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Also, most annoying? Character who should never have been part of the original series? (I say the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi.) Original character you wish had never been included in the new series? (C3PO for me; I like R2D2, though.)

2007-05-15 07:48:31 · 21 answers · asked by nacmanpriscasellers 4 in Entertainment & Music Movies

21 answers

Yoda is my absolute favorite. So cute, so wise... I don't like Count Duku. He gives me the creeps.

2007-05-15 07:51:36 · answer #1 · answered by true blue 6 · 1 0

Best = Tie between Qui Gon Jin and Mace Windu

Worst = Greedo

Most Annoying = Jar Jar Binks, as a matter of fact all of the Gunguns were just irratating.

Character that shouldn't have been in the original: Not sure, maybe the Sandpeople? I feel for the most part that everyone that was there was needed to properly tell the story.

Character from the oringinal that shouldn't have been in the new episodes: Chewbacca, what was the point in him being there? Everything I'd read said that Han Solo saved him from imprisonment, and therefore Chewie owed a life debt to Han.

2007-05-15 08:46:14 · answer #2 · answered by Therious 3 · 1 0

Best of original: Han, Chewie, R2D2, Grand Moff Tarkin, Vader before he became a SNAS...(Sensitive New Age Sith), The Emperor "So be it....Jedi...."

Worst of original: Jawas, Sand People, The Bith (Cantina band)

Best of new: R2D2, Darth Maul, Palpatine, Count Dooku, Mace Windu

Worst of new: Anakin, Anakin, and a bit more of Anakin (until that lightsaber duel with Obi Wan in III). Gungans. ...Absolute worst of new is just generally GEORGE LUCAS!!!

Most annoying: Anakin, the Gungans, the Bith...Anakin again... ;)

Character who should never have been part of the original series: The Bith and most of the Cantina background creatures.

Original character you wish had never been included in the new series: C3P0, only because of that "Made on Tatoonie by Anakin" stuff...what was THAT all about George?!?!

...ah, I feel better now.... ;)

2007-05-15 09:30:23 · answer #3 · answered by PeteTheYowie 3 · 0 0

Best, I'm gonna have to go with Mara Jade. Yes, she was in the movies, yes she was a main character. She's the Emporer's personal assassin. Force-fed the force until she learned jedi abilities so that she could kill luke skywalker. They eventually marry (in the books).

Worst character? I know I'm gonna get a bunch of thumbs down for this, but I've gotta say luke. He was soooooo WHINEY!!! It wasn't until closer to the end of return of the jedi that he started growing a set and acting like a real jedi.

Character that should never have been included in the original? That's a tough one.........lemme get back to you on that one

Original character that shouldn't have been brought in, I have to agree with your evaluation of C3P0.

Most annoying? That's a toss up between Luke and Jar Jar Binks.

2007-05-15 08:34:47 · answer #4 · answered by lupinesidhe 7 · 0 0

Best: Han Solo
Worst: Captain Panaka
Most Annoying: Entire human cast from the Ewok TV movies.

2007-05-15 09:09:30 · answer #5 · answered by Charlie Necro 3 · 1 1

Best character in original film was Han Solo.

Ewoks are a safe choice for most annoying in the original trilogy, though they pale in comparison to a dozen or more in the "prequels" (two-headed announcer guy, Jar Jar, Boss-whoever-Gungan-dude, gungans in general, little orphan Annie Skywalker, cartoonish pod racers, etc, etc.)

All of the prequels sucked and I wish they were never made considering the job Lucas did on them.

I didn't mind that Artoo was in the prequels (or 3PO for that matter), but Lucas just wrote moronic lines for them with the intent of being humorous (ala 3PO in Episode II) and Artoo's rocket booster things were just plain stupid, especially since they aparently no longer work in later episodes.

Lucas destroyed what could have been an incredible legacy for him.

2007-05-15 07:59:19 · answer #6 · answered by Chris B 3 · 0 0

Best character - Han
Worst - Lando Calrissian
Underrated - The TanTan's from Empire and The Jawa's
Character who should have been in new series - Bobafett
Annoying - Ewoks / C3PO

2007-05-15 07:54:31 · answer #7 · answered by fonzarelli_1999 5 · 0 1

Best, original trilogy: Han Solo
Best, prequel trilogy: Obi-Wan

Worst, original trilogy: Salacious Crumb
Worst, prequel trilogy: Jar Jar Binks

Most annoying, original trilogy: C3PO
Most annoying, prequel trilogy: C3PO and Jar Jar (tied)

Honorable mention - Character most deserving of better treatment than they got in the films: Darth Maul

2007-05-15 07:58:19 · answer #8 · answered by Navigator 7 · 0 0

I am Chewbacca! I am a Wookiee!!

I thought one of the worst characters was that Rebel Fleet Commander, the squid guy that looks like Shelden Williams, says like 2 things "It's a trap!" and "The shield is down!"

I really wish the new series just never was made...Most Humiliating moment: Vader's "NOOOOOOOOO" towards the end of episode 3

2007-05-15 07:52:17 · answer #9 · answered by Southpaw 7 · 1 0

Han Solo was my favorite character, C3PO was the most annoying, but there was lots of bad ones, but we needed them all to make the stories work, don't cha think?

2007-05-15 07:52:08 · answer #10 · answered by BoosGrammy 7 · 0 0

Best: Princess Leia
Worst: Jar Jar
Most Annoying: Jar Jar again
Character who shouldn't have been (original): Salacious Crumb
Character who shouldn't have been (new): Jabba, since he wasn't really needed at all, too small of a role.

2007-05-15 13:15:01 · answer #11 · answered by Mommy2myangelMark 4 · 0 0

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