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Starting new job tommorrow and sick. Need something to work fast on me.

2007-05-15 09:38:43 · 5 answers · asked by Sondra 3 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

5 answers

Hot Toddies. Equal parts of honey, lemon, and whiskey. It'll cure any cold. Mix it up...warm it a little. I've tried it several times in the past and it has always seemed to help. Have maybe a half a cup of the mixture every few hours. Unless of course it's for someone underage. Then I'd say go to the drug store and get something more age appropriate. =)

2007-05-15 09:47:56 · answer #1 · answered by metalchick 3 · 1 0

ok this is to weird my name in reality is sondra and i got sent home from work because i have a soar throat nice to meet another sondra exspecially when it's spelled like mine,as 4 your question i been gargaling with salt water and halls breezers get plenty of rest try nyquil hope it helps

2007-05-15 16:49:51 · answer #2 · answered by hfroggie2005 5 · 1 0

Nothing is going to fix it tomorrow, but drink lots of clear liquids, and take zinc and Vitamin C, and gargle with hot lightly salted water. I also like Zicam nose swabs, and it seems to help. You also need to get lots of sleep.

2007-05-15 17:11:02 · answer #3 · answered by Kaia 7 · 1 0

ecstasy! you'll have no clue that your sick even have new job for that matter. just dont take the blue ones.

2007-05-15 16:43:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

idk dont get colds,but your baby is beautiful,lucky

2007-05-15 16:43:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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