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Or should their be a special centres
built to help them stop for the first time,
till they are fully recovered.

2007-05-19 07:36:47 · 32 answers · asked by technocase 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

32 answers

NO!!!! sellers should be put in jail.......... tax $$$ could be put to better use

2007-05-19 07:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I think most drug users are put in prison for crimes they commit in an effort to raise more money to buy drugs (i.e burglary, robbery etc). I think putting them in prison is part of the answer, however we owe it to ourselves as a society to try and get that person off drugs. Whether thats from a drugs rehab programme within prison or not I'm unsure. What I do know is that prison on its own will not and does not stop the person reoffending.

2007-05-20 02:56:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hmm, sensitive subject.

At the first instance, I personally believe they should be afforded treatment. I am also of the tendency that, if they have committed related offences, they should be compulsory treatment orders, which are executed in controlled environments and effectively policed.

Yes - it would cost an absolute fortune to set up, staff and manage, but the cost would pale into comparison with the cost of drug-related crime, such as burglary, theft, robbery, dealing, prostitution, etc. Investigation, detection, court and detention costs are astronomical - on the basis of pure economics, EFFECTIVE drug treatment programs would definitely be worth paying.

In the second instance, failure to adhere to such a scheme should result in a prison sentence and possibly forced participation. It is in the best social, economic and moral interests of society-at-large that people are not addicted to crack , heroin, crystal meth, or anything else, for that matter.

2007-05-19 08:23:06 · answer #3 · answered by . 4 · 0 0

This a super question and the 1st time I heard it asked it replaced into by using mythical standup comedian bill Hicks. "Why is the drug czar of this usa a cop? Why isn't he extremely somebody who's been by using restoration, who has had an alcohol and/or drug dependancy and triumph over it?... putting ill human beings in detention center -- does that make experience?" the acceptable answer to this question is the uneducated have a black and white view of habit as immoral and ethical. It boils right down to the stupid concept of sin. This finally ends up in blaming human beings for strikes, extremely than figuring out the reason. this is an identical mentality that finally ends up in help for capital punishment use on the mentally unwell and those with character issues who dedicate crimes. those human beings choose rehabilitation, no longer retribution.

2017-01-10 08:50:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lets not forget that these "victims" commit many crimes themselves such as burglary mugging and some of which result in a murder to feed there habits. It is through there own weaknesses that they chose to take drugs. What i would do with them is set up work camps where they do not recieve visitors. These camps should be solely for drug addicts. There they will recieve a strict regime of health and fitness to purge there systems it will involve military style discipline and if they dont do as they are told they will be punished. They will learn skills such as metalworking or another useful trade so they can go out and seek jobs. They will not be allowed to leave these camps until they are completly purged. IMHO this should be there only chance at rehabilitation. I believe everyone is allowed to make one mistake in life(depending on the mistake) and this gives them their fresh start. After this if they continue in there ways then the system should wash there hands off them perhaps even put them down like you would a diseased dog. As for drug dealers I would feed them there own merchandise and turn them into a junkie then leave them to rot in a prison for a few months before having them executed.

Alcohol and cigarettes are not illegal. cirgarettes are filthy and horrible and they will eventually be banned but people do not mug people and rob homes to buy a pack of 10. As for alchol yes it does lead to fights but this is because it is not enjoyed in moderation it also isnt as damageing as drugs. You can enjoy alcohol in small amounts you cannot enjoy smack.

2007-05-19 08:00:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Drug users are given lots of help at the moment and it is up to the users to accept that help and not for us to build and waste money unless it is required.

In requirements to Jail, yes, if they have caused problems through their drugs and broken the law by robbing, Breaking & entry and so on, then they are no different from anyone else and if required by law they should go to Jail.

2007-05-19 07:50:48 · answer #6 · answered by The_Informer 4 · 0 0

Drug addiction is a disease, they aren't happy with their lives and trust me they really do want to be happy, jail isn't going to change them for the better, but a treatment center can help them start working on themselves. with the help of inpatient and outpatient programs they can recover, not all but most... sometimes it takes numerous attempts to change oneself. Programs like AA and NA can help these ones because no one can help a struggling addict like a former addict, other people just don't know what its like... many users really don't know any other way, and there is plenty of drugs in jail so its not really taking care of the problems its just surrounding users with criminals. we jail users because we are afraid of what we do not understand or know. these people have the same souls that we have, its so easy to point the finger and say Not ME, but yeah maybe its not you but drugs affect all classes races and cultures and maybe one day ur kids will be hooked, what would u want , for them to get helped, or for them to be labeled an addict for life and be locked up. Think about it before you point a finger.

2007-05-19 07:50:26 · answer #7 · answered by wutangskaterforever 2 · 1 0

With over poulation in most of the US Federal prisons I think that putting drug users in to the system is a waste of $$ they need to put them into a rehabilitation system, that is secure enough to keep them away from the main soceity of people but still make them be productive enough to pay their taxes and support their families if they have one. But if a drug user does not want to quit using then it will be a waste of $$ also! I guess that laws makers need to concentrate on sexual predators and murderers MORE than drug users!

2007-05-19 07:49:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


They should be given treatment.

In the UK, our target besotted police love arresting junkies because it is soooo easy and not dangerous like finding the pushers and wholesalers behind it.

No wonder the jails are full.

If you think of the famous addict Pete Whatshisname, he keeps appearing in court at great public expense.
From what we read in the press, it should not be too dificult to find his pusher who must drive a small truck to make his deliveries. Lock the baddy up until he says who his supplier is and so on up the supply line.

2007-05-19 08:31:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Prison as far as i am concerned does not help a drug user
it may help them to learn how to make money quicker when they get out to buy more drugs
prison is a school for crims just a waste of tax payers money sticking a druggie in a prison

2007-05-19 08:16:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We should legalize all drugs. What somebody does to their own body is nobody's business but theirs. Why waste money pretending to "cure" people of their choice to use drugs that harm their bodies? The problem in this country is that we've got laws against drunk driving, rather than vehicular homicide (which is what we use to justify laws the drunk driving laws). We've got laws against drug use for no good reason (drug addicts usually sit at home on their couch stoned and therefore couldn't possibly commit crimes; instead laws against drug use create organized crime which is the only source for drugs; Prohibition of alcohol resulted in the same thing and few people want to repeat that).

We don't need laws against what somebody can do to their own body. The purpose of laws is to punish people who harm other people, not people who harm themselves. With the same logic used to justify keeping drugs illegal, we could justify making it a crime to be fat and sending fat people to jail or to a mandatory weight loss facility. Would anybody seriously suggest that we do that?

2007-05-19 07:48:06 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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