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Check out this link.
http://www.prisonpl anet.com/ articles/ may2007/160507ri gsdebate. htm

2007-05-17 05:51:33 · 15 answers · asked by kaisergirl 7 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

Now the Republican party and the media want to ban Ron Paul from future debates. If you're against political and media censorship check out the petition.

2007-05-17 06:01:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think Ron Paul did well, and the debate was better than MSNBC. I'm 33, and I will be voting for him. I can't see the link you sent out, and I'm not a big fan of prisonplanet, so I don't know what it is you are linking to.

Ron Paul is being spun by the media, he said nothing different than what our own intelligence people said, or the 911 commission report stated.

2007-05-17 05:59:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

dizneyland fan a million)you say he have been given booed, yeah he did no longer have as many seats interior the debate by way of cost ticket sales whilst in comparison with Guiliani and romney. however the supporters nonetheless got here out louder than the nay-sayers. 2) The textual content debate shows him winning, yeah young ones use textual content yet maximum every person does today extra so than landlines it fairly is how the different polls are performed. i understand no longer one guy or woman who owns a landline yet no longer one with out a cellular. So who're we to have faith the Cells or the landlines? How with regard to the straw polls which additionally coach Ron Paul winning? Are they innaccurate too? How approximately this Ron Paul wins straw polls (a million) and textual content polls (2) Others win classic lanline polls (a million) 2 to a million Ron Paul wins, young ones the way forward for usa prefer Ron Paul. The textual content polls and straw polls are extra stable to control because of the fact one textual content=a million vote and you are able to not make particular your polling members come from a definite team of persons by way of finding demographics earlier you poll. textual content polling is in all probability the main precise polling executed today particularly whilst in comparison with the polls performed on landlines...who has a landlines anymore???

2017-01-10 04:32:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

rats u skipped a space
I think he has alot to say. I was not to sure
about the 9-11 things he implied. Fox News
I know I don't like how they edit. If Paul can
explain further his platform and beliefs stay clear
of broad statements with highly charged intent.
He needs a shot and maybe he isn't taken all
too seriously. A raw deal? That's a televised debate
for you. Some days u win, some u don't.

2007-05-17 05:55:59 · answer #4 · answered by Mele Kai 6 · 1 1

You are right the Skull and Bones Washington insiders don't want to give Ron Paul a chance.

2007-05-17 06:14:58 · answer #5 · answered by Texas Guy 3 · 2 0

The media is doing to Ron Paul what they did to Howard Dean, taking a moment and making it a political bomb. Dean was enthusiastic and the media portrayed it as mentally unstable, Paul was giving credence to the terrorists complaints and the media is portraying it as anti-American. Hopefully the apathetic voting block doesn't take it laying down. We need a sane voice in the foreign affairs division of this country.

2007-05-17 06:01:56 · answer #6 · answered by kerfitz 6 · 3 1

Ron Paul is running under the wrong ticket.

2007-05-17 06:00:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It is not just Fox News, it is the media in general. They are not giving Ron Paul the coverage he deserves. They do not want this man becoming President.

2007-05-17 05:55:19 · answer #8 · answered by Stephanie is awesome!! 7 · 4 1

Ron Paul was right, Giuliani proved he does not have the critical thinking skills to lead America.

2007-05-17 06:03:23 · answer #9 · answered by Timothy M 5 · 1 1

Ron Paul gave himself a raw deal, and will not be taken serious. He is a libertarian running under the Republican ticket for some reason.

2007-05-17 05:57:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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