Typical liberal media bias.
Why kill an INNOCENT baby but let a GUILTY murderer live.
2007-05-17 09:29:10
answer #1
answered by infobrokernate 6
What you are not grasping here is the difference in the meaning of the words.
I may be pro-choice, however that does not necessarily mean I myself would ever have an abortion, or encourage anyone else to do so. Pro-Choice MEANS I believe every woman should have the right to CHOOSE. Pro-Abortion would mean, I would just go get pregnant for the hell of it and have an abortion because it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It has nothing to do with sugar-coating anything, it has to do with the basic English and pro-abortion mean two entirely different things.
2007-05-17 09:30:31
answer #2
answered by Meggerz 2
I am 'Pro Choice' is so far as using birth control and choosing not to become pregnant in the first place.Abortion is not birth control! Just this morning it was stated on the news that the sex of the baby can be determined at 6 weeks into the pregnancy! There has to be a life to be able to determine sex at 6 weeks along into a pregnancy if this is a boy or a girl!
2007-05-17 09:33:50
answer #3
answered by Pamela V 7
Because a lot of people who are Pro-Choice aren't always Pro-Abortion. Pro-Choice people, however, look at it as a woman's choice.
I'm Pro-Choice. I think abortion should only be used under a last option scenario. However, it is a woman's right to choose. It shouldn't even be debated in the Courts.
So stop watching FOX News. They'll make us out to be everything we're not.
2007-05-17 09:31:02
answer #4
answered by Jeremiah 5
Because dufus.... they're PRO-CHOICE. They're not Pro Abortion... what part of CHOICE don't you get? The part where it's not some Mayberry Machiavelli's decision or the part where it's up to the individual? Jeez only in Jesusland!
A zygote, an embryo, a fetus is neither a baby nor is it a sentient being
Main Entry: zy·gote
Pronunciation: 'zI-"gOt
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek zygOtos yoked, from zygoun to join -- more at ZYGOMA
: a cell formed by the union of two gametes; broadly : the developing individual produced from such a cell
- zy·got·ic /zI-'gä-tik/ adjective
Main Entry: em·bryo
Pronunciation: 'em-brE-"O
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural em·bry·os
Etymology: Medieval Latin embryon-, embryo, from Greek embryon, from en- + bryein to swell; akin to Greek bryon catkin
1 a archaic : a vertebrate at any stage of development prior to birth or hatching b : an animal in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems; especially : the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception
2 : the young sporophyte of a seed plant usually comprising a rudimentary plant with plumule, radicle, and cotyledons
3 a : something as yet undeveloped b : a beginning or undeveloped state of something
Main Entry: fe·tus
Pronunciation: 'fE-t&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, act of bearing young, offspring; akin to Latin fetus newly delivered, fruitful -- more at FEMININE
: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth
Main Entry: sen·tient
Pronunciation: 'sen(t)-sh(E-)&nt, 'sen-tE-&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sentient-, sentiens, present participle of sentire to perceive, feel
1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions
3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling
- sen·tient·ly adverb
2007-05-17 09:33:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The term Pro choice is used to make their position on abortion seem more compassionate. When you get to the bottom of it a baby is still murdered.
2007-05-17 09:31:46
answer #6
answered by only p 6
You don't have to be pro abortion to be pro choice. I don't care what another woman does with her own body. I'm pro choice.
2007-05-17 09:36:46
answer #7
answered by Franklin 7
In other words, they wouldn't have an abortion themselves; but they wouldn't tell somebody else what to do.
Don't worry, English can be a hard language to understand with only an 8th grade education- you'll get there someday.
2007-05-17 09:31:27
answer #8
answered by Beardog 7
The same reason people who are Pro Life don't say they are Pro Birth. Because after the child is born they could care less about it but while it's in the womb they love it so much.
2007-05-17 09:30:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I've always wondered that too. It's sugar-coating, pure and simple. Semantics to make them feel better about the fact that women who abort and the doctors who perform the abortions are truly foul and despicable "people".
2007-05-17 09:30:26
answer #10
answered by doesn'tmatter 2
Political correctness, also propaganda. People will sooner support someone who will say that he is for right of choice rather than someone who will say he is for woman's right to kill off unborn fetus.
Or someone who will say he is for life rather than someone who will say he is against giving the woman the right to chose what to do with her body.
The psychological effect is clear, as demonstrated above.
2007-05-17 09:32:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous