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I'm 27 years old and I live with my parents(Iong story). I set a new years resolution to get a good job and move out and i'm working hard to keep it. Well, I'm also a musician, and a local rock band has offered me a spot in their band. I barely get opportunities like this, and I've always wanted to see if I can make it in the music business and become famous. If I go for that, it means I'll have to sacrifice moving out, and I really want to, but I want to go for my dream too. I've lived with my parents two years and I want back out again. As for music, I have to start somewhere, and I don't want to pass opportunity when it knocks. So what should I do, go for my dream as for music, or go for my goal and keep searching for a good job and move out?

2007-05-19 08:59:31 · 4 answers · asked by Spike2000 1 in Social Science Psychology

4 answers

try both.
get a new job and move out,
and try to be in the band at the same time.
if you have to, get a job at McDonalds for a little while until you and your band get signed or you have come to the conclusion that you'll never get signed.

2007-05-19 09:10:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Is it possible to get a job, AND be in the band?

If so, that would be best.

Your goal of becoming famous is unrealistic.

For every famous person, there are ten thousand wanna be's.

If what you want is to make music, that's a good thing to go for.

There are people who manage to make a living at making music, so not being famous isn't the same as starving.

You don't say how your parents feel about your being there. I can't tell if the reason you want to move out is simply that you promised yourself you would, or that you really don't want to live with your parents.

If it's the former, I'd say forget about it; nothing wrong in changing your mind when events change.

How well is the band doing?

Would you get paid at all?

Maybe you could sign up with a temp agency, so you control how much and when you work.

When your music brings in money, don't go on temp jobs; when not, do.

I'm inclined to agree with most of the others and suggest you go ahead and give the music a whirl.

You can always change your mind later, if it doesn't work out.

But it would be wise to give up the unrealistic goal, that's beyond your control, of being famous.

Work on being a better musician, and see if there's a way to make a living at it.

BTW, moving out doesn't necessarily mean paying full rent; you can always move in with someone who needs rommies and split the rent.

After you get to know each other, maybe that could be band members you get a long with.

You don't say whether you've talked about this with your parents.

If they're really opposed, that could be bad for you.

But if they don't mind, and it's not unlivable for you, go for it.

2007-05-19 19:38:17 · answer #2 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 0

You still got time to cave in, gamble on yourself for a while longer.
I tried to be a screenwriter in my twenties and sacrificed alot.
Then I hit thirty and saw everybody i knew passing me by while i stayed broke.
Trust me you'll know all the way to your core when it's time for you to get a real job. How, suddenly you'll want a wife, kids , and a house more than being rich and famous.
I still write, but i'm a senior in college and working full time towards my GOAL of being an advertising copywriter.
It's sort of like a dream, but with better odds.
I will write another screenplay, and maybe if the timings right next time I will experience the dream.
Good luck.

2007-05-19 17:10:27 · answer #3 · answered by Soundjata 5 · 0 0

In spite of all things contrary to the messages of American culture, as long as your parents are O.K. with it, then there's nothing wrong with you living with them a little longer. They may even enjoy having you around. Give your dream a shot, and if it don't work out (let's set a reasonable timetable of one calendar year), go back to the day job and working on your independence.

And show Mom and Dad some appreciation by helping out around the house a little where there's a need.

2007-05-19 16:17:54 · answer #4 · answered by soulguy85 6 · 1 0

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