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18 answers

Learning to juggle coconuts so I can run away and join the circus.

2007-05-15 09:47:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well Pearl, I am waiting anxiously to see how much my deposit will be for my new apt. in downtown San Francisco. I know my credit is fine but right now I am freaking out a little, due to being anxious and waiting to move back home which is San Francisco. I also keep browsing online for furniture.

2007-05-15 16:17:23 · answer #2 · answered by LLOYD S 2 · 0 0

Theme from The Monkees

By Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart

Here we come, walkin'
Down the street.
We get the funniest looks from
Ev'ry one we meet.
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.

We go wherever we want to,
do what we like to do
We don't have time to get restless,
There's always something new.
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.

We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us sing and play,
We're the young gneration,
And we've got something to say.

Any time, Or anywhere,
Just look over your shoulder
Guess who'll be standing there

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.


Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.

We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us sing and play,
We're the young gneration,
And we've got something to say.

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
[repeat and fade]

extra verse:

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees,
You never know where we'll be found.
so you'd better get ready,
We may be comin' to your town.


Click Here to Buy Monkees CD's, Books, Videos and T-Shirts!
All contents copyright © 1994-2007 by Monkees.Net. All Rights Reserved.

2007-05-15 16:41:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Well I gave my monkey a loaded gun and the little sh*t shop up the house. I was mad and that's the last time I'm gonna let him play with his gun!

2007-05-15 16:16:48 · answer #4 · answered by Parercut Faint 7 · 0 0

We're just hanging out here with a nanner in one hand and a piece of fruit in the other.

2007-05-15 16:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by Casinomule 3 · 0 0

Watching Hondo and answering + making a cup of tea.

2007-05-15 16:52:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh you know.. the typical... checking for fleas.. grooming.. cratching rears... waiting for the day to pass. Kinda hoping there was something to swing from but I haven't had enough caffiene.. =0)

2007-05-15 16:15:29 · answer #7 · answered by Miss T 4 · 2 0

eating some Flavor-Ice. Chillin Chillin mindin my business

2007-05-15 16:16:07 · answer #8 · answered by stephanie k 2 · 0 0


2007-05-15 16:16:38 · answer #9 · answered by KC Slim 5 · 0 0

Hanging around, swinging from branch to branch and eating a few bananas...Thanks for asking!

2007-05-15 16:15:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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