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my cousin for as long as i can remember has alsways struck me at being gay, even when he was only two years old. the same thing with my aunt, i watched home videos with her in it and i always thought she didnt seem like the other girls in the video. but recently, they both came out of the closet. i believe people r born gay, but what r ur guy's opinions. (i have no problem what so ever with gay people so please dont report me, haha!)

2007-05-19 03:42:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

19 answers

Everyone who is homosexual, including myself will agree that you are born gay. Everyone who is a hater, will say that Jesus will love them if they believe in the Bible and lie to themselves, because they "choose" to be gay. So get ready for a ton of responses and a LOT of nasty remarks from Bible Thumpers!

2007-05-19 03:47:24 · answer #1 · answered by Jyse 6 · 9 1

I am sure that most of you have heard of a condition called hermaphroditism (or the more politically correct term these days is 'intersex') where a person is born with the fully formed genatalia of BOTH sexes. The subject, apart from their genatalia, is physically and mentally sound in every other way.

Sometimes, these children are operated on at birth if the doctors decide (guess) that the baby appears to have a female or male inclination and the genitals are modified accordingly. In many cases though, a modified 'girl' grows up with feelings for other women and modified 'boys' grow up feeling something for other men. It seems in these cases, the doctors have made the wrong decision and the psychological makeup of the child was in fact the opposite to the physical modification they performed on the child. So even though, for instance, a child may be brought up as a girl with girls toys etc, the 'nature' side of the brain kicks in at puberty (if not before) and overrides the 'nurture' side.

Now, if nature can produce a visible, physical example of developmental confusion on the outside of the human body, who is to say that there are not processes at work of developmental confusion going on inside the unseen brain of a person ... where there may not be an obvious physical example of gender disorientation externally but internally their brain does not dictate in the way that their external body would suggest to the rest of society.

There is very strong evidence that sexuality is largely determined by development in the womb. Perhaps, while 'intersex' is firm external physical proof of developmental issues, we ought to consider that perhaps the developmental differences in gay people are more subtle and obviously invisible to the naked eye due to the brain being internal - but that does not mean that the differences are not there.

Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time and if you research gay history in cultures across the world, the present prejudices seem to stem with the spread of Judaeo-Christian religon and it is this prejudice that is ingrained into the psyche of people today. But like racism, for instance, perhaps this prejudice towards gay people will diminish as society recognises that alternative sexuality is actually just a normal part of nature's rich tapestry.

2007-05-21 05:05:24 · answer #2 · answered by Jake D 3 · 0 1

I did a LOT of thinking about this when I was considering coming out to my mom. I was getting really frantic and I thought to myself "Maybe I'm not gay, maybe this is all in my head and I can make it go away..." so I sat down and thought for a REALLY long time and tried to pinpoint any time in my entire life when I made the *decision* to become gay and you know what? There wasn't one.
Then I thought back as far as I could to when I had feelings that, even though I didn't know what they meant at the time, were my first gay feelings. I remeber being probably 8 or 9, in my new girl scout troup and having a crush on my troup mate's older sister. 8 year olds don't even know what sexuality is, if you tried to explain it to them, they would be very very confused.

Now, no one could honestly say that an 8 year old would say, "Hey, I'm a homosexual!".

2007-05-19 05:19:32 · answer #3 · answered by Jeannie C 4 · 4 1

People are born gay. Scientific researchers have shown that being gay is based on biological and genetic factors.

Even the ultra conservative president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has said that scientific research "points to some level of biological causation" for homosexuality & "I am absolutely confident that a large number of homosexuals are telling the truth when they say they did not choose that orientation."

An October 2004 scientific research publication stated that scientists at the University of Padua have found that women tend to have more children when they inherit the same genetic factors linked to homosexuality in men. This fertility boost more than compensates for the lack of offspring fathered by gay men, and keeps the “gay” genetic factors in circulation.

Another study published in Human Genetics in February 2006 examined X chromosome inactivation in mothers of gay sons and mothers whose sons were not gay. Researchers found extreme differences between women who had gay sons and women who did not.

A Canadian university study published in June of 2006 stated that, although researchers have known for years that a man's likelihood of being gay rises with the number of older biological brothers, that the new study found that the so-called "fraternal birth order effect" persists even if gay men were raised away from their biological families.

