Here in Las Vegas we have a tree with Yellow Flowers - The Palo Verde Tree (Green Stick) has allot of spiny green branches and lots of small Yellow Flowers.
2007-05-16 15:39:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
ACER CAPPADOCICUM AUREA Deep yellow leaves on opening and again in autumn. A. negundo auratum, goldenyellow foliage; A. pseudoplatanus corstorphinense, the golden sycamore, has leaves changing from pale through rich yellow to green in late summer, makes a large tree, worlei has soft yellow leaves until late summer.
ALNUS GLUTINOSA AUREA A goldenleaved form of the common alder. A. incana aurea, yellow leaves and young shoots with red catkins; it is a beautiful form of the grey alder.
CATALPA BIGNONIOIDES AUREA A small growing cultivar of the Indian bean tree with large golden leaves.
FAGUS SYLVATICA ZLATIA A yellowleaved beech.
FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR AUREA A large tree with yellow shoots and yellow leaves in autumn.
GLEDITSCHIA TRIACANTHOS 'Sunburst'. This has bright yellow unfolding leaves.
LABURNUM ANAGYROIDES AUREUM The yellow-leaved laburnum.
PTELEA TRIFOLIATA AUREA A yellow-leaved form of the hop-tree.
ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA FRISIA This has golden-yellow leaves throughout.
ULMUS CARPINIFOLIA SARNIENSIS A slow-growing .form of the Wheatley elm with pure golden colored leaves. U. glabra lutescens, a wych elm with pale yellow leaves; U. procera vanhouttei, a golden-leaved form of hedgerow elm.
CEDRUS DEODARA AUREA The golden deodar, smaller than the type, is the best golden cedar.
CHAMAECYPARIS LAWSONIANA LUTEA Has golden-yellow foliage; stewartii is a free-growing yellow form; C. obtusa crippsii is good deep yellow, slowly reaching tree size.
CUPRESSUS MACROCARPA 'Donard Gold'. A deep yellow and lutea, paler yellow, both being of compact growth.
JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS AUREA Young's golden juniper is a small tree of rather narrow form.
TAXUS BACCATA ELEGANTISSIMA The golden yew; fastigiata aurea is the golden Irish yew.
2007-05-16 22:32:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think yer talkin about a "Persithia". More like a big bush, than a tree, right?
2007-05-16 22:27:03
answer #3
answered by chris j 7
Acacias or commonly known as wattle.
2007-05-18 05:50:55
answer #4
answered by i love my garden 5
too many to list here
2007-05-16 22:35:26
answer #5
answered by chicken 3