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I know many in my circle that likewise would vote for Rudy...most of my friends are social liberals and fiscal conservatives...and Rudy fits that bill...if he can get the Republican nomination, I think he is a shoe in for president.

However, if Newt or Romney, or any other extremely conservative person runs, my circle will have to continue to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is....and I think then the Republican party will not be able to hold onto the Presidency

-Your thoughts?
-Do you think someone with forward thinking social views, as Rudy has can be nominated by the Republican party...considering the base is fundamentalist Christians? -Would the fundamentalists be willing to support Rudy over conservative like Newt, if it meant they could hold onto the Presidency?
-Or will the fundamentalists insist on a social conservative...even if it means they will lose the election?

2007-05-15 07:56:06 · 19 answers · asked by G.C. 5 in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

I too have never voted Republican and I have also only voted for a Democrat once. However I would consider voting for Giuliani. I do not think he will be the republican candidate though. They are already starting to hammer him on abortion. If he gets through that and still has a sizable lead then maybe he can make it. We will see.

2007-05-15 08:00:25 · answer #1 · answered by mrlebowski99 6 · 0 2

I think you're a sucker, i'll bet any amount that as soon as he gets elected he'll (guillani) change his tune to be more in line with the rest of the republican party

"Would the fundamentalists be willing to support Rudy over conservative like Newt, if it meant they could hold onto the Presidency" no, but it probably wouldn't matter if quillani could get support from moderates and possibly some democrats

2007-05-15 08:00:04 · answer #2 · answered by Nick F 6 · 2 0

I, like you, am a social liberal and fiscal conservative, but I don't think Rudy would make a great president. He would, however, be a massive improvement over the current disaster the GOP has occupying the White House at present. I think the GOP is really in a tight place right now. They've had total control of the country the last several years, and the vast majority of Americans think they've put America on the wrong track. The primaries demand a social conservative, but the nation wants change, so such a candidate has no chance in the general election.

2007-05-15 08:04:19 · answer #3 · answered by truth be told 3 · 2 1

I think any Republican is going to have a tough time ever gaining the White House for a long time. Over the past 25 years, the worst scandals and most corruption has occured during Republican administrations; Nixon, Reagan and the wingnut in office today. The Republican dominated Congress did nothing for 7 years that was in the public interest or any business for we, the people. They voted tax cuts for the wealthy, gave themselves raises, ignored Social Security, healthcare, the sad state of our public schools and so much else. In addition, they kissed Bushies behind and gave him a blank check to do what he wanted to do without regard to the laws of our land.

They abandoned the victims of Katrina, threw us into a devastating war, refuse to help end it now. They are all a bunch of self-serving politicos. I think the next round of local elections are going to spell the end to more Republican careers.

I am an Independent voter with Democratic leanings. I am conservative in some things; I support the right to own a weapon (but don't see any need for AK-47's), am all for restructuring the Welfare program and get the deadbeats to work. I am relatively conservative fiscally - but not radical about it. There are some programs and other things that are necessary.

I support Hillary Clinton and believe she will get the nomination. I am a fan of Bill Clinton (and don't give a damn about his love life - none of my business) and his administration and have always admired Senator Clinton. She is a brilliant woman with plenty of political and activist experience and is more than capable of doing the job. I also believe that if she attains the Presidency, Mr. Clinton will be a wonderful addition to the political scene. Those two have always worked well together and bounce off each other.

While I also like Senator Obama, I don't feel comfortable with his lack of experience. He is sharp as a tack, has some good things to say but I think he needs a few more years under his belt. I'd like to see a Clinton/Obama ticket... Obama would gain enough experience as VP to run for the top office in four or eight years.

I wouldn't vote for any of the Republicans...Newt is a joke, Romney's Mormon faith is way too rigidly structured for my taste. It's not that I am anti-Mormon at all - ones religion is his/her own business and none of mine. However, their religion guides EVERY MOMENT OF THEIR DAY. They are required to strictly adhere to the laws of the church or risk excommunication. I don't think Mr. Romney could overcome that. He is a very high elder of the church and I can't see him giving it all up. I always liked McCain but he seems to have gone off the deep end somewhere lately. As for Rudy? If Clinton doesn't get the nomination, I will probably vote for him. Living in New Jersey, we have followed Rudy for years. He is tough as nails, is a moderate and most importantly, he is a straight shooter. I am a little troubled by him lately, however. He seems to be trying to be all things to all people. Just what he says about abortion is a wonder. He has been a staunch supporter of a womans right to choose but lately he's been waffeling. That's not like him.

