... and reason is disregarding the unobservable...
It's futile (and illogical) to apply "logic" to a situation that exists beyond the realm of logic! Such an exercise is not one of logic or reason, but of imagination and philosophy.
If we cannot use logic to prove or disprove the existence of God, or at least, to strongly suggest or support it, then to reason about the existence of deities beyond deities becomes purely an exercise in imagination, rather than logic... :)
2007-05-17 17:48:47
answer #1
answered by The Oracle 6
,,,ThAt's a FALLacy,,,isn'T iT,,,???,,,yeAh yOu goT a PoiNt there,,,BuT iT thiNK,,,thiNgS oR sOMe LikE GOD,,,eXists,,,becaUSe we bELiEve tHat thEy exiSts,,,as HumAns We aLwayS woNderEd HoW We GoT iN hEre,,,So We MAdE iT a FacT ThAt SOMEONE,,,ThAt iS moRe PoweRfuL tHan BroUght uS Up in HErE,,,LOVE THAT quEstioN,,,how I WisH I couLd ExpLAiN mY oPiNioN moRe fUrthER,,,buT I'm RuNNiNg OuT of Words to SAy,,,
2007-05-17 23:53:36
answer #5
answered by snippuff 2