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This question is for Republicans and Democrats alike. I'm curious because I'm always hearing Republicans pride themselves on how they are the only ones who love this country. Last time I checked the baboon named George W. Bush(I don't mean to diss on actual baboons.)is on his second term in office and he's destroying America left and right! He's gotten a thousand plus soldiers killed in his war for oil(that's right his war has NOTHING to with the September 11th attacks because the ones that started those attacks aren't even in Iraq!)not to mention that due to soaring oil prices businesses are forced to cut back to labor hours and one person is forced to do the job of two or three! 2008 can NOT come soon enough!

Oh, and PS: I support America by NOT supporting the President. I support the troops by NOT supporting the war!

2007-05-19 02:35:51 · 24 answers · asked by gothic_wiccan_913 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Thanks to all of those who've answered so far! Those answers given by Repkes/RepubliCUNTS(take your pick.)low ratings. You can still view their garbage I just choose not to have it readily visible on the answers!

2007-05-19 03:17:51 · update #1

I meant Repukes not Repkes.

2007-05-19 03:19:26 · update #2

24 answers

We don't hate America! We love our country. Oh, and we have class. WE are actually able to debate issues without using 4 letter words.

2007-05-23 15:49:17 · answer #1 · answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6 · 4 2

Why does your question have the word "hate" in it? And "baboon". And you are accusing others of being hateful?

And since when is any president solely responsible for every bad thing that happens - there are two other legislative branches as well, which are supposed to balance the power.

The last 8 years have pretty much been bad for Americans, and Bush is only 1/3 of the equation.

2007-05-26 21:50:28 · answer #2 · answered by Tangerine 4 · 0 0

The only ones that hate this country are the ones actively working to undermine the constitution. The Democrats are the party that hates America, and what it stands for, NOT Republicans.

1. If you do not support the war then by logical extension you support the enemy. So you DO NOT support the troops, Hell you don't even support the country.

2. If you support the legislative branch's attempt to neuter the Executive Branch (Unconstitutional) then you do not support the country, so you assist the enemy in their goals.

3. If you don't support the War, then you must not support the inalienable rights given to us by our creator, of course I am talking about Freedom. GW has freed over 50 million people, a far greater good than you can possible relate too.

4. Republicans are the open tent party, not like the Democrats, in their party you are told what to think, what to vote for, and who gets the media time. I prefer free thinkers like the Republicans. But not all are blessed with open minds.

5. Democrat voters are not capable of rational, non emotional judgments, therefore do not lead, but instead like lemmings follow, even if it leads of a cliff.

Today, we have low unemployment, the Highest home ownership in history, Libya sent its weapons of mass destruction to the US and re-entered the world community, Oh and did I mention liberating 50 million souls, not to mention a rocking stock market.

So put down the Kool-Aid and do some research and learn to think for yourselves people. It's the American Way.

So Sayeth the Impaler!

2007-05-25 14:59:45 · answer #3 · answered by impalersca 4 · 1 2

They don't. From your statment I can tell you have no clue why we are even in Iraq. Do you know who we are dealing with? When these nut jobs that are the islamic extremists say that they are going to wipe out Israel and come after us next they are not kidding. They are not making threats...they are making promises. Don't listen to the politicians here in the US. Listen what these nut jobs are saying. It is coming right from their own mouths. If we leave Iraq the war going on there now will look like a picnic in central park compared to what is coming. We are not there for oil. If we were we wouldnt be using the troops to build new schools and to update power and utilites. We would be using them to fill up tankers of oil to bring back to the US. The people who started the attacks are in Iraq...they are everywhere! You can't tell me that you believe the terrorists are in Syria, Jordan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan but not right smack in the middle of them in Iraq. Give me a break!

Please read up on world economies before making stupid statements. Prices are not contolled by the government. Oil prices are very complex and are controlled by a huge global economy. There are not people in big oil and government sitting behind closed doors just figuring out how to screw us. Supply and demand. Go figure it out. I think it is kind of hilarious that the same people who get on big oil about the high prices are the same liberal idiots that will not let us build the new refineries and drill where we need to in order to increase supplies which would lower the gas prices. How would you like $1.25/gal gas again. Well it will not happen because of the environmentalist wack jobs that think we are killing the environment by drilling or building new refineries.

