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I understand Alla says if a woman teaches or have sex outside of marrige she shall be stonned to death. And the muslim world thinks this is a very civilised thing. I saw on CNN yesterday how they stonned to death a beautiful young girl

Jesus Christ man!! you should of seen the Blood that was comming out of her face. And you know what the crime was?
She had a boyfirend
Thats it just a boyfriend alone and she was stonned to death. Damn people. This is some ****... Does no one understand now why America is against a Islamic Nation?

This is the exact same reason why. And wht is worst about all of this is these Muslim Indians give us Hindu Indians a bad name when clearly Hindu indians hate Muslims Indians more than the white man. but thankfully we can tell the difference with the large Beard on their face.
All I can say is George Bush is probably for once is doing a good thing.
Islam is a dangerous religion!

Thank god for the white man for it is he who saved us all from islam!

2007-05-19 07:14:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

I was disgusted at this,and after watching only a little bit of it,i went to bed and cried for the young girl who,in my eyes did nothing wrong.
Seventeen years old,that's all she was,what a waste of a life.
I read that just before she was captured,her family had told her that they had forgiven her,which makes it even more upsetting.
And all because of Religion.So So sad.

2007-05-19 07:23:29 · answer #1 · answered by greeneyes 1 · 3 3

You seem to be an ignorant fool. Look at America, statistics show that a major crime is committed every 30 seconds. A rape takes place every 30 minutes. America probably has the highest crime rate in the world. Whereas in the countries which follow Islamic Law such as Saudi Arabia the crime rate is negligible, it is below 1%. Women are safe in these Countries.
God will punish America and other European Countries otherwise He will have to answer to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I am surprised to see this question being asked by a Hindu. Hindus still practise Sati, in so many places widow marriage is not allowed and have you heard of Devdasis-the women who are forced in to prostitution in the name of God. Manu smruti one of your religious book says "shudras, women and drums are fit only for beating". God, you people are sick.

2007-05-22 04:00:08 · answer #2 · answered by arif anwar 3 · 3 1

I denounce that act of those ignorants people who didn't know what is islam actualy.......islam "ALLOWS" love marriages ! infact the man and woman are asked to meet first and know each other before getting married and if they don't like each other then they can reject..but yes islam does not like this sex before marriage and things ! Now if those idiots had stoned a girl for some social reason , you can 't announce islam as a dangerous religion and BTW did you check out christainity and jusdaisam for stonning? You should better get some "knwoledge " first before speaking out like this ..And also do check out hinduism and your culture first how it treats woman ..or should i give you the details??? "the "satti" custom where it is must for a widow to burn with the dead body of her hubby is great example of your "best treatment of woman"....and widows can not marry again and should be kept away from social life for being a bad "omen" is yet again a best treatment...Ahh be thankful to muslims that they have taught you something good about treating woman..and the social change you could see in your especiay that caste system and woman treatemnt are a gift from muslim culture who are living with you from last 11 centuries other wise you would ahve been treating your woman even worst .! !!Comeon!! when you are pointing at other..atleast three fingers would be pointing at you ! And Be thankful to Bush...that he is saving you from muslims..but be sure..he can turn his gun at you any time...do you know what politics went on with that gas pipeLine plan? ! Give me a break !

and Btw i know you hate muslims more than white men do , i understand..but why do you hate Sikhs?? Just for their beard? Hunn?? ridiculous..........!! All indians do not hate muslims , its just you who think like that ...And Btw India is accomudating the second biggest population of muslims....they are "authentic" in India..don't forget this ever ! they own that pace as mush as you hindus do ! I can just wish you some "tolerance".. nothing else!!

2007-05-19 08:27:42 · answer #3 · answered by ★Roshni★ 6 · 5 2

Go read the Bible--it sets the same penalty for the same crime. And do you don't think the right-wing "Christians " would do just that, take a look at the "ethnic cleansing" they perpetrated in Kosovo and th erest of the Balkans a few years ago.

Islam and its followers are, like (real) Christians, Hindus, Buddists, etc. basically peaceful and reasonable people. But political extremists use religion to jsutify their fanaticism--and it can be any religion. There's just as many on the Christian side of the fence as on the Muslim side.

2007-05-19 07:25:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

That also happens in India. There are many reports of Indian women having acid thrown into their faces for dating at all, or for dating a lower caste. Similar things also happen in Africa. This problem is not unique to Islam, but is common in EVERY country where misogynism is the norm. The problem is not the religion, the problem is the inherent belief that women are inferior.

The white man has done nothing to save anyone from Islam. There are many white Muslims. Iran is a predominantly white country for instance. The white western man destroyed the culture of the countries he colonized, raped and pillaged their nations, sold their children into slavery and all in the name of economic gain. White people are by no means great or good.

2007-05-19 07:23:07 · answer #5 · answered by Mordent 7 · 3 3


The 17 years old Doa'a Khalil Aswad was murdered by her uncles and brothers after she offended her minority religious community sec (IRAQI YEZDI) by eloping with a Muslim guy after she converted to Islam.

This innocent girl came from a Jewish tribe and all of you answerers have only insulted the poor victims of the Holocaust with your ignorance.

2007-05-20 12:33:29 · answer #6 · answered by Mia 2 · 1 0

Stop watching the news and do some research yourself. Islam soes not condone stoning anybody. That is a CULTURAL practice and NOT a RELIGIOUS one. I know because I am an American woman, Muslim and I live in a Muslim country.

2007-05-21 11:55:00 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 · 3 1

Not too different than when Americans lynched and mutilated black men for "wreckless eyeballing" (staring the wrong way at a white female on the street).


Wow. You white Christian Americans are soooooo superior! In the picture, you even bought out your women to watch the carnage. You are sicker than the Muslims. At least they don't pretend to be nice and fair.

2007-05-19 09:32:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Judaism says women and men should be stoned to death too. Its an ancient cultural holdover and you can find plenty of muslim nations where this does not happen. I know generalizations are easy, but it makes you look like a lazy academic.

2007-05-19 08:02:21 · answer #9 · answered by bluestareyed 5 · 3 1

I certainly agree..but when it comes to religion we all live in glass houses. Funny how the men who wrote all the good Holy Books treated women in the same disparaging way.

Christianity and it's witch burning isn't so far removed from the Hindus who just recently did the same thing in India.

How sad that religion dwells more in hateful laws than in the heart...where it really belongs.

2007-05-19 07:23:31 · answer #10 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 2 3

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