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2007-05-16 09:17:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Card Games

3 answers

saw a woman in half

2007-05-18 04:48:37 · answer #1 · answered by R. Gyle 7 · 1 0

Ya I know one. This is what you do
First take 7 cards face up and place them in a row
Then repet that two more times so that you have three rows with 7 cards in each.
Ask someone to pick a card and remember it ( make sure that they don't pick it up or tell you)
Ask them to tell you what row it is in
Pick up those cards and put the rest on the bottom in order
then take the top cards and put them side by side to start making the three rows
look at the first row and the first three cards there is maby one of the cards they chose the second row look at the two first cards and they to mite be one the same with the theird row the first two cards allso might be
now ask them what row is they card in
and pick that row up and put the the others on the bottom and put them side by side and the first card of each row might be their card ask them again what row it is in and now you know what his or her card is
now here comes the tricky part pick up the cards that has their card in it make sure that you flip the cards so that the first card you lay down is there card
now take one card and lay it down and put another card next to it and put two more cards on top of the two you just layed down than keep on doing that and you should have one card left ask then if that is not their card
then lay that one to the side ask them to pick three stack and if they pick the one that you know is there card romove the other set of cards that they did not pick onless it was not the set that has there card in it remove them now if you have three stacks left ask tham to pick two stacks and remove them if they dont have their card in that you know has their card in it then remove them if it does than remove the other if you had two stacks left than ask than two pick one of the stacks and if they pick the one with their card in it remove the other one if they didnt pick the one with their card in it then remove that set when you are left with just one stack then ask them to pick two cards if they pick their card remove the other if not than go ahead and remove them now finoly ask them to pick one of the cards and remove it if it is not their card and show them their card and say is this your card they should say yes

2007-05-16 17:30:59 · answer #2 · answered by Mom of 2 great boys 7 · 0 1

No. But you can see a lot of them from youtube.com.

2007-05-16 16:44:02 · answer #3 · answered by ets2521 5 · 0 1

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