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Alright. You can see my previous question's best answer commentary if you want to know more...However, we've decided to adopt another child. Her name is Tayla May (first&middle) and she is 6 years old. We started the process a bit ago, but we've (Tristan&I) just begun spreading the news!!
Aiden is the only boy, still, but he loves it :o)
We wanted to know what you thought about this whole ordeal...Us adopting 3 children and having twins of our own...
Also, what are your opinions on her name? She was named after someone very special. Please don't be too harsh if you disagree with anything said...or if you dislike her name. Just say it respectfully :D Don't worry. We have a big house and lots of love to share :) Thanks everyone! Good day! :D Wish us the best with Tayla & all of the family :)

2007-05-19 09:41:47 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

Thanks dreamweaver! Kudos to you. :) Good luck with your kids :D

2007-05-19 09:50:34 · update #1

Thanks for ALL of your thoughtful answers ;) Keep 'em coming!

2007-05-19 10:40:37 · update #2

***You don't understand!***
We already adopted her and her name was changed. She wanted it. I know, because when we were at the foster homes, she said "I don't like my name. I want a new one." And so, we changed it. Honestly, she said that. Her name was Clanbow :O But we changed it to Tayla May. And now, she loves her name.

2007-05-19 11:26:30 · update #3

RJ3, Michelle being a "gay" name, as you put it, has nothing to do with this question. You've been reported.

2007-05-20 03:46:04 · update #4

*********JUST SO YOU KNOW********
All of our kids are treated equally and I didn't mean to say "our own", I meant to say biological when referring to the twins. I love them all dearly and they're so important to me.

2007-05-20 08:26:22 · update #5

AngelicJulie, Tayla sounds very feminine. I cannot fathom it being a boy's name. And, what about the spelling is off? Whatever. She loves her name, and so do I :D

2007-05-20 10:05:50 · update #6

Gussy; Yeah, really. If he asked a question about it and I said that I liked the name, why would he answer my question bad-mouthing it??? Anyway, would you mind answering my question? Like, editing your answer and putting in an answer? Thanks.

2007-05-21 03:35:05 · update #7

I messed something up, "when we were in the foster homes" that was supposed to be, "when we were with her mother and her" sorry!!!!!!!

2007-05-21 06:19:01 · update #8

58 answers

hi belle, you answered one of my questions and asked me to respond to yours, so here i am.
im am blown away by the life you have chosen, you must have a huge heart. i wish you all the best.
i really like the name tayla, not a huge fan of may, but if she named after someone special than it is beautiful.
i also am stepmom to twins, have had them since they were 10 months old, you certainly have your hands full. we have 5 children all together, and have custody of all. ages 16,11,9,9 and 4. the yours, mine, ours thing.
i am proud of you for what you have undertaken, i hope the children grow up understanding what being adopted means and hold no malice toward birthmother and respect you and tristan for what you have been able to give them.

i give you a star for your love and my respect for your honesty and warmth. best to you and your ever growing family

2007-05-20 07:00:23 · answer #1 · answered by rachael 5 · 4 0

Adoption is so loving. In my opinion, it is even more loving than having you own children because you are probably giving this child a much better life than she would have otherwise. Tayla is a sweet name. I don't think I would have chosen May as the middle name, but still its sweet. I've always like Taylor for a little girl but thought it was a bit masculine. Tayla is more feminine and if she is named after someone special well, that makes her even more special so, I certainly wouldn't change it!

2007-05-19 10:32:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think that if you have the resources and the time to care for so many kids, you should totally go for it. Adoption is wonderful, and I am sure that you are already a great mommy. Just because you can have kids of your own doesn't mean that you should never adopt. So, I think that what you are doing is great.

Tayla May is a pretty name, but why should you care what anyone else thinks. I am sure that you will love her no matter what her name is!

Good luck!

2007-05-19 10:41:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think its really great that you are adopting all these kids hat really need homes and a loving family. As long as you can actually take care of them thats a great thing.
I like the name Tayla May its a very pretty name. Its also nice that you named her after someone special.
Good luck with Tayla and your family.

2007-05-21 04:23:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


Adoption is a wonderful choice, and one I wish more people went for. If you and your husband are ready to give your hearts then you should definitely adopt. While we have not adopted any children yet, we have so many friends who have. And, while it can be a stressful process, they all say the same things...They would not trade it for the world. They feel the same for their adopted children as they do their natural children..
I like the name Tayla May, but if you are not sure.
Look at those names they all start with the letter T:
Talia, Tatiana, Thais, Tanya, Talita.
I still like Tayla May better ...

Good Luck!

2007-05-20 08:43:17 · answer #5 · answered by Eva 2 · 2 0

I love it. I don't think she'll be teased or anything.
Adoption is great. There are so many children out there who need homes and it's great that someone is able to do it. Granted, some people can't because of the expense which is ridiculously expensive so that's understandable, but I give so much respect for the people that can bring another child into their family. I'd love to do it as well. And having children of your own is great because the new one(s) is coming into siblings which is great to grow up with brothers &/or sisters. Tayla May - very sweet and will also mature with her. Go for it girl :)

2007-05-20 08:36:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think that anyone who can give love to a child in need is an angel in human form. I have 5 biological children and 3 step children. 2 of the step children live with us. I cannot stress how much I admire and respect someone who is able to accept a child that is not theirs biologically as their own. It is not easy. I love my girls all the same, but the bond is different, so its harder.
As for the name Tayla is beautiful. Most children don't get the luxury of approving their own name, what a joy for her. Keep up the good work!

2007-05-21 05:39:52 · answer #7 · answered by Doh 2 · 2 0

What do I think? Girl!!! I am soooo happy for you and hubby. I give much respect to GOOD families who adopt children-especially those who are NOT young babies(which would be so much easier than a child that has been on this earth for some years!). That has to take a good deal of patience for the transition-for all those involved! I wish you all the best of blessings. Tayla May is such a nice name.

2007-05-19 13:14:15 · answer #8 · answered by MamiZorro2 6 · 3 0

I am adopted, and I think adoption is wonderful. I love the name Tayla May, it's beautiful and unique. I don't think there's any difference between adopting 3 kids and also having twins, as long as they are all treated and loved the same. I wish you the best of luck with your children.

2007-05-19 10:08:11 · answer #9 · answered by Kat 2 · 5 0

I personally love the new name!!! And as for you adopting 3 children is great . If it wasn't for people like you who have a big heart I don't think I would be the person I am today. My parent passed away when I was at the age of 3 (mom) and 4 (dad) and left behind 7 kid's. Three were old enough to be on there own but 4 of us weren't and we were bless to have an Aunt and Uncle to take us all in even though they had kid of there own to raise and everybody on the outside looking in said and though that it was crazy of them to start all over when they had three out the house and in collage an one in high school and the last one around our age at the time. I'm 23 and think your doing something great that word's could never express and all your kid's will cherish an adore you and your husband.

2007-05-21 05:13:58 · answer #10 · answered by tika 2 · 2 0

I think that you and your husband are very special people! I applaud you in your efforts to make this world a little bit better for all of your children!
I love the name Tayla May and if the girl is happy with it then that is all that matters!
Good luck to you and your family! You have been very blessed!

2007-05-20 06:48:03 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 2 0

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