It is impossible to support the troops and not support the mission they are on. Catch a clue.

2007-05-25 14:27:33 · answer #4 · answered by bhopefull 3 · 0 2

I am a republican. I am a former Marine. I have 3 children in the Marines, and I am far from hating the United States of America. I fly my USA flag, and my USMC flag, and the banner with 3 stars representing my three Marine children.

Republicans do not hate America. They have ideas just like democrats, just like liberitarians, just like Japanese Americans, and many illegal immigrants who are sneaking over the border probably have ideas as to what to do.

Jumping to such ludicrous and stupdendously incredible conclusions is just showing that you should maybe take some time to listen to other's thoughts. You don't have to agree, you have to hear, that's all.

2007-05-26 16:48:38 · answer #5 · answered by Kathryn P 6 · 0 0

You are a pretty smart cookie.
I'll get the easy answer out of the way before I go on my rant.

You can support the troops through groups like Veterans of Foreign Wars. I put a link below to save you a search.

As some of the other people have stated you would be doing an injustice if you were to Judge every Republican based on the actions of the few that get the most exposure.

Ron Paul for example is a good Republican. He reminds me of they way my father who was also a republican was. Here is a link to a Republican Debate.
while you are there there are some others of him from other debates and interviews.

I think I should note that my parents were republican but I am not registered with either party. I consider myself independent.

According to the wikipedia the CIA has 3 functions.

I have a problem with the second and third functions because they apparently have been approved to perform covert operations and have performed covert operations, which, in my opinion are in violation of the Charter of the United Nations that we signed in 1945 with 50 other nations.

I suggest you read the Preamble of the Charter at the following link:

Notice that it states as a means to prevent more wars, to establish justice and respect for international law that we agreed "to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours".
Covert Operations and causing other countries to be over thrown is not being a good neighbor.

Perhaps the CIA has even overthrown this governement ?
George W Bush was not elected in the 2000 presidential election.

There are a great deal of questions that remain unanswered about 9/11. In order to keep this short i will just supply the following link to a 4 minute music video about 911 and ask you to wacth it.

There are more 911 videos that can be watched on google.
If you would prefer to download them they are available at:

Thank you for your question. I hope I have been able to help you make some sense out of what is going on.

2007-05-25 09:15:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

you actually have a skewed view of u.s. and Republicans. I pay my taxes and help the troops and need the conflict to end on some form of extreme with possibility-free practices for each of the Iraqui's who worked with the troops. Rush surely critices the Republican party each of the time. I comprehend that what he says is extreme, as is O'Reilly, yet that's why they have the courses. they convey about contained in the target market which brings better money to the networks because they can charge better for promoting spots. That guy in Oklahoma city surely wasn't operating from any rational foundation - Republican, Democrat, or American. He became placed to lack of existence by technique of letal injection in a state that typically votes Republican and has a Republican governor as we talk.

2016-11-04 10:41:59 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Wow! You should stop listening to moveon.org and other leftwing media. They are clearly frying your brain cells. You need to get some more years under your belt, obtain some assets, start a family and pay more attention to both side of this political argument and you might be enlightened and know that you question dripping with ignorance.

2007-05-26 17:49:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first of all you give us goths a bad name with your pathetic rantings but it is understandable b/c of your pathetic religion,..cast a spell, witch,..i am a true communist christian goth,..we let our light shine in darkness,..these two parties want to control the population, like a coven they focus their power towards those that can be manipulated for their particular craft to prosper, maybe for a time,..besides it is most likely they want oil contracts that may not come to fruition but would help the iraqi economy,..if the iraqis get their oil on line, they and opec should rock america's lust for oil,..it is not like we are gonna start riding horses or bicycles full time,..businesses cut labor b/c labor cuts into profits,..that is basic capitalist economics which also requires mandatory unemployment,..corrupt,..get out of debt,..

i e a e,..

2007-05-26 18:36:13 · answer #9 · answered by unificationist 2 · 0 0

Not all Republicans are evil, just the Bushite minions.
The true patriots of this country are people who stand up against a corrupt government.
And so are our brave soldiers, who unfortunately are being sacrificed in the name of greed, not some honorable cause.

Gothic: I don't want to offend any animals either, but he looks like a chimp ad acts like a baboon.

2007-05-19 08:14:05 · answer #10 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 3 2

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