I think that in today's society marriage has no value so why would vows be taken seriously?? Look at all that has happened since even our parents were dating. If you were having pre-marital sex it was wrong and now if you are not having pre-marital sex YOU are the one that wrong or weird. Look at the married men and women on some of these internet dating sites. It sickens me to think that everything is just for the sex. I remember my dad tellin me when a g/f of mine was living with her boyfriend, he said "why buy a cow when the milk is free??"" Stop and think about it it makes sense. No, vows are definitely NOT taken seriously!
2007-05-15 09:35:30
answer #1
answered by soonerlover13 2
No, I don't think couples are taking there marrage vows or there marriage seriuosly, with somewhere around 52% of marriages ending in divorce. I think that anymore people just go into a marriage thinking "hey, if this dosn't work out there's always divorce" ~ I think that marriage is becoming more of a joke to most young couples out there
2007-05-15 09:33:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I can say for sure that I definitely do. That would be the very reason I haven't married yet. I have not been in a serious enough relationship to even consider marriage. If I ever did marry, I would expect it to last until one of us dies. I would work at it to make it so. Marriage isn't all happiness. Every marriage goes through rough patches. You have to work at it to make it last.
2007-05-15 09:32:08
answer #3
answered by Erin 7
I can't speak for other people. My husband and I take our vows very seriously. If not, why get married.
2007-05-15 09:35:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No they don't. the vows are there for a reason. If you can't honor them, then you have no business being joined in matrimony. Marriage is definitely not a trivial thing.
2007-05-15 09:32:03
answer #5
answered by hipkid65 1
I guess that depends on the individual people, but I don't think they do for the most part. And I think that it's partly due to the ease with which people can get divorced these days. Now, if you get tired of someone you can just sign some papers and walk away. Instead of "til death do us part" it is more like "til I get tired of you and want to move on" That is sad!!
2007-05-15 09:33:14
answer #6
answered by Tallulah 4
I do. I've been married for six years and I haven't broken any of my vows to the man I love.
The only time that I believe that divorce it right is if your partner cheats consistently (and won't go to counseling to try and stop) or it your partner abuses you.
2007-05-15 09:32:19
answer #7
answered by Violation Notice 6
Sadly no. I heard on the news the other day that the divorce rate was down - only because fewer people are getting married, most are living together. Sad world we live in.
2007-05-15 09:31:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
not everyone but i do he he.bad joke i know but couldn't resist. no seriously my husband and i take our vows seriously if we didn't what would be the point in getting married.
2007-05-15 09:32:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My husband and I do. We just passed our first anniversary this weekend! But I do think there are a lot of people that just get married because they know in the back of there mind if they think oh well.. I can get divorced. It's kind of sad that way. We're in it for the long haul!
2007-05-15 09:30:18
answer #10
answered by Miss T 4