Today I was having trouble getting into my apartment for the fifth time because the office kept forgetting to activate my key card. As a result, I started to get frustrated and begin yanking on the door handle really hard. I hate what's happening to me now. The more sickly I get in the head, the worse my aggression gets. There doesn't seem to be any solution. The door didn't break but it could have if the janitor didn't walk by to open it for me. I can't apologize to the people in the building because that would just confuse them (because the door didn't break) and would solve nothing. Should I punish myself with death for my blatant act of desrespect for the other people who use the door? I think I'm a worthless hunk of seething **** who deserves death. I'm being serious. I'm so upset I can barely write this.
22 answers
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Society & Culture
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Damnit I can't even ****ing spell!
11:48:12 ·
update #1
This probably sounds like a joke. It's not. I've been worthless for as long as I can remember and now I'm on the last thread.
11:49:15 ·
update #2
Rule number one: No one deserves to die.
Secondly, just the fact that you realize that your anger was uncalled for makes you better than a lot of people. I know plenty of people who honestly believe they can justify any destructive act they feel like because "I was angry!" and that makes them non-responsible. If it bothers you, take an anger management class. It'll take time, but you'll be able to control yourself.
Thirdly, those doorknobs are made to withstand a pry bar, you probably couldn't have broke it if you tried. So your forgiven.
2007-05-15 11:56:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, here I am again, trying to figure out what to say to you that will help you. I really do like you Zeek, but I can't decide what makes me interested in your situation, that you believe that you are hopeless but you aren't, or that you keep saying you are going to commit suicide and you don't. Have you tried to be checked by a doctor to see if you have a mental illness or extreme depression? If not, you should probably do that. I also think that you should take a break and have a vacation. You are getting worked up over tiny little things that you can't fix. You don't want to hurt anyone and you want so badly for everything to work out, and because you are so obsessed with everything working out, it seems like nothing works, because either your expectations are set to high or you see only the negative of every situation. Zeek, or whatever your name is, as I said in my last answer, take a step back from yourself and from this world, stop watching the news, stop watching TV, if you have to, take a break from work and school and just go somewhere. Figure out what it really is that is causing you to be so angry. Don't let your hostile feelings get the best of you. Go talk to someone who you trust, whether it be a doctor, a pastor or even your dad if you have one. Take some deep breaths, don't let every little thing kill you. You have a life ahead of you, there is a purpose for you being here, try to figure out what it is. Pray, meditate. Just relax. Read a book (not a negative or depressing one!!!). Okay? I hope that is good sound advice, but if you won't listen to me, then please talk to someone and get these feelings out, because you don't want to be overwhelmed and go off like a bomb. God bless and please take a hyattis from reality.
2007-05-15 11:59:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's okay to take out your aggression on inanimate objects. I throw my phone all the time. Don't hate yourself. You are lucky to live in a place where you have key-cards instead of regular keys (totally serious). There are probably a great many things in your life to be grateful for, but sometimes the bad things so overwhelm us that we have to concentrate to see the good. I have trouble with this, too. But I'm still here, squinting. Death is an easy way out, but it's a coward's way out. I'd rather be brave and living.
2007-05-15 11:53:01
answer #3
answered by Who's sarcastic? 6
First of all, you are not worthless or deserving of death. Believe me, I know. I just got my husband out of a psch ward yesterday. He didn't have the anger as much but the feelings of worthlessness and the desire to end his life was becoming overwhelming for him. I beg you to get help. Your local health dept, If you have no insurance, can get you on your way. You will feel better, I promise. He does. Good Luck and God Bless You.
2007-05-15 12:44:48
answer #4
answered by jdnsmama13 4
Theres nothing to be upset about, its completely fine what you did. Hell, I went to a party about a month ago, and the door was locked, so i kicked it in. it came right off the hinges, and I didnt apoligize to anyone, including the owner of the house. I almost smacked him just for confronting me about it. Just don't do anything wildly illegal and you'll be fine! good luck, and I hope you cheer up. Maybe you need some sort of drugs? I dont know, and I dont think anyone on here will, just dont beat yourself up about what happened!
2007-05-15 12:28:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have you considered seeing a therapist? What you have sounds like depression. It's frustrating, and the cycle of aggression feeds itself.
Often depression is manifested not so much by sadness as by continuous anger and feelings of inadequacy.
2007-05-15 11:50:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, you shouldn't kill yourself for that. It's not even that big a deal- anyone who saw it would just assume you were having a bad day and leave it at that. You really need to find a safe outlet for your emotions or eventually you will flip out and harm either yourself or others.
2007-05-15 11:52:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Seems to me your having a nervous breakdown...stress overload.....take a deep breath and tell your doctor your not depressed your just frustrated easily and need something to relax you . Hopefully the Doc will prescribe Zanax...It really helped me .
2007-05-15 11:53:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
were all humans, we all make mistakes. you shouldnt be getting mad at a door like that. Im not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you need help, go talk to a doctor or therapist. this is nothing to be mad about
2007-05-15 11:51:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Okay calm down. See.
That is a door that you yanked on and i am sreiously hoping that you are not serious. You didn't do anything that bad.
2007-05-15 11:50:23
answer #10
answered by vous avez blessé mon âme. 2