I have Neon Tetras, Serpae Tetras, Rams, Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid, Macmaster's Dwarf Cichlid, Guppies, Gobies a Pleco, Black Moors,a Comet, a Shubunkin, Spotted Raphael Catfish, Mollies, Platies, a Swordtail, a Betta, a Black Ruby Barb, Cories and Otocinlus Catfish.
Yes, I do have several tanks... LOL =^B
2007-05-18 15:55:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have two tanks occupied currently -- one is a 30 gallon with 3 pearl gouramis (1 male, 2 females), 13 glo-lite tetras, 5 Schwartz's cories and a male betta in it. =) I love the pearls, especially the male -- I'm currently training him to eat from my hand, and he often comes up to the glass and follows me around. I'm sure the females would do it too, but he craves the attention and chases them away if they get to close. The females do their own thing, and the smaller of the two is hilarious -- she pesters the betta when he's sleeping. He'll lay in the floating plants, and she'll come up and rub her feeler ventrals all over him then run away. Kind of like the fishy version of ding-dong-ditch, I assume, haha. She also loves to dart right through the school of glo-lites and send them scattering all around the tank. =D The glo-lites are fun to watch because they school and flash like they would in the wild. The betta enjoys stalking the cories, even though he'd never do anything to them except flare at them and try to look scary. =P
My 20 gallon houses 3 female bettas and 4 danios, and it's funny because the danios are larger than the female bettas. Sometimes the girls will just be minding their own business when ZOOM, a danio careens past and completely messes up the girls' equilibrium. Very entertaining. =)
I'm also moving into the world of cichlids -- I'm soon going to be revamping the 20 gallon and moving the girl bettas to a 10 and replacing them with Cockatoo Apistos. I'm very excited for that -- these will be the first cichlids besides angelfish I have kept! =)
2007-05-17 10:59:06
answer #2
answered by Crown of Glass 2
My only tank at the moment has 16-18 neons, 6 black phantoms, a pleco and a rainbow shark. I finally have enough neons that they shoal :)
I am about to set up a 12 gal that will house a trio of apistos (either cacatuoides or borellii) and probably glowlight tetras and a bristlenose pleco.
I'd love to get an african tank with yellow labs, Ps acei and demasoni going plus an american tank with an oscar, JD, firemouth and some clown loaches, but those are at least a couple months away, if not more.
2007-05-17 10:54:56
answer #3
answered by Wendy M 2
I too love cichlids. I got tons of fish now. I got one tank with 2 Leaf fish, i Gold Siamese tiger Datnoid a,d 2 Gold Rams. the second tank has a leopard fish by himself, and the 3rd tank has a Chocolate Cichlid, Synonis catfish and 2 Wolf cichlids. If you love Extremely aggressive fish. i would recommend the Wolfs. They are the largest most aggressive cichlid you can get. Hella fun to have.
2007-05-17 11:00:43
answer #4
answered by Li'l Devil 3
I have 2 tanks of tropical freshwater fish.
28g has 8 serpae and 5 danios. I love the serpae, they are so cute when they eat. the danios are ok, they seem panicky and fraidy-catish. I have had the dans for only a few days.
I also have a betta, he's pretty sickle today. But I know bettas are so fun and beautiful.
2007-05-17 11:51:19
answer #5
answered by Movie.Junkie 2
I have 8 zebra danios
5 neon tetras
1 male betta
1 powder blue dwarf gourami
6 ghost shrimp
I think they are fun. So energetic (except my betta). My gourami will sometimes run laps along the front of the tank. Swim all the way to one end, flip around and swim back to the other end. Very cute. Sometimes he'll try and nip at my ghost shrimp and they'll jump halfway across the tank to escape him, but no harm has been done yet.
2007-05-17 11:05:47
answer #6
answered by Becca 5
Here, we've got:
3 EXTRODINARILY LARGE! goldfish (10-12")
2 male bettas (1 in a 2 gal,1 in the 29 gal tropical tank. Patriot and Abernith, respectively)
2 zebra danio
2 plecostomos
1 platyxmolly
6 neon tetra
And I'll be getting a pair of african dwarf frogs tomorrow. =)
2007-05-17 11:36:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hi! I have...
An albino oscar named Vlad
A green terror named Gringo
A firemouth named Bill
A wolf cichlid named Thor
and the oldest fish a texas blue named T-bone
oh yeah there are the guppies all named Food
You gotta name the fish!
Cichlids rock!
2007-05-17 12:56:36
answer #8
answered by citykitty_333 4
I have 2 zebra danios, 1 guppy, 1 platy, 4 neon tetras, 1 pleco, and 1 ghost shrimp. They all seem to get along well.
2007-05-17 11:20:12
answer #9
answered by ZooTycoonMaster 6
I've 3 tanks with fish in, and the obligatory isolation/nursing tank.
main is 6x2x2ft planted amazon set up
3 pair of DIscus, cobolt, heckel (unproved), blue snakeskin.
6 clown loach, 5-8inch
4 bristle-nose cats (i think they just appear)
5 Whiptails
15 Siamese algae eaters
40/50 cardinals
15/30 Red wagtail platies at various sizes
Gold nugget plec smaller one.
4x2x2 ft again planted
Angels x 8
Peacock gobbies 1pr
Rams x 4
Bristle nose cats 1pr
15 red nose tetras
3. 5x2x2ft
2 tiger oscars
1 Plec (the usual hepostomus sold as something else)
1 bearded dragon 1 collared lizard and 1 black and white cat.
I'm now thinking of moving into the garden shed, thats me not more additions.
2007-05-17 13:06:57
answer #10
answered by andyjh_uk 6