Ok, I will try to answer all your questions, and give as many suggestions as I can think of-so dont zone out if the post gets alittle long!!!LOL!!!
1) I dont know what your painting abilities are, so my suggestions here will have to be rather general. The quickest, easiest, and cheapest way would be to go to the library, copy pics of whatever strikes your fancy or fits the theme, cut them out and color, paint, embellish,, whatever to them till you like your design, put a layer of elmers glue on the pots and carefully put the designs on top--and as it dries you will need to press down on the designs and flatten them out so you dont get yucky paper bumps on it. After its dry, put a layer of the same glue on top, and this time you dont really need to watch it, it shouldnt curl or anything. This 2nd layer protects the paper cut outs from everything-like glass in a frame protecting a picture.
2)If you dont have alot of pics for a scrapbook, try to get things that will fit the theme you are using. Like-when we went to the museum on that field trip and saw whales--pics of whales and maybe the museums pamphlet and so on, to round out the lack of pics and give your scrapbook more *pop*. Also, you could get all of the students in that class to sign it, or write in it their favorite thing that you did that year--any teacher would cherish that!!!!
3 and 4 (and some of 2 as well!!!LOL)--
I used to be a teacher and I remember all of my students, and I have to say this is a very sweet thing you are doing for your teacher!!! I think the scrapbook is a very good idea, and the things I cherish the most from my students are the projects and pictures that they all signed, or wrote stories on, or just treated like a yearbook. Have other students help you with finding things to put in the scapbook if you can, and flesh it out with little momentos from the subjects you learned that year. Save a good picture of yourself to put on the last page so the teacher will always remember you, and that you were the one who organized this scapbook. Remember, this scapbook doesnt have to be huge, or even on the big side--its the memories inside that are big, not the size of the book.
Use your photos sparingly, and try to use them like the beginnig of a chapter in a book--like a pic from the field trip and then get others in the class to write what their favorite thing from the trip was. A picture or copy of a test on when you studied whatever, and then everyone write the best thing about that subject that they learned. This should flesh out the book, put lots of memories in it, and your teacher will cherish it forever!!!! I promise!!! If you dont have alot of pics and the other students wont help, just make it a 2-4 page thing, and write your favorite things about what you learned, the really cool things about that teacher, and what made that teacher a favorite for you. Thats all you really need!!!!
2007-05-16 02:13:47
answer #1
answered by tonna11 2
1. Well I´ll but "You´ll" in the first "Be" in the second and "Missed" in the third.
2. I don´t know if your school has photos in Internet or you can ask for someone who has take some in the year. Or if you don´t, start taking some pictures of the places you like in which you remember her, or places or people that have a meaning to you or her and there you´ll have somethong special.
3. Well, you could do some sort of essay or letter to her in which you say how important it was to you to have had her as a teacher and that in all your life you´ll always remember ...., but the most important is that it has to be handwritten, nobody does it now a day, so it will be special and you could put it in the scrapbook in the front page. Also try to find out what does she like and incorporate it to the scrap book, something like butterflies or trees or something like that.
4. Well same as the other, ask if someone does and if not, start taking some of places and people important and write a lot in the scrapbook, special things that you remember from the year.
2007-05-22 13:52:23
answer #2
answered by monica d 1
1. Are the flower pots for teachers also? "the earth laughs in flowers" "bloom" "grow" "bloom where your planted" "God made colors, and flowers to wear them."
2. As for the mini scrapbook, add appropriate stickers to go with the pictures, or just write in something about the picture, or do both. There are zillions of stickers and sticker words that you can find at craft stores.
3. A scrapbook is a thoughtful idea. Maybe a shadow box, or a framed poem that has to do with learning, or the subject the teacher taught you. You could write your own.
4. Again, stickers, journal, something to show them how they have helped you, or made your time a school pleasant or happy.
hope this helps
2007-05-15 18:09:52
answer #3
answered by dickie 2
Hi there...
1. you can write on the pots, like life, laughter etc, get some word stencills at the craft stores, white wash the pots and use black, silver and gold for the words
2.and 3 and 4 Make a small size album, or buy an album kit where you build the actual album, it does not need lots of pictures, but you can put poems, memories and a special message for your teacher. You can also take pictures of flowers, and the school itself to compliment. You can also leave blank pages and provide extra materials for her to finish
Good Luck
2007-05-17 01:02:17
answer #4
answered by bfainsod 1
You've asked four questions, which is kind of like cheating. However, I'll answer #3. Your teacher could not possibly remember one student out of l,250 (5 classes a day x 25 students x 10 years teaching). However, if you pledge to dedicate 5 hours a week to volunteer in the classroom for the coming year, or give your teacher a home made coupon book with tasks you will donate on request, you might beat the odds.
2007-05-15 18:21:01
answer #5
answered by Yarnlady_needsyarn 7
For your album, an excellent thing to do would be to include your classmates (possibly other teachers too). The creation of the album will still be from you and she'll know you thought to make it, but it adds something amazing to it when everyone is able to be involved too. She will treasure it forever.
Ask each of your classmates to give you a picture of themselves and to write a small note to the teacher too. You can give them suggestions as to what to write...a funny moment they remember from this past year - a favorite thing to do each day - something they will remember that the teacher taught them...Those things will certainly enhance your gift album.
If you need help, contact your local Creative Memories Consultant. They will help you with every step of your album to make sure it's just how you want it. You can locate one closest to you by typing in your zip code on the CM home page. (creativememories.com) Good luck!
2007-05-16 09:06:45
answer #6
answered by kelsie8 1
I'm at a loss because I'm more "Hobby" than "Crafty", but I must applaud your thoughts. On the Pots.. paint something simple and just add your name and year.
I taught junior-high school for 4 years and enjoyed it greatly... and to the answerer who said teachers won't remember:
I went back to my high-school 10 years later, and I had FIVE of the teachers passing me say "Robert S ??? OMG you've grown up !!"
If a teacher has you for a period for a year... unless you're a wall-flower, they'll remember. Thnx Mrs Dodsworth, Mrs Fernandez, Mr Duncan, Dr. Smith and Herr Kirshner
2007-05-15 20:20:32
answer #7
answered by mariner31 7
1. How about Dream, Inspire, & Create
2. Maybe do a paperbag album with just a few pages
Here is a link that will show you how to make one :)
(if it doesn't work just go to about.com and type in paperbag album)
3 & 4. When your mini album is open and you have 2 pages side by side I would use them to put a picture of yourself on one side and journal on the other side about things this teacher has taught you, how she has inspired you, your goals in life etc.
You could also do another two pages about the teacher, her pic on one side and journaling on the other :)
The Scrapbook Store
2007-05-15 22:58:43
answer #8
answered by www.thescrapbookstore.net 2
Let's be friends as you are hilariously honest! I love your personality! I wanted to answer the 1st question with a personal suggestion: Why not put down the words that inspire you about the person that you are giving that flower pot to? Or if it's for you, then write down the words on the pots that INSPIRE YOU! That way you'd be reminded daily and to keep going! I hope we become friends on Yahoo! I'll answer your 2nd to 4th questions later this week, I need to respond to my work emails then get back to you but do write me! Marvie at OpiesOrganicGourmetSCL@comcast.net or IM me at MarvieOpieMKBooks!
2007-05-16 12:07:20
answer #9
answered by marvieopiemkbooks 1
If you don't have to many photos you could draw pictures to fill in the pages. Do you like poems, or short stories? If so why not add them too.
2007-05-15 18:15:13
answer #10
answered by Ali P 1