the democrats have one shot and thats the iraq conflict. the polls are crap. the silent majority support george bush and his efforts in this conflict. if our next president is democrat, i'm moving out. they think that diplomacy will stop terrorists from killing us. what would clinton or gore would have done when 9/11 went down, plant a tree?
2007-05-15 16:49:54
answer #1
answered by donald l 2
I won't degrade the finished physique of yankee Democrats by potential of asserting there are none who're smart. it is as sweeping a generalization as yours. I do, easily, be attentive to a pair of very smart democrats and we debate normally. I thoroughly take excitement in the approach. I concern no debate, yet have not have been given any time for a screaming journey. Being louder and greater incessant to drown out counterpoints does not make you suited and it rather does not make you smart. It purely makes you tense!
2016-12-11 10:47:49
answer #2
answered by borucki 4
You've got to be joking! All that's important to most of them is the abortion issue! All they do is to hail Rev. Moon's inspiration to them as a promisary note to wealth and power. Don't forget tha it was Rev. Moon who had inspired Falwell to his hate for gays and for abortion. Rev. Moon had been a sexual pevert and wanted to make sure he has an army of sons and daughters to carry on his religious empirical control of followers to help him build his Empire.
More illigitimate babies will drive up spending and poverty. It's ironical that these radical faith spinners are not interested in condemning sexual abuses and protecting women from being preys to illigitimate births.
The funniest thing is that the Repugs are NOW only talking about the need of Christians to be concerned about the nation's or the world's poor which has been the Democrats' and Liberal's' very important issue all through history.
2007-05-15 16:53:34
answer #3
answered by United_Peace 5
Republicans are going to struggle to win. I'm a "Regan Conservative" Republican and I can see how so many of the GOP base is upset with the inconsistent stand on issues...especially social issues. If we don't have a candidate who will stand tall and show himself/herself to be honest & bold, there may be a weak turnout of the Republican base at the polls.
Condi could probably do it! A ticket with Condi and Gingrich would sure be sweet!
2007-05-15 16:51:42
answer #4
answered by bwlobo 7
You're so cute... You think that Democrats watched the Republican debates!
Isn't that sweet?
2007-05-15 17:31:47
answer #5
answered by Depoetic 6
Haven't you heard? Most of the country is fed up with Republicans and war and political corruption and the trend is to elect democrats. They won't even have to rig the election results. They won in 06 and they will will in 08. Rah, rah, rah.
2007-05-15 16:48:45
answer #6
answered by lcmcpa 7
I drew a split ticket last time. But I don't really see how Bush has helped the American people. We are in war. Gas prices are through the roof. Elderly has to decide weather to have food or medicine. Maybe a democrat needs to be in the office. They seem to be the ones that get the job done. Speaking of Jobs......well I wont go there.
2007-05-15 16:44:01
answer #7
answered by bunnicula 4
They've a chance. But I will be laughing SO hard if ANY Republican takes the Presidency AGAIN! That really would be a day of celebration, wouldn't it!
2007-05-15 16:42:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the only thing I fear is that some Republicans might actually make it thru the rooftop barrier at my office building and jump after the elections. They spent a month cleaning the sidewalks in 2006.
2007-05-15 16:42:15
answer #9
answered by Gemini 5
I heard Hillary has been out shopping for new pant suits lately. Maybe that will swing some voters her way?
2007-05-15 16:42:51
answer #10
answered by gayconservativ 3