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Tell me about how you lost your pet and found it again, or about how your pet came into your life because you found it (or how you reunited it with its owner).

2007-05-19 03:02:20 · 8 answers · asked by chocoboryo 6 in Pets Other - Pets

Nice stories so far, thought I would add one of my own because it's quite amazing (this is a short version of the story):
My friend was looking after my aviary while I was on holiday with my family. Well, she left the door open and one of my canaries flew away!
I eventually got it back, it ended up flying through the window and into the classroom next to mine at school (school was within walking distance from my house).

2007-05-19 03:35:07 · update #1

8 answers

My cat is an indoor cat, and my roommate inadvertantly left the door open and Shedmaster snuck out. He stuck around the neighborhood for about a week, and every so often he would come to our porch or backyard or driveway, but when we tried to get near him, he would take off. Finally, we just left the back door open, hoping he would come back in. Two days later, I found some of his hair on the floor in the living room, and checked his favorite hiding spot in the basement.
He was there, but crying. I picked him up, and instantly I knew something was wrong. He felt much lighter, and as I got a look at him, he had no hair on his back legs, clumps missing from his tail and belly, and scabs all on his legs and belly. I hustled him to the vet. He ultimately survived, but needed about $2500 worth of care, but it's worth it. The vets told me he likely got caught under a car and got burned by the muffler or something else.
He's still a sweet cat though.

2007-05-19 03:15:03 · answer #1 · answered by mr_ljdavid 4 · 3 0

We recently became a two dog family. Every morning I walk our two year old lab, Maddie. Two months ago as we were headed out for our walk, this chocolate lab pup comes from no where and heels me the whole walk (2 miles). I kept trying to shoo him away, we got home and I went in, when I got ready to go to work 5 hours later there he is, so I put him in the back yard with Maddie.
After an extensive search, checking the neighborhood, ads on the radio & newspaper, a trip to the vet to see if he had a micro chip, he has a new home at our house. We named him Muck and our other dog is very happy to have a playmate!
The best part of the story is that when Muck first arrived he would follow me around but not let anyone near him. He would shy away if I raised my hand to pet him and hide from my husband & son completely. He has scars on his ears and legs. He now lets all of us pet him and is very loving. A happy ending!! :0)

2007-05-19 11:00:51 · answer #2 · answered by Beatlegirl 4 · 2 0

Paddy, my old pound dog, came to me from West Virginia. I don't know how he ended up in the pound there or why no one wanted to adopt him. Fortunately, some nice people a few towns away from me in Massachusetts brought him up here just before he was to be euthanized. He's been the best friend anyone could ever want for the past four years.

Last year, I added Roxy-the-Golden Retriever to our little family.

One day last summer, the doorbell rang and a young woman was standing there with Paddy. Seems as though Paddy and his accomplice had slipped out the back gate. They were headed for the beach which is a couple of blocks away, but couldn't figure out how to cross the street in front of the cars. Well, Roxy was cooperative and got in her girlfriend's backseat.

Paddy, on the other hand, turned on his heels and headed for home. When the girlfriend arrived at my house, there was Roxy sitting like a queen in the back seat.

The girls didn't want to take anything for their rescue efforts. But I slipped them some money as they were driving off and told them to go have dinner on me.

Roxy and Paddy seemed to be glad to be home. Until two days later when they did it again!

2007-05-19 10:11:31 · answer #3 · answered by Beach Saint 7 · 2 0

I have an amazing story. I had two cockatiels, I don't know how, but one of them(Ali) got free. I was really upset, because how do you find a cockatiel? I must have mentioned it to my riding instructor, because she left a message on my phone saying that she saw a found ad in the paper that someone had found a bird. We called the number, and it was the people about a mile down the street. They said that Ali had landed in their driveway and that their rottweiler had sniffed, but not bothered her. They put her under an upside down basket and we picked her up about a week after we lost her. It was a miracle!

2007-05-19 10:39:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well one day, me and my parents were sitting around watching TV, then we called for our three dogs to come and eat, and when we did, only two came out.Bandit was the one mssing.Then we kept calling and calling.Then we started looking for him, and we couldn't find him anywhere near or in the house.So we started to drive house to house and ask if they'd seen or have him.All said no.We searched everywhere and when we got back home to rest a minute, my mother told me to look under the bed in their bedroom, and I looked on one side and he wasn't there.Then we all started looking again.We put up posters and kept looking.Then we gave up hope and stopped looking.Then I heard something from the bedroom.Snoring???I went in there and it came from the side of the bed that I didn't check.I looked on the side of the bed, and there was Bandit, sleeping quietly with gentle snoring.We were so happy to have found Bandit.


2007-05-19 10:19:49 · answer #5 · answered by waymon B 2 · 3 0

We were adopted by a very young puppy, probably about 7 weeks old. She just wandered up onto our front porch and wouldn't leave. We tried to find out who she belonged to, but no one claimed her. Well, several years later she disappeared from our yard (we believe she was stolen because there was no other way for her to get out.). My husband and I looked everywhere for her for several days, but we couldn't find her.

About three days later I just happened to look out the front window and saw what looked like a familiar tail going past the front window. When I looked out, it was our Tippy heading past our house, going to visit her best friend next door.

We brought her in the house, and she looked like she'd lost about 15 pounds. Her front paws were all packed and caked with mud and after we cleaned her up and fed her, she flopped down on her bed and slept for 14 hours. I think she'd been stolen, then dug out of wherever she was and found her way home.

2007-05-19 11:02:19 · answer #6 · answered by JERILYN D 6 · 2 0

I have two stories.

My dog, Oscar, is obsessed with my father and wants to be with him 100% of the time. This of course isn't possible, so when my dad leaves for work he gets all wimpery and sad. One time, as my dad was leaving, I opened the door to go outside, and the dog ran out too. He runs fast. My dad had already pulled out of the driveway and was on his way to work, so my dog just kept running until he was out of sight. I started to search my neighborhood for him, and figured maybe someone found him and brought him to the vet. I gave them a call, and it turns out he ran there himself. Of all the places, he ran to the vet. It's only like, a 5 minute walk, but i still think it's funny he chose to go there. They wouldn't believe me it was my dog, and I had to describe every square inch of him. -_-

Another time, my hamster escaped. I got home from school, and noticed that he chewed a hole through the METAL screen on the top of his cage. It was metal!! Anyways, he chewed a hole in it and I had no idea where he could be. I searched my entire house, and found him hiding under the heater, behind our hutch. This means that he jumped from the top of his cage onto my desk ( about 12 inches ) and from my desk to the floor ( about 3 feet ) and didn't get hurt. He then somehow had to of squeezed under my door, no surprise to me. He then, somehow, ran across my entire house ( my room and the dining room are on completely opposite ends of the house ) without being seen by my dog. My dog ( same one who ran to the vets ) is sorta like a cat, and he will attempt to attack and eat anything that moves. My hamster somehow snuck by him and wiggled his way under our heater. I lured him out with a Terra chip, and had to buy him a new cage top.

2007-05-19 10:13:29 · answer #7 · answered by Brendan 2 · 3 0

- our old dog, Willy (who died several years ago) once ran into the woods and hed been gone a couple days when a man who had been searching for mushrooms found him and brought him back to us. -he was hit by a car(the car didnt even stop it just kept going!!!) and hess buried in our yard.
-Lucky-our other dog(this was when i was maybe 7) he ran to the golf course down the road. they saw his tags and called us but a different family came before we did and said that it was their dog and we never saw him again. : (

2007-05-19 11:34:24 · answer #8 · answered by AM 3 · 1 0

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