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If she doesn't get her way, she will never stop or give in. If I disagree with her it gets really bad. She will take things too far. Now my heart skips a beat everytime my wife starts to talk, because I don't know if she is mad or not. I would like to here your thoughts.

2007-05-19 06:35:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

19 answers

You need to stand up and tell her like it is,and if she doesn't like it ol well you didn't have a real marriage anyway and you need to move on,but if you stand up to her I think she will settle down a bit.

2007-05-19 06:48:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok, she will never stop or give in...she will take things to far...

So, why are you scared?

So, she's mad. So what? Is she physically threatening you? Is she threatening to leave? Does she have a gun? Are you afraid you might not get some?

You need to respect your wife, not be afraid of her. Don't go looking for fights, but if something is important to you, then stand your ground. I tell my wife that 98% of the decisions we have to make don't really matter much to me: chicken or spaghetti for dinner? paint the walls brown or red? do you want to cook dinner or clean up? She can have her way on those things because I don't really have a preference either way.

On the 2% of things that do matter, such as "Should we go and see my father next weekend?", then I let her know where I stand with things. I try to do it in a civil way, but I'm not going to give in just because she says "no".

Marriage is give and take. It sounds like you give and she takes. Pick your battles wisely, but pick them. You are her husband, not her servant.

2007-05-19 13:59:04 · answer #2 · answered by Pythagoras 7 · 1 0

Why should you be scared? Women love to talk and always do so. Let it filter in one ear and out the other. First words I learned were, "Yes dear"; saying this when she paused to breath. Take everything she says with a grain of salt. Nobody ever knows if a woman is mad or not as they usually don't even know themselves. It is called life; just go with the flow.

2007-05-19 13:52:09 · answer #3 · answered by acmeraven 7 · 0 0

This is a lose,lose situation for a man. If you continue to be submissive you are considered to be lacking manhood. If you stand your ground you will be considered a dominate, wife abusing control freak. Abusing her emotionaly and verbally. Just end the relationship and find a women with indearing qualities.

2007-05-19 14:05:18 · answer #4 · answered by quiettype 2 · 0 0

You have, by your actions in the past, managed to convince her that she is your boss. This may have taken place due to a continuous willingness on your part to relinquish your will to hers.

However it occurred, it will not easily be fixed. She has already gotten into the habit of dealing with you that way - that's the only way she knows how to treat you.

In order to change the current pecking order, you will have to be even stronger than she is. This will not be easy to pull off. The easiest way to fix it is to get a good lawyer and divorce her.

2007-05-19 14:00:14 · answer #5 · answered by LovablyMe 5 · 1 0

No one should have to live in fear. I would just walk away from her and totally ignore her. When she ask why tell her she owes you an apology and don't have anything else to do with her until she apologizes.

If she will not meet you 50/50 then I would consider getting the hell out of Dodge.

2007-05-19 13:55:55 · answer #6 · answered by p00756 4 · 0 0

You should not be scared of your own spouse. Was she like this before you married her? If she was, you should of known what was coming marrying someone that does not let you even speak your mind. I think you should go to counseling I think there you will have a say so in the relationship.

2007-05-19 13:51:28 · answer #7 · answered by daniela v 1 · 0 0

You have to be strong, ths why she's taking advantages of you..if you don't make a move now she might evn run away with another man..show her ur the man and she's d woman and she should be obideint to her husband to some extent.

2007-05-19 13:42:51 · answer #8 · answered by l3al3y GiRL 2 · 0 0

Tell her that she is a spoiled brat and that you've had enough! Either she will leave you, (and you'd probably be better off), or she will think about what an idiot she's being. Life is too short to put up with that, my friend!

2007-05-19 13:40:19 · answer #9 · answered by karenhar 5 · 1 0

I think it is time to grow a pair. No one, husband or wife, should be allowed to totally dominate or control the other by fear. That is not love, that is abuse.

2007-05-19 13:50:36 · answer #10 · answered by Wake Cobra 4 · 1 0

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