect. He just seems so akward at different time, not as polished as most of our presidents have been in the past. To have seen him trip and pronounce names of people and places incorrectly, yes that is embarrassing to say the least. He is after all in a position of authority, and it becomes difficult to watch when this has happened. So that some time is an embarrassment to our country. But, again that is my right to feel this way and even to think this way if I wish. That my friends is called freedom of speach.

BTW...People get a little to excited about what others think and even feel, instead of just seeing that every one is going to feel some thing different and just roll with it. Why worry about what others think so much. After all I comes down to what do you think. If you voted for the man and he won, then what do you care, you helped get him elected, so then where is the rub. Or do you look at it like it is some kind of a personal attack on you? Becuase it isn't either really, it is just what and how people see things and that's all, why get so spun out over it, the man is in office and he is doing the job, so why get twirlled around over it. People will feel the way they do and say what they feel, it's after all our right to say how we feel and to think what we feel. It is the American way, God bless America, land of the free and home of the brave. Where we are given the right to speak freely, and that isn't being a bad american. That is being an American and using our rights as one. Thank you!

Guess the same reason that Clinton got knocked, even though he was our Pres, people knocked him and then so they knocked our country I see no differance. So your little shining example just fell off the little tree, and it stopped shining for me when you used that example. And there were those who voted for him too. Yes, even loved ones did so. Still didn't stop people from ragging on him either. Works both ways so grow up every one. If it's good for the goose it's then also good for the gander. So it's good for all who become the pres. Not even Mr. GWB is exempt as you'd wish him to be able to be. Sorry it doesn't work like that.

2007-05-19 17:42:31 · answer #8 · answered by Cindy 6 · 0 2

???? Could it be that the criticism is mostly inane and pointless, lacking in facts and usually rambling talking points, and is filled with 3rd grade potty humor and logic? Gee.... other than that I can't think of any reason at all....

2007-05-19 17:53:30 · answer #9 · answered by lordkelvin 7 · 0 1

because most people ...
(and you would appear to be one of them, by stating "He can take it. He thinks he is right." you imply that you believe other than he does, but you provide nothing in support your position or to the detriment of the alternate position)
... make ad hominem (FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) arguments and supply no actual logic, facts or reasons to support their position, other than their opponent is wrong.

Also, it has been my experience that those who rely on insubstatitive positions and utterly weak or non-existent arguments tend to become most bigoted and rely on emotion and intimidation instead of logic and reasoning.

2007-05-19 17:42:19 · answer #10 · answered by Act D 4 · 2 0

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