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24 answers

No, you should not be having sex because your friends are. Respect for yourself and your body should dictate how much drawer pudding is dished out (none). Your virginity is and should be treated as something sacred. It is nice to be part of the crowd, but it is even better to be an individual. God Bless.

2007-05-23 07:00:22 · answer #1 · answered by Bethy4 6 · 2 0

Peer pressure is one of the worst things ever! Don't let them make you feel like crap because you keep your legs closed! I am proud of you for questioning this before you just jump in and do it. It is ok to be a virgin especially at your age and you should be proud of it! Kids can be so mean, take it from me I didn't have much "ROMANCE" in school either but to look back on it I'm kinda glad because while I was sitting there a virgin other people were either pregnant or getting some kinda STD cured, not my idea of fun! People teased me and called me a loser all of the time but I was not ready so I refused I didn't want to do it just for the sake of being "COOL" and you should not either, just let them think what ever they want. Be true to yourself and be who you are not what they want you to be. You are the one who has to live with what you do and what mistakes you make not them. Sex is an adult thing that takes at lot of maturity and responsibility something a 16yearold is just not ready for, unfortunately allot think they are that's why there are so many pregnant teens. A couple of days ago I answered a question from a 13 year old who decided to have sex with her boyfriend, she was concerned because her period was late well a day later she informed us who answered her that she is now having a child! Please let that be a lesson to you as I am positive that you are not ready to have a baby. Don't be a follower be a LEADER and start a new TREND!

2007-05-25 04:27:42 · answer #2 · answered by peaches&cream 3 · 1 0

No you should not be having sex yet.

You should not give up your virginity until you know what you are giving away.

I have married 2 virgins over my life - about 20 years apart - and I have had relationships with non-virgins. The first marriage broke up years later over issues with her parents. There are pluses and minuses. A virgin - in my experience and I know other men who feel the same - if you are not just the first, but she is a good girl too, will tend to bond (some would say cling) and will expect you to look after her and will be as loyal to you as her character allows her to be. You are part of her past, her present and her future. I like it, but it is a heavy responsibility and I try to be a better man because of it. A lot of men do not want to be so involved.

On the other hand, in my experience, non-virgins tend to have their own wants and needs and you are good if you can help them with it. They are less afraid of a step in dark. They do not need you there. There is less responsibility, a greater equality, but also a feeling after the flush of love is over that she can look after herself, she is your equal. Many men prefer the lesser responsibility and the lesser guilt in breaking up.

In terms of bonding, particularly for a woman, generally, as the song goes, "The first cut is the deepest." I have many friends who would never sleep with a virgin and most of them never married. The only exception was a guy who said he would not sleep with her as a virgin, so she slept with another guy at the nightclub and then came back and hooked up with first guy the same night/morning, so it does not really count.

2007-05-21 06:14:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I didn't have my first kiss until I was 16 and didn't have sex until I was 17. there is nothing wrong with waiting longer then your friends. think of it this way while the boys are running through all the other girls it may look fun but it runs out. they will soon be calling those girls hoes and easy. then they will be looking your way. Hold on to it as long as you can. I can tell you from experience that sex is something that is better handled as an adult. one wrong decision with sex could change your life

2007-05-27 02:22:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey Youu! :) SUP!Kay ima answere you tha best way I can,my answere is going to differ im sure compared to tha rest but oh well,about your question!

im 17 years old and have been dating my bf for 3 years now and guess what?? im still a virgin!Amazing huh :) all my friends already have had sex so i know how you feel,but listen please dont let pressure from ne one make you feel you hafe to have sex.I promise you you will not regret it.Your virginity is something you cant get back once you give it to some guy.Im not miss prude but i respect myself and am waiting for marriage.Im not suggesting you to wait for marriage cus only you know what feels right.Once you are ready no one can really answere your question but remember to ask yourself if this is really worth you..becus you have something not alot of girls these days still have.Which is wondeful :) Girl follow what you feel is right,all these answeres are just opinions,follow your heart and now what everyone else does or says is right.Only you truely know that.
Take Care Sweetie!

2007-05-26 22:00:50 · answer #5 · answered by Ces! 1 · 1 0

Not until you WANT to be.
AND not until you are vaccinated for HPV
AND not until you have a method of birth control and condoms too
AND not until you care enough about someone to accept the risks, including --

pregnancy -- any method of birth control can fail; it is always a risk
STDs -- again, condoms provide good protection but the risk is always there
HPV and Herpes -- two STDs that are spread skin-to-skin, and therefore not prevented by condom use, since condoms only cover the penis, not all skin; no vaccine for herpes, and it's very common (and he doesn't have to have any sores to give it to you)
Not to mention the emotional turmoil

Some girls you know probably already have had several different partners -- do you know what their risk for cervical cancer (from HPV) is? It's high, and all for some guys they don't even care about anymore.
Don't be like that. Wait until you find someone really special.

2007-05-26 20:43:04 · answer #6 · answered by who me? 5 · 2 0

No. I was 18 when I first had sex, and honestly it was for no reason at all. Once you get older you'll respect yourself more for saving it. I'm now 21, and a few of my friends are still virgins. Not for religious reasons, or that they can't find anyone, or waiting for marriage, they just don't want to. It's def. not something you should do just for the hell of it. It may seem cool, but for now you don't need it. trust me.

2007-05-25 01:35:54 · answer #7 · answered by AlwaysInquisitive 3 · 1 0

Its good to be virgin. Only good character girls are supposed to be virgin. And you should give your virginity to the person you love, you trustand you are legally engaged to, and that will be only one person , we call him husband. Until then control your drsires and save your love for your Mr. Right. Ok and now be a good girl and concenterate onyour career buildin gor studies.
there will be time for it you never know when , today, tomorrow or after years.

2007-05-27 05:12:26 · answer #8 · answered by concreterabbit 3 · 0 0

No, no, no, no, no! In my opinion there is no "should" for having sex! A loving and mutually respectful relationship that creates the feeling in your self to want to bring that closeness to a physical fulfillment through sexual contact is what makes it happen. While it can be a physical high to screw, it leaves the rest of you empty afterward.

2007-05-24 00:34:24 · answer #9 · answered by dizzkat 7 · 0 0

no girl don't do that until u are really and mean that when u are an adult and be with someone that you love because later on if u get pregnant or have STD's you will not wanted that at all think about something else like school and finishing school and going to college

2007-05-27 06:35:26 · answer #10 · answered by Lady Dead Girl 3 · 0 0

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