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I mean , on one hand , they are definitely giving you very strong hints that they like you (very much) and then on the other (like every other day) they try to convince you that you are not their type and they are not really interested and just want to "be friends", yet they then throw out more and more clues that Yes! they DO like you?

Why do they do this?

2007-05-14 16:19:40 · 21 answers · asked by ? 1 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys






2007-05-14 16:21:14 · update #1


2007-05-14 16:21:50 · update #2

21 answers

We get afraid of rejection, just like men do.

2007-05-14 16:22:18 · answer #1 · answered by Kiss My Shaz 7 · 2 1

We just don't understand. They are very complex beasties but also very beautiful. more than anything they are exasperating and if you think they want us to understand them, you are very much mistaken.

If we understood them, that might enable us to try to make them happy....and we just can't have that now, can we? That would give us a perceived advantage.

The ones to trust aren't very mysterious, have got a sense of humour, eat HEALTHILY rather than starving themselves and pass solids at least once a day. When they are annoyed and you ask them what wrong, they don't say "Nothing" and bang around iritating you till you ask again and then reply "Well if you don't know, that just explains everything!"

We are too nice at that stage. We should calmly remove them from the premises and lock them out until they behave like a grown up. Yes, when it's snowing or raining.

It'll be a lot easier when the human race realises it's not a battle of the sexes, it's a struggle to find happiness.


See John P's answer reference the Butt issue. I couldn't have put it better and would hereby like to state on behalf of all of mankind that all women have fantastic butts.

2007-05-14 16:49:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because... no... no don't make me say it... no!

they are not actual women only clones no robots no aliens no George Bush clones no I decided they cant be clones so they must be robots no aliens no they must be a combo like alien robots yeah thats it and then they were sent here by the CIA which is in contact with aliens and they are trying to um up your IQ and then use it against you to destroy your life and you get depressed and they suck your brain out andf then you --

Not... again... I... always... do... that...

2007-05-14 16:25:53 · answer #3 · answered by Mysterious Bob 4 · 1 0

women are a strange and different species my friend. They like attention, it makes them feel better. But some of them might go the wrong way about getting that attention. Best thing to do is ignore the one you are referring to, and chill back. If she is interested, she will eventually come to you. Play it cool man, don't fall for all the teasing and mixed messages.

2007-05-14 16:26:35 · answer #4 · answered by marccat80 4 · 0 1

We do purely not understand. they're very complicated beasties yet additionally very appealing. extra beneficial than something they're exasperating and in case you think of they choose us to understand them, you're very lots unsuitable. If we understood them, that ought to enable us to purpose to lead them to happy....and we purely can not have that now, can we? that would supply us a perceived benefit. those to believe are not very mysterious, have have been given a feeling of humour, eat HEALTHILY quite than starving themselves and pass solids a minimum of as quickly as an afternoon. whilst they're aggravated and you ask them what incorrect, they don't say "not something" and bang around iritating you till at last you ask returned and then respond "properly in case you do not understand, that purely explains each and every thing!" we are too advantageous at that time. we would desire to continuously flippantly eliminate them from the premises and lock them out till they behave like a grown up. sure, whilst it is snowing or raining. it is going to likely be lots extra handy whilst the human race realises it is not a conflict of the sexes, it fairly is a warfare to locate happiness. PLUS See John P's answer reference the Butt difficulty. i could not have positioned it extra suitable and would hereby choose to state on behalf of all of mankind that all and sundry women have wonderful butts.

2016-11-03 23:08:45 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

most that do that are confused them self or young and just don't know what thy wont and then there the ones that just like playing head games with you.( stay a way from that kind)
ether way all that shi* will stop when thy get older,( well some will).
When you find one that's not in to playing games with you KEEP her.!!! theirs vary few of them out there.

2007-05-14 16:36:34 · answer #6 · answered by ღ♥ஐcookie1ஐ♥ღ 6 · 1 0

I can tell that you are still very young. It may take you several years to figure them out, and when you think you can, they will change again.

2007-05-14 16:25:26 · answer #7 · answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7 · 0 0

Girls are afraid of rejection just like males are

2007-05-14 16:23:55 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

Its like a cat with a mouse .She knows your hooked. Try playing hard to get.

2007-05-14 16:31:28 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

females have a hard time making up their mind. sometimes i say yes but mean no, but only because i want to keep my options open incase i change my mind again.

2007-05-14 16:23:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unwrap her.

Merry Christmas.

2007-05-14 16:31:14 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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