I am hoping he drops the "flip-flop" things and starts telling it like it is - and like he sees it.

I worry that some of the knuckleheads and religious wackos will cast a bad eye on his "love life" and his multiple marriages because that's what the wackos do...as if it was any of their business...as if it had anything to do with leading a country or a state. But, you know how those people are.

I am not really concerned at this point about any of them. It is way, way to early to have so much election coverage and to make any decisions. The field of candidates on both sides will be narrowed down over the next several months and then we can see what the REAL candidates are made of.

2007-05-15 08:23:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your circle--whoever they are--will be sadly disappointed on election day if Rudy gets the nomination. Everyone seems to forget about his dismal political record prior to 9-11. His rap sheet is stunning. Add to that a personal life that's overwhelmed with turmoil and you've got a great recipe for a loser. The worst of the Dems would likely be a better choice than Rudy. And I'm Italian.

2007-05-15 08:06:39 · answer #5 · answered by Hemingway 4 · 1 0

I think it will be tough for him to get nominated, due to the fact that abortion is SUCH a huge issue for many Republicans I know...

but anything is possible, I think many want to signal a strong change from Bush, which Rudy would do...

now, my personal question is... IF, and this is a big if, the dems went with a John Edwards... how would people in the south respond?

I mean, on many of the issues many in the south seem to vote on, they are very similar... so it could come down to issues like character (which Rudy has many ex-wives) and likability (and Edwards is from the south, and like it or not, that matters to many)

I think the Republicans have to have the south to win, as Bush has barely won with the south... what if Rudy can't carry it, maybe he can make it up elsewhere? it could be very interesting...

2007-05-15 08:23:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Rudy. Interesting guy.

As a hardcore liberal, I don't like him. I find it interesting how he is liberal on many issues, like pro-choice (For the record, I am totally against abortion of any kind, despite my party.) and gay rights. (good for him)

He has one thing going for him, and that was his actions on 9-11. When Bush was hiding in the White House, Giuliani was inspiring people and giving speeches. In the moment of truth, Rudy was there. His actions gave him the award Time Person of the Year in 2001.

However, that's his only card he has to play.

Frankly, he was a pretty sucky mayor. Yes, crime rate went down, but there were several messy instances where African Americans where discriminated under his command. Also, he went through a couple messy, public relationships. He announced on TV to his wife that he wanted a divorce. He has appeared in public wearing women's clothing, numerous times as well.

2007-05-15 08:19:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The guy doesn't have what it takes to run the country. He was like a headless chicken on 9/11 because his office had been destroyed. Ever since people have seen that W can be elected twice, all sorts of idiots are rising up. Rudy is one of these people, and so is Obama, in my opinion. All I've heard is a similar sounding BS reminiscent of W's campaign.

2007-05-15 08:07:39 · answer #8 · answered by B 2 · 1 0

He's not a shoo in. I won't vote for him because he is an authoritarian fear monger with dubious morals. He tried to suspend the NYC mayoral elections after 9/11 -- he asserted he was the only one who could handle the job. He recommended Bernie Kerik for Head of Homeland, Kerik was found to be corrupt. He put his crisis center in Building 7 of WTC, knowing full well WTC was a terrorist target.

My thoughts are you need to take a closer look at Rudy.

2007-05-15 08:09:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Isn't Rudy in a little trouble right now. He makes millions speaking, why would he want to run for president?

I don't care who you run, the Republicans won't see the inside of the white house for many years!

I voted for Kerry rather than the draft-dodging deserter who is an alcoholic in the white house. How any one could have voted for bush in 2004 is beyond me. We know their IQ's were lower. That is a study already done!

2007-05-15 08:01:56 · answer #10 · answered by cantcu 7 · 3 1

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