2007-05-19 05:28:31 · answer #4 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 2 1

First off, I'd like to correct a common misconception...as pointedly posted by "Harie"

Those "kids on talk shows who want to be the opposite gender" ARE NOT GAY!! THEY ARE TRANSGENDERED...NOT THE SAME THING...

Although I love transgendered people as human beings, I just want to make it perfectly clear that GENDER IDENTITY AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION ARE NOT RELATED!!!


Yes, I too believe that people are born gay.
Too many gays/lesbian have stated that they knew about their being "different" from childhood for this to simply be a fad or coincidence.
Also, studies have shown that childhood sexual abuse has NOTHING to do with an adult victims' sexual orientation. If it did, ALL victims of childhood sexual abuse would be gay/lesbian. (Simplified for our not so bright readers)

The APA determined back in 1975 that Homosexuality was neither a disease nor a disorder as it poses NO Danger/Harm to the individual.

Studies have also shown that hormone levels are no different in homosexual males then they are in heterosexual males. So, the hormone theory is bunk.
Some studies have shown that brain size is somewhat different in homosexual males compared to heterosexual males, but the findings are still inconclusive and could only be preformed post-mortem.

There is NO concrete proof showing that "Conversion therapy" or "Reparitive therapy" EVER changes any gays to being straight as NOT ONE of these supposed groups keep any kind of records of their supposed "sucess" in doing this. Also, not one of these groups employ even ONE board certified psycho-therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist...NOT ONE!
They also refuse to admit that most gays who have under gone such "therapy" all revert back to their NATUAL sexuality. Exodus International and Exodus USA have both had their spokesperson and Presidents revert back to being gay! (terribly embarrising for Exodus...haha)
Also the APA has determined that these types of groups actually do much more harm than good because they use tactics that shame gays into thinking their actions and thoughts are "bad" and therefore actually have made suicide rates RISE!

Religion will say one thing, but facts usually prove them wrong. Galileo was Excommunitcated because he said the world was ROUND and that the Earth was NOT the center of the Universe....FIVE HUNDRED years later...the Roman Catholic church ATE THEIR WORDS! (Five hundred years??? that only shows the ENORMOUS ego the Catholic Church possesses!!)

2007-05-19 04:03:15 · answer #5 · answered by DEATH 7 · 6 1

i agree with you. i don't think doctors have actually proven what it is physically that causes someone to be born gay, but there are lots of studies related to it. i've read articles where they talk about brain function and hormones as relating to the gay question but they don't really know yet. that aside, i have known people personally who were pretty much gay from birth as well, and seen those kids on talk shows who like want to be the opposite sex or whatever. gayness can definitely be predetermined, something you're born with, although i do think you can also turn gay or bisexual as a result of events in your life or whatever else.

2007-05-19 03:49:06 · answer #6 · answered by harie 3 · 1 1

Good question, I am not sure if you are born or not, but I know I have a cousin who same thing ever since we can remember he has been Gay. My guess is we are born with extra oposite hormone, like if you are male you have some female in ya or if you are female you have some male in ya, you know how some peopel are born with both genitals well maybe gay people are born with both horomones or something, I know it doesn't make them any less of a person and if fact some of them are cooler then straight people.

2007-05-19 03:48:16 · answer #7 · answered by zyann0102 3 · 1 3

Some people are born that way

Some will just have any trauma (like sexually abused by a gay) and here they come

2007-05-19 05:38:43 · answer #8 · answered by CF6-80C2 2 · 0 1

I believe that people are born gay, just as they are born with blue eyes or tall.
In my culture we believe that gay people are fortunate enough to be born with two spirits and that is why they are the Way they are.

2007-05-19 03:59:47 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 4 1

i also think people are born gay but i also think some of them become gay because of different things that has happened to them...for example my sister became gay after she was date raped by our cousin and two of our childhood friends...the three of them laced her drink with a date rape drug and she has not been the same since then...that was 2 years ago...in therapy she met another young lady who was raped by a family member and they have been together ever since....they seem very happy and i'm happy for her!

2007-05-19 03:55:52 · answer #10 · answered by va757 4 · 3 2

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