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Are socialist and communist basically the same thing? Im having trouble determining the difference between the two. And as far as an anarchist goes, Im confused all together. I'd really appreciate it if you can clear things up for me a bit. Thank you!

2007-05-19 03:25:18 · 12 answers · asked by Rebecca R 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

12 answers

They are both evil. The difference between the two is exceedingly small, and for practical purposes, irrelevant. A socialist is merely a communist-in-waiting.

2007-05-19 03:27:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It depends on your point of view. From the perspective of a Marxist-Leninist, socialism is a less-evolved form of government than communism. After the Revolution, the Party installs a form of government known as State Socialism. The watchword of state socialism is "from each according to his ability, to each according to his level of production." The other hallmark of Socialism is the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The Dictatorship refers to the control of society in order to advance the goals of the most progressive, forward-looking part, i.e., the Proletariat, who are the vanguard of the revolution.

Over time, and absent mistakes such as those made by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the state withers away and we are left in the state of true communism, wherein the warchword is "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs and tastes." In this utopian world, mankind will become perfect, able to follow the calling of the moment. One day, I may be a garbageman; the next, a critical critique.

From a different perspective, that of modern political socialism, such as Edouard Bernstein's Evolutionary Socialism, socialism is a political system that serves the needs of society rather than wealthy, powerful individuals. The United States is a more or less socialist state, owing to the massive programs of public support that we have. We're not as socialist as, say, Sweden, but we're a whole lot more socialist than we were 100 years ago.

Anarchist is a person who believes in no government. Anarchists played a big role in destabilizing Europe during the early 20th century. McKinley's assassin was an anarchist, as were numerous nut cases running around in Russia after the October Revolution, and there are some authorities who hold that the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was an anarchist coup, but the best evidence suggests that it was organized by a Bosnian separatist cabal,

2007-05-19 10:42:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Communist ideology stems from Karl Marx teachings wherein an attempt is made by a group of people(call themselves Comrades) to create a society where everybody is equal.
Under this, the state apparatus is supreme,and will provide for all needs of its citizens.The wealth generated by the country is distributed to all as per the citizens needs.The state guarantees basic right-food,shelter,education and jobs.

In a Socialist setup, the people set up or choose the government,like in a Democracy-voted to power.However,the wealth of the nation,is more or less spent in such a manner to benefit the poorest of the poor.
This means that the policies and programs that the government declares will be framed in such a manner as to benefit the poor.
The rich are taxed to help the poor.
Capitalism is not banned in a Socialist setup.
Thats the basic difference.

2007-05-19 10:34:01 · answer #3 · answered by ksps100 3 · 1 1

In history, communism is defined as a system where the workers own the means of production (factories, farms, etc.). Much of this idealogy stems from German philosopher Karl Marx and his book Das Kapital. His followers are called Marxist.

Socialism is a system where the society (all people) own the wealth of that society. Socialists advocate the distribution of wealth so those who have more contribute to those who have less.

Anarchism advocates the destruction of government, companies and centralized society. It can mean craving freedom, decentralization, etc.

While people like to put down certain countries or certain societies as having been one of the above in the past it is clear that none of them has ever been truly tried.
Some countries called themselves socialist or communist but never implemented because a small group of people controlled power.

When the Soviet Union implemented communism supposedly it was clear that it didn't follow Marx's teachings. That is why they termed it Marxist/Leninst.
A later Soviet leader Josef Stalin was known for his brutality and forced migration of his people. His methods are called Stalinism.

2007-05-19 10:31:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The Communist (THEORY) is what's best for the community. Which is an excellent philosophy but doesn't work for a government because it relies on you choosing to live that way. (see hippie communes) Socialism goes one step farther. It removes your choice and shifts the main focus away from your community doing what is best for the social order and the country in general. True communism would resemble a Christian utopia and does not exist While true socialism is closer to fascism than communism. (see East German Stazi)

2007-05-19 10:35:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Josef Stalin once said this about the difference: "Socialism means from each according to his ability and to each according to his work, but communism means from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs."

Besides the difference in hue, between communism and socialism, there are also important differences in scale. The really ugly socialism and communism is that which occurs on the state/governmental level and which is imposed willy nilly on the population subject to the state's laws. There's probably nothing wrong with purely voluntary associations of people in a socialist or communist culture, since as soon as anyone becomes discontent with it he can leave. State communism (or socialism) often has to erect barriers to prevent disenchanted people from leaving.

2007-05-19 10:33:30 · answer #6 · answered by blaringhorn 2 · 0 0

Communist and socialist are so different as cow and horse. Communist means - "commune" - society without private property , all property belong to all people.

Socialist is social society. Its mean the society care about each other but everyone can have own property.

2007-05-19 11:00:00 · answer #7 · answered by system man 1 · 0 1

Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. It can be considered a branch of the broader socialist movement. Communism as a political goal is generally a conjectured form of future social organization, although Marxists have described early forms of human social organization as 'primitive communism.

Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that envisage a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community. This control may be either direct—exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils—or indirect—exercised on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by state or worker ownership of the means of production.

2007-05-19 10:29:25 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 6 1

Socialism- Free market, however most of the money you make gets paid to the government to provide most social services..health care ect.

Communism- Everything is owned by the government which issues out an allowance to all it people. Everything is controled by the government.

The anti-christ will be a leader brought forth by the NeoCons to bring peace and stability (from the choas caused by the NeoCons in the first place)

Bush is not the anti-christ, he is just preparing the way for him.

2007-05-19 10:35:22 · answer #9 · answered by Paul D 3 · 0 3

Democrat (until they take back their party from the socialists)

are all identical, the only difference is how you spell it

Here is who they are
and here

here is the game plan they have been following for over 40 years, and I challenge anyone to argue this has not been the platform the Dems have been using

2007-05-19 10:36:56 · answer #10 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 2

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