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This is a serious question. Why is it that almost all Republicans say this? Why couldn't if be "unpatriotic" to send thousands of soldiers to die in an unjust war? Why couldn't it be "unpatriotic" to not give these soldiers proper care when they return home?

2007-05-17 07:21:04 · 45 answers · asked by wingspan1985 4 in Politics & Government Politics

The reason I care is because I am sick of being accused of this. While I agree not all Republicans are this way, this is the first thing out of the mouth of a lot of Republicans I talk to.

2007-05-17 07:34:07 · update #1

Bush lied about the WMD's. On top of that he used that lies as his main argument to go to war. Lying to go to war is unjust in my opinion.

2007-05-17 08:02:22 · update #2

should say *those* lies

2007-05-17 08:03:52 · update #3

donchamp - Not from the UK, although sometimes I wish I was. I would've loved to have been born in '55 instead of '85 and been able to see all the great bands you guys had/have over there live.

2007-05-17 16:28:15 · update #4

45 answers

Rest assured that if all facts were exactly the same except the party of the President involved, they'd be singing a different tune.

It has nothing to do with whether or not you support the war - to the people you're talking about, ALL Democrats are unpatriotic because we're not Republicans.

2007-05-17 07:23:54 · answer #1 · answered by Bush Invented the Google 6 · 14 5

First of all I'm not a Republican

Calling this an unjust war is just LAME with out backing it up.

"Why couldn't it be "unpatriotic" to not give these soldiers proper care when they return home"

wasent it the Democrats that where trying to cut funding for this war? Are you trying to say that it's better if our solders had no guns or bulletproof jackets as long as they get good care when they come home? NEWS FLASH: They won't be comeing home becuse the Democrats killed them!

Most Republicans know that Democrats don't support the war just to get into the White House. Take John Kerry or Hillary Rodham Clinton they both voted for the war but as soon as they started running for the White House they didn't support the war. Hmm.... You think they might be saying that to get a few more votes? And it's not just those two other Democrats running for President are doing the same thing.

Now what do we get by ending this war? Well, fist off I think we all know that as soon as end this war the terrorist will see this as there victory adding to more terror attacks. Now that the U.S. is out of Iraq who will be garding the oil wells? No one? Well we now know where the Terrorist will attack first. Ha-ha you thought gas prices where high now!

Oh, lets not forget about all these people that helped the U.S. (you know the ones that helped us find the Terrorist) and the cops and the Iraq Army. What will happen to all those good people who trust us so much? Well in our last war "Desert Storm" all those people where killed. And when we went back we didn't understand why they hated us so much.

And lets not forget ANYONE that died for the U.S. in this war will have died in vain. Our Troops truly believe that they are making a difference in this world. Makeing it safer and a better place why can't the Democrats just have alittle trust in our armed foces and let them finish there job?

2007-05-17 07:54:33 · answer #2 · answered by hdchackz 5 · 0 2

The Republican Ronald Regan (and Bill mahr is right the Republicans have a serious gay thing going with Ronnie) managed to turn the word Liberal into an unpatriotic term when he was running against Mondale Ever since then the Republicans have used this tactic. They shift the conversation to the weather matter is patriotic or not and they set the standard of what is and what is not patriotic.

Similarly the Christan Right have done the same thing in terms of Christianity.

In the meanwhile the left let them get away with it. They never reacted correctly. For example in the last campaign The right attack John Kerry's war record (Kerry while a lousy politician was war hero) instead of gathering the press and going right to the door of the people who made the attacks and saying "Hi I understand you have a problem with me" Kerry ran and hide and therefore lost. The only one to actually stand up to this tactic was Clinton and the right tried everything to get ride of him (Note He lost money in Whitewater and Newt and others were having an affair at the same time as he was (and I dare any man on this forum to tell me that they would not lie if asked if they were having an affair on their wives))

2007-05-17 07:39:17 · answer #3 · answered by Thomas G 6 · 0 1

Actually, that attitude has only made it more difficult to come to some kind of agreement on how to win this conflict. Staying the course was out of the question and was never going to work per our own generals.

Calling dems unpatriotic while at the same time not admitting the mistakes in the handling of the war only added fuel to the fire and more divisiveness. The only opportunity for the dems to change the course has also made them appear to be against the desired goal of winning the war.

While the dems methods at this time may make them appear foolish, they do seem to be having the effect of accomplishing the Iraq Study Group's comprehensive plan.
I really don't know if that is their intention, but that is the result.

Actually, Bush has caved in a lot of ways since the dems came into control of the house. Rumsfeld is gone, Petreas and Gates have replaced the prior leadership, there has been a diplomatic meeting with all of Iraq's neighbors and the U.S. The tactics and strategy have changed. This is all happening along with the troop surge.

Iraq, feeling threatened with U.S. pullout, is getting their government together with more expediency and resolve, and they have stopped protecting certain insurgent groups. .

I don't call that unpatriotic or siding with the enemy. And, you know they will come through with the funding, but with a few strings attached in the hope of a successful but quick end to this conflict.

2007-05-17 07:59:22 · answer #4 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 0 2

Excellent. Some idiot troll this morning asked about Ted Kennedy's service, as if Kennedy's lack thereof would have been somehow enough to mitigate the lack of service by the chickenhawks. (Turns out Kennedy did indeed serve as an enlisted man in the Army, 1951-1953.) Cheney is on record as saying he didn't serve in Vietnam because he had "other priorities."

2016-05-21 21:48:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It really has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican because there are jingoists in both parties. Because the current occupant of the White House is Republican thare are more jingoists in the Republican party but the Democrats have some too. These people are very, very narrow minded. They are very typical of jingoists in past wars too. They do not represent a majority or any mainstream within the population and are best taken with a grain of salt. Don't ignore them, they could be dangerous, but don't believe them either. I think they are pretty pathetic and almost feel sorry for them, almost.

2007-05-17 07:50:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The same Democrats who voted for the war and were calling for the Clinton administration to take Saddam down and saying he had WMDs are the same ones who are leading the charge against a Republican President who they claim "stole " the 2000 election. They voted FOR the war then they turned their backs on our troops and the President. Does that sound patriotic to you? It sounds like they're still throwing a tantrum over the 2000 election to me. They're just using the war in Iraq as an excuse because if they went back to the "he stole the election" idea they would reveal themselves as the whiney little babies that they are.

2007-05-17 07:39:23 · answer #7 · answered by srdongato2 5 · 1 1

It is the same the world over. The ruling party can avoid having to justify sending soldiers off to do murder and die for sod all by saying why are you not supporting our troops. Tony Blair had George Galloway thrown out of the labour party for just that reason. There are a lot of folk over here that would sack Blair in favour of Galloway but what the people think counts for Jack sh it in the UK.

late edit:
I can`t believe that you ask a question that gives Americans Rabies and then say sorry for putting "that lies" instead of "those lies". In the UK we call that breeding. Are you sure you`re not a Brit.

2007-05-17 07:34:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

All democrats who don't support the war not unpatriotic. Just the ones who publicly bash our leaders in a time of war and publicly announce plans for the war that would help our enemy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but during times like these sometimes you just have to keep that opinion to yourself and just wait for the next election and then try and change things. Sometimes you have to put being a good American above being a good Democrat.

2007-05-17 07:37:56 · answer #9 · answered by jim h 6 · 1 1

Not supporting the war in not unpatriotic. However Our men and women are over there fighting a war and any attempt by congress to direct that war from their comfy little office is unpatriotic. Maybe our soldiers shouldn't be there but they are and it is congresses Job to make sure they have the best tools to job and the best medical care when they are injured. This is not happening and that is a serious problem. On a side note I think it is wrong to embed the press in units. Our fine soldiers should not have to be concerned with protecting a civilian news reporter they should be focusing all their energy on protecting each other and doing the task assinged to them by the Commander and Chief of our country.

2007-05-17 07:30:29 · answer #10 · answered by hunting4junk 4 · 3 3

It takes everyone to make the world go around, this is what being an American is all about.
Basics of being human is putting anyone who does not agree with that person down.
If Americans all thought one thing, followed a leader wouldn't this be a dictatorship?
What makes America great is we have the right to disagree, there is nothing unpatriotic not to agree with EVERYTHING we are told too.....

2007-05-17 07:26:11